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Master's Beloved

Master's Beloved



Aurora Lumley has a one sided love with Newton Maxwell which later lead to marriage. Not knowing her sister was also interested in him. Aurora was later betrayed by her sister and was accused of a crime she knows nothing about . In the end she was left alone to death. Five years later she came back with revenge and her sons,she tears her sister apart and deal with her husband. Her husband later asked her to remarry him. Let's find out how she deals with them and did she forgive him.

Chapter 1 She is pregnant

“We have been married for three years why are you treating me this way"Aurora asked Newton.

“You know why I'm treating you like this I don't love you but you force yourself on me please don't start this evening"Newton said and leave her alone in the room.

Aurora fall down and cried.

“What did I do to deserve this"She asked herself.

She is pregnant but she is not able to tell him thinking of how he is going to take it.

“I need to let him know whether he like it or not"She said crying.

The next morning,

She cooked,dished out the food while waiting for her husband.She is always cooking but he has never eat her food before.

She noticed he is already prepared to go to work ,she ran to his side and told him she is pregnant.

“What do you say?"He yelled.

“I'm pregnant "She repeat it.

“Abort the child"Newton said.

Aurora looked up in disbelief at the man who spoke these words so lightly,as if they were nothing.

She placed her hand on her still flat belly.

She gritted her teeth and face Newton cold gaze with stubbornness.

“No,I want to keep this child"She said.

“You want to keep then get ready to divorce me"He said with anger.

“I only want this child and nothing else .Newton I have been married to you for three years.I have been in pain since I got married to you,I'm tired of this torture can't you allow me to be happy for once"She said with tears.

“it is your fault"Newton said unmoved with her please and her tears.

Yes it was all her doing.If she hasn't been so stubborn and insisted on marrying him, relying on her father's favour ,she wouldn't have broken up with him with her sister Grace,but back there Grace had clearly told her that she had someone else in mind that she doesn't love Newton .

Otherwise,how could she have forced herself into this marriage.

While Aurora was in thought Newton called her and told her “Don't play tricks on me.Go to the hospital now".

“No"She Said.

“No,what do you just say? Do you think you have the right to say no to me now?"He asked.

“He doesn't have to remind about how my father company had fallen apart"She thought.

“What am I going to do"She thought.

Tears streamed down her face and her heart ached with every beat.

Newton caught sight of the of the tears on her face and a fleeting complex expression flickered in his eyes.

When he came back to his senses he suddenly get annoyed.

“Always deciding people with this your tears,that is enough you only have today to deal with this pregnancy by the time I get back home I will do it myself "He said and turned without looking at the back.

Aurora knew that he is going to do what he says he will do.

This marriage was something she had forced on herself,and she still had hope he would forget about her sister and love her.But that is not going to happen anytime soon .

But she couldn't lose her child,she need to leave far away .

She picked up her key and headed straight to the garage.

She is going to the airport , suddenly a red car rushed out of a corner.Aurora tried to hit the brake but it was too late.

With a loud bang,the two card collided violently.

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