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From victim to mobster

From victim to mobster



Alicia Costelli is a teenager facing complicated challenges in her life! Rejected by her mother, she endures a lifetime of abuse and aggression. In her last year of high school, she takes the university entrance exam and gets into a federal university! But her mother sells her to an aggressive man, 30 years older than her, to give her the right to attend. Alicia accepts, in order to free herself from the bonds that surround her, but before she gives herself to her "fiancé", she sells her virginity to her best friend and childhood sweetheart. From then on, her life changes, she discovers that her marriage contract is nothing more than a plan by the French mafia for her family. And that her fiancé is so seductive that it's hard to control herself around him. That's when the love triangle begins, where Alicia can't decide which of the two she wants to be with. Lots of action, adventure and brotherly love, not to mention the extremely hot and exciting explicit scenes!

Chapter 1 FOREWORD

In the hallway, Alícia changed her plans and went to Matheo's room. Iago didn't agree, but Alícia didn't give up. She opened the bedroom door and he quickly aimed his gun.

- Calm down, Matheo. I want to do something with you, if you'll allow me - Alícia left the door open and showed him the key to the handcuffs.

- What are you doing here?

- Last time, you did it so well and then you told me you wanted Paola too. What do you think about me bringing her here?

- You're crazy, if I touch either of you, Iago will kill me!

- You said we could play together more often.

- You liked that, didn't you, you little slut?

Alícia took off her clothes while Matheo salivated. When she was down to her panties, she saw Matheo drop the gun and start masturbating.

- No, get out of here. You're pregnant and that's disgusting.

- Let me suck you off then?

- Okay, come here...

Alicia went over to him on the bed on her knees and grabbed his member, looking into his eyes. She threatened to put it in her mouth, but got up and put her vagina in his face. When he smelled it, he couldn't stand it and nibbled on her clitoris, over her panties.

Alicia knew that Iago had taken advantage of the moment when she had blocked his view to sneak into the bedroom, hiding in the bathroom, so she took the opportunity to act.

She moaned loudly, then screamed, trying to act like the women in the movies they kept playing while they raped her:

- Ahhhhh, Matheo. I want you to fuck me...

- Shiiii, Alicia. Don't make a fuss, someone will hear you.

- I'm sorry, it's just that you're so tasty and I really want you inside me. Fuck me, Matheo.

- All right, sit on me little slut, I'm going to fuck you tonight.

Alícia smiled when the light came on and Giselle came in wearing a nightgown, asking what was going on in there. She threw herself to one side, grabbing Matheo's gun and pulling back the covers to hide her nakedness

- Oops," she said, smiling.

- What are you doing? Matheo, are you crazy?

- She came here, Mom. Iago handcuffed me to the bed and she came herself.

- What do you want here, Alicia? Go back to your room now - Giselle said, throwing her clothes at her. Alicia was still getting dressed under the covers, laughing as if she was on drugs.

- Ah, Giselle. You need a good sex session to get you in the mood. Come here with us and I'll suck your tits while Matheo fucks you...

- Have you said anything to her, Matheo?

- Of course not, Gi. Are you crazy?

- Relax and enjoy yourselves. Nobody needs to say anything. Matheo sniffs you like a puppy. You're not even related, it's only natural that you eat each other.

- You said it, Matheo! No one has ever understood our relationship more than a mother and son!

- Fuck, I didn't say anything! Get out of my bed, you bitch!

Matheo said, pushing Alícia away and reaching for his gun. At that moment, Alícia pushed back the covers, already dressed and holding a gun. She aimed at his head, asking:

- Are you looking for that? Giselle, if you move, I'll blow his brains out and goodbye to you getting any fucking life back!

- Well, was the little bitch paying attention to what she'd heard earlier?

- I didn't get sixth place at a federal university because I was stupid, took drugs or didn't pay attention to things, you snake.

- And what do you think you're going to do with this information? Do you think Iago will believe you?

- Maybe Iago won't, he's your boss. But if I tell Michelle that you've made a fool of her all her life, made Henrique kill himself and started giving it to his son, corrupting an innocent and turning him into this pervert, maybe she'll believe me.

- I played crazy just like you! I started visiting Matheo and turning him on when I was ten! I taught him that it wasn't wrong because we didn't have any ties from an early age. I introduced him to sex and taught him everything he should do. Matheo and I are a duo, we're partners, he knew what his obligations were so that we could be rich and powerful and keep fucking all our lives!

- And he took the two men out of my mother's life for that? - Alicia saw Matheo getting ready to reach for his gun, and she slammed it into his head, as hard as she could.

She saw the blood spurting more than just a trickle like with Iago - do you think I'm joking here? I'm going to teach you both to tell me the whole story without interruptions! And Alícia shot her brother in the cock, no mercy!

Matheo started screaming and Giselle jumped forward, but Alicia quickly got to her feet and put the gun back to his head:

- Don't you dare! I didn't tell anyone to move! Shut the fuck up, Matheo. -You deserved that shot, for having the courage to put that disgusting thing inside your sister, but if you keep screaming like that, the next one will be in your throat! And Giselle, you won't be able to sit on my brother's dime anymore, but you still have a chance to get your money and your position back. If you move again, I'll blow the golden goose's brains out!

- What do you want, Alicia? The boy is all bloody and bruised. If you leave him like this, he'll bleed to death!

- So the sooner you open your beak, the sooner we can help him so he doesn't die!

- You already know everything! What more do you want me to tell you?

- I know the story in fragments. A bit of each side. Tell us your whole version. Not just what you and your disgusting lover talked about in the puddle of my vomit... - Alicia cocked the gun again and Giselle raised her hands:

- All right, I'll tell you. Can I sit down?

- Do me a favor, will you? You're trained to withstand torture tied upside down. You can give me a half-hour report standing up. Your time is running out and your lover's son is bleeding...

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