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Rebirth of Love: Regaining a lost love

Rebirth of Love: Regaining a lost love



When Alex's marriage to Daniel falls apart after he divorces her because he's in love with Abigail Scott, she's left to pick up the pieces and start over but she soon finds out that she is actually a billionaire heiress. It also comes as a shock to her ex-husband when a hot CEO, Matthew Hamilton publicly asks Alex to marry him. Fate brings Alex and Daniel together despite the people that want to pull them apart. Alex has to navigate through defeating her greedy paternal aunt and dealing with a hitman that is after her life. Whereas, Daniel is stuck between his infatuation for Abigail and his love for Alex, coupled with the fact that a mysterious person is out to kill him. The icing on the cake is when Alex finds out that she's pregnant with Daniel's child after a night they spent together and Daniel finally agrees to marry Abigail. Follow Alex and Daniel on this journey and find out how they managed to brave the odds, fight the storms only to get to each other.

Chapter 1 Modern Day Cinderella

Alex kept staring at her husband, Daniel Miller in shock as she sobbed uncontrollably, her whole body shaking with emotion.

“How can you even say this to me? We've been married for two years now, Daniel. I'm your wife!” She stomped her foot on the ground, scattering her hair in the process.

“I was never in love with you. I only decided to marry you in order to fulfill my father's dying wish. The only person I will ever love is Abigail Scott and she's finally back. She came back for me,” he shamelessly said, stretching the divorce papers to her.

“I…I have nowhere else to go. You know that my mother died two years ago. I…”

“You clung to me shamelessly because you were poor and pitiful. The only reason you agreed to marry me that night was because I'm rich. I'm Daniel Miller, the CEO of Lumina Art. Who wouldn't beg to be in your shoes?” Daniel's voice was cold and calculated with a smirk on his face, but Alex stared at him in disbelief.

“Is she still here?” They both heard and Alex turned to see Abigail stride in, after all she was a famous model. Her silky, dark hair fell down her back in soft waves. She exuded confidence and grace.

“She's quite stubborn but don't worry, I'm sure she'll sign the divorce papers soon,” Daniel said as he welcomed Abigail by embracing her. Alex couldn't believe her eyes, her hands started shaking.

“I admit that you were probably a way for me to escape my wretched life, but…weren't we happy together, Daniel? We've only ever smiled and shared happy moments together so…why?” Alex's voice trembled as she let the words out.

“I don't love you, Alex. I never did. The only woman in my heart is Abigail and now that she's back…I won't let her go,” he replied tenaciously.

“Please, I'm begging you. Don't do this to me, Daniel. Please…I have nowhere else to go. I…”

“That is none of my business. Sign the divorce papers and leave,” he insisted so Alex took a deep breath as she looked back and forth from Daniel to Abigail then she collected the pen and divorce paper.

“Sister-in-law! Wait…you can't sign it,” Alex heard Tyler, Daniel's younger step brother in his early twenties, saying as he ran down the stairs of the mansion so she hastened her speed.

“Done. It's all over now. I wish you a blissful life together,” she said as she stared at Daniel with tears in her eyes.

“I know that I should probably compensate you but we both know that you won't accept my money so be on your way now,” Daniel didn't even show any signs of remorse.

“You can't just let her leave. She's your wife!...”

“Was my wife. We're divorced now. Abigail will be your new sister-in-law now. Understood?” Daniel cut him off so he scoffed and stomped his way back to his room.

Alex sighed and carried her luggage, pre-prepared by Daniel already. It showed her presence was no longer needed.

“Goodbye, Daniel,” she said for the last time before she walked away. Abigail scoffed and Daniel rolled his eyes but she didn't care.

“I don't even have money for a cab. I might as well walk to my unknown destination,” Alex said to herself as she walked on the streets with her luggage.

She had gotten to a distance from Daniel's house when all of a sudden, four black cars surrounded her. She moved backwards in shock when four men, dressed in formal clothes came out.

“Who are you? What do you want from me? I'm extremely poor so if you're looking for who to rob then…”

“Are you Miss Alexandra, the daughter of Miss Lucia?” One of them asked and Alex clutched her luggage tightly as she looked at each of them with fear in her eyes.

“How…how do you know my mother's name? Who are you people? Tell me or else, I'll scream,” she threatened but it didn't seem to work on them.

“Let go of me!” She shouted as they collected her luggage from her and forced her into one of their cars.

“I swear that I won't let this slide. You have messed with the wrong person. Let me go this instant. I'm not the person you're looking for,” she kept on whining till they arrived at their destination.

Alex got out of the car in bewilderment. She was standing in front of the biggest mansion she had ever seen in her life. The garden looked so well kept and there was even a fountain at the left side.

“Please, follow us in,” one of the men said so she nodded and followed him. She entered to see a woman in her 40s with blue eyes like herself sitting beside a man with the same eye colour.

“Is…is she the one?” The man asked but the woman rolled her eyes.

“Yes. She's Alexandra. The daughter of Miss Lucia. We finally found her,” one of the men said but Alex was still in awe of the beauty of the house.

“Come closer…”, the man instructed, so Alex took a step closer to him.

“You have my eyes but…you look just like your mother. I have finally found you, my dear daughter,” the man said and Alex's eyes widened in shock.

All her life, her mother had refused to tell her about her father so she never knew he was one of the richest people in Miami, Florida.

“I…I can finally rest in peace, knowing you will lead the company effectively, Alexandra Gold. My blue eyed butterfly,” those were the last words he said before his hands dropped to his side and he breathed his last.

“Dad!” Alex shouted as tears welled up in her eyes. She still couldn't believe that she was now a billionaire heiress.

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Rebirth of Love: Regaining a lost love

Chapter 1 Modern Day Cinderella
