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Ariana been an orphan she has been through hell with her step parent and sisters who enslaved her and she was the one who had to provide for the family. Until one fateful day her friend Chloe set her up to the manager and ended getting fired and that was not enough for Chloe but paid a random guy to sleep with her the whole night which costed her virginity. The following day as she woke up naked in a hotel room with no one inside with the sun risen she wore her clothes that were tarted and rushed to where she could call her home only to find her clothes in a small bag at the door way and now she had no where to go she called her best friend who replied with a simple message, " I didn't know that you are a whore." With this words lingering in her mind her best friend had betrayed her and know she no where to go. Join me on "A NIGHTSTAND WITH A BILLIONAIRE " as we find out what becomes of Ariana life


Two ladies as spotted as they ascended from a cab that was parked outside GRAND PRINCE hotel.

" Chloe, what are we doing here, This is a five star hotel and with the monthly salary we get we can never afford anything here. " The tall lady who wore heels beside her stated

" Ariana trust me you don't have to worry about the bill, come let go, it's your night. "Chloe stated

" Wait, Chloe... " Ariana whispered as she did not want the guest who ambled inside the hotel to hear her.

" Yes, why are you still glued there, silly, come don't keep us waiting." Chloe stated which made the guests who ambled in to throw a side disstainful glances on her and to mention this was her first time in such a luxurious hotel.

" I hope we are not selling ourselves to carter for the bills because I rather go deal with the three devil's back home as I break the news to them. " Ariana stated

" Don't you trust me, "Chloe inquired

" I do trust you, it's just.... " Ariana was cut short

" No more word from you and it's time for you to be happy, you deserve it. " Chloe stated as she pulled her hand inside and Ariana who has never been to such a place was mermerized by the chandelier and the beautiful paintings on the walls before Chloe pulled her to an escalator that took them to the basement with Ariana who had never used the escalator before her heart was racing as she looked at her best friend face to which was cool like she had visited here several times but she could not bring herself to ask her that question so she allowed her to lead the way.

As Chloe lead the way through the hallway that was quite before there was door that opened to a noisy enormous chamber with the air inside thick with anticipation, mingling with the scent of sweat and perfumes, as they navigated through the crowd toward the bar table to where they sat.

" What can I serve you tonight ladies?" The bar tender inquired

" The usual please and for her serve her cocktail that ain't strong."Chloe stated after they sat at the stools near the bar table.

" Here is your drink ladies, enjoy. "The bar tender stated as he handed pushed the glasses towards them.

" Thanks and any info tonight." Chloe inquired the bartender.

" Yes, in 30 minutes." The bartender stated

" Okay, thanks." Chloe stated

" Ariana, I will be back in a few minutes, you can order another cocktail if you finish that before I am back and please don't leave here, I will be back, okay, you might get lost." Chloe stated as she started to walk past the crowd before she vanished in the thin air amongst the crowd before Ariana could answer.

As Ariana sits alone at the bar, the amber glow of the liquor casting shadows across her troubled expression, a sense of desolation hangs heavy in the air. She takes a sip of her drink, the fiery liquid burning a path down her throat, momentarily numbing the pain of her recent hardships.

Suddenly, a tall muscled handsome complexion stands beside her as he impeccably dressed, his presence commanding attention. Ariana glances sideways, her curiosity piqued as she meets the gaze of the stranger in the suit.

The man offers a gentle smile, his eyes betraying a depth of understanding that catches Ariana's off guard.

" Rough night?" he asks, with a deep smooth voice filled with intrigue.

Ariana hesitates for a moment, unsure whether to confide in this stranger. But something about his demeanor puts her at ease.

"You could say that," Ariana replies softly, her voice tinged with vulnerability as Ariana drips down the cocktail on her glass.

" Can i seat beside this beautiful lady or does she have a catch tonight?" He asked in a seducing way which made Ariana shy off given it was her first time a man talked in a low soothing voice.

" Sure have seat. " Ariana who had just started to get bored stated as she offered a welcoming smile and she did not know that the cocktails that she had were starting to take over her judgement.

" So what brings a beautiful lady in such a place?" The gentleman inquired before the bartender interupted them.

" sir, what would you like to drink for tonight?" The bartender inquired

" Six glasses of tequila and pour some more of that to the lady she seems enjoying it and don't worry the bill will be on me." He stated in a deep voice.

" Oooh, how kind of you? " Ariana stated buffed as she was not expecting it.

" Just for the lady who deserves it and sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I Sebastian." Sebastian stated as he stretched his hand.

" I am Ariana," Ariana stated as she shaked his hand and her eyes caught up with his handsome face that she missed to see clearly before the bartender interupted her attention.

" Here is your drink sir and this is yours ma'am."

The bartender stated

" Thank you, " Ariana stated with a low voice as the two broke their contact.

" So Ariana are you here alone?" Sebastian inquired as he gazed her sip down her drink that almost made her chock.

" Well, no, I have my friend with me, she might be back here anytime." Ariana stated as she did not want to get herself caught in his eyes.

" Mmm, You are lucky because I wanted to kidnap you today. " Sebastian stated as she smiled as he caught attention.

" What the hell, was that a joke even, hahahahaha. " Ariana who halted her glass halfway to her mouth dumbstruck as she smiled was thinking the man was funny enough she caught a piece of cloth on her mouth which drastically drained all her strength and the next she remembers was Sebastian face that smiled at her before she lost her concounsiness before she could fall two men grab her suddenly before vanishing into the crowd. Sebastian poured down all the tequila that was on the bar table on his mouth one after the other before he left the bar table with the bartender ignoring what just happened and he countunied to serve.

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