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Joshua Jasmine


Rhea Johnson suffered miserably after being trapped into a forceful marriage with Raymond Williams, a human monster. After five years of enduring she picked up the courage to escape and in the fright of being captured she fell into the hands of a stranger who happens to bear as much grudges as her against her devil husband. Thinking about how terribly she had been tortured by Raymond she willingly team up with Brandon Jones to seek revenge. However, it seems Brandon hold more grudges against Raymond than Rhea thought and in the ugly story she find herself getting involve more than she wanted to.



The big doors and a heavy gasp escape Rhea Johnson as she look up to see the whole crowd that has come to witness her marriage to this unknown man.

She strain her amber brown eyes to see the man standing at the altar but could not get a clear sight and her eyes burn a little.

She felt a tug at her arm that is clench to her Dad’s and take the first step, not sure whether it is to happiness or life long sorrow.

Rhea try to get a little show of emotion from him but his teeth are shinning too much and hiding the sadness that he is giving his daughter to someone who he does not even know.

You are just an adoptive daughter! How could you not repay us back for all those years we have loved and treated you well?

Love? Rhea could not help but question. Perhaps her parents whom she has always believed to be hers have never sincerely love her and just saw her as a pet they have been raising in order to pay it back someday.

As her father hold out her hand and place it on the man’s outstretch palm, Rhea could not help but feel nervous like she is being abandoned and dump to this scary man looking at her.

Is that a smirk? She frightened and turn to watch her father walk away without looking back.

Rhea swallow hard and hope this will be over soon.

The priest make her say the oath which she manage to do without trembling as she is still holding him. When it is his turn to say the vows he turn cold like a scary evil

I will be your master and you will be mine, to do as I please

A sharp cold stab catch Rhea’s heart and she grip her gown not to lose her mind, she can see the look on his face and she know he mean those words.

There is more meaning to what he had just said, and in one word ‘hell’ the congregation murmured at his vows and he turn to the priest with a sharp gaze to continue.

Granpa Matthew clutch at his wheel hearing what he has just spew out, he has been uncomfortable since the beginning of the ceremony.

He quickly look around to call someone to push him out of the hall as soon as possible and get his hands on his cell phone afraid it is already too late.

“Raymond is the one at the altar, find Richmond’ he yell to the speaker trembling.

He cannot believe that his evil grandson has cheated him again and replaced his twin brother at the altar. If Richmond isn’t here then something must have happened to him and knowing how devilish Raymond could be, his grandson isn’t safe.

Rhea assume he would not want to kiss her but he did not want till the priest finish the sentence before grabbing her lips and lock it with his lips.

He gave her a bite and one more until she could not endure another and push him off as hard as she could, her lips get swollen and hurting from the forced kiss and she gaze at him flabbergasted.

Just when she thought she could take a break from all the terrible things happening to her in twinkle of an eye, her gown is pull by the waist and she slam her tiny body into his broad chest which hurt her head at the strong pull.

If you ever do that again, or try to disobey me ever, I will heat your fugly face in coals”

Rhea try to breathe with his hand grabbing strongly at her neck, she is choking right in front of hundreds of people and none of them seem to realize that, or did they just ignore and watch her get tormented on the altar

When he release her, she cough out loud unable to hold it and her tears well up at the hurt and pain, she dart her eyes at her family who are sitting just at a short distance away and they turn away immediately with a smile at their guests.

Rhea feel the space closing on her and she could not breathe properly in the atmosphere, the thought of running away from this hell cross her mind but knowing the devil she has just seal a marriage with, it would be a death sentence.

I pronounce you husband and wife

The priest said in shaky voice and scurry away as the people clap their hands and soft music follow after to commemorate their union.

Rhea turn slowly with terrified gaze to look at her husband but he look pass her and walk out in a rush not waiting for her or even caring what happens to her if left alone at the altar.

She turn swiftly to the crowd and there are mumbles again but they could only whisper it to theirselves. It seem like everyone in the hall is terrified of him.

Perhaps if she hasn’t been forced to marry few minutes after she turned twenty one preparing for final exams having focused half of her life on studying, she would have had a little knowledge about him.

And maybe if she knew just a little about him, she wouldn’t have dared to agree no matter how forced she was to marry the devil. She is just going to get her soul smashed.

She help herself down the altar and look at her family whom she had trusted for twenty one years of her life or maybe not.

Realizing they won’t be helping her out, she walk out in her wedding dress to see if she could find her husband who had abandoned her on the altar.

‘don’t worry old man, I didn’t touch your favorite grandson yet” Raymond said and smirk enjoying the misery look on his face.

If it isn’t because the old man still has some shares in his possession, he would have buried him along with his son long ago.

“You lunatic! How can you steal your brother’s place and get married to his bride? You're evil” Grandpa Matthew panted

“So you can give the company to him? Or did you think I won’t find out. The real purpose of this wedding” Raymond asked and tighten his grasp on the wheelchair.

Grandpa Matthew freeze at his words and his whole body feel numb unable to move for the fear that he might strangle him or throw him off the chair

“Listen carefully old man, that company is mine. Now if you or your grandson try to steal it from me, I will slit your throat and have your heads rolling”

Raymond release his hold on the wheel at once and exhale deeply trying not to really lose it and snap the old man’s neck

“Wait for your turn old man, I promise I won’t make you wait long” he said with a smirk again and turn to leave.

Albeit, his angry steel blue eyes meet his bride staring dumbly and looking stupefy. He sigh low getting unpleasantly irritate by the little pests that keep bothering him.

Rhea seem glue to the spot, maybe out of fear, panic or shock. She wait till he get to her and without warning, he grab her chignon auburn hair and she let out a scream pleading.

He shove her into the car and enter in after her, before Rhea could say ‘help’ the car drive away leaving her helpless with the man devil.

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