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The Billionaire's Heart Desire

The Billionaire's Heart Desire

Miracle Umukoro


Javier Greyson is a 30-year-old billionaire whose only want in life is to find true love but he never took any girl seriously, as he thought all they wanted from him was just money and fame, thereby sticking to his number one rule of ONE-NIGHT STAND only, but not until he met Maddy Chase. When he crossed paths with Maddy for the first time, they had a one-night stand, with him disappearing the morning after, as usual. But he found himself unrest, obsessing over that night as he wanted more. When he found her again, he immediately appointed her as his secretary, and his obsession for her only increased. He would do anything to make her his, even if it meant manipulating the work contract she had signed to a contract marriage?!****A one-night stand with a stranger drove Maddy Chase into a new world. A world full of secrets, lies, and revenge. Only a few weeks after she had signed the contract( of being the BOSS' Secretary for a year) did she realize what she had done. Her boss whom she had never seen before was the stranger she had a drunken one-night stand with, and to make matters worse, he was the billionaire twin brother of her loathed ex-boyfriend, Liam Dylan/Jason Greyson. When it comes to picking sides between the two billionaire brothers; One who was possessive, and the other who didn't want to or like to share, Maddy Chase is left to make a decision.. picking her ex-boyfriend was definitely not an option, perhaps giving his brother a chance was the better decision. _____Or so she had thought ____

Chapter 1 CH 1:

"Maddy?" A dulcet voice called out with a hand waving in the air, jolting Maddy Chase from oblivion.

Maddy's eyes glanced at the two people standing before her by the counter. Her weary fuddled brain hardly recognized the lady in front of her brunette in her mid-twenties due to a hangover from the previous night's uncurbed drinking. Eventually, she did. It was her friend, Camille Adams. Her eyes strayed to the person standing beside Camille, and a gasp of shock escaped from her lips. It was a man in his early thirties.His captivating emerald-green eyes were piercing directly at her in a cold calculating gaze, which she winced at.

They were staring at her like she's been daydreaming for a while.

"Are you alright?" Camille asked with a hint of concern in her voice when she remained quiet.

"Um..Ye...yeah " She averted her eyes from the ones staring intently at hers. "I'm Alright."

Camille eyed her carefully because she couldn't comprehend Maddy's behavior that morning. Yes, she was having a hangover and a mild headache, but that doesn't justify why Maddy froze and went dumbstruck the instant she saw the stranger man standing beside Camille-. She was skeptical about Maddy's response.

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes!" Maddy replied sharply, watching her "What is it?"

Camille said in a huff tone before walking away.

"Can't you see a customer in front of you? Don't leave him standing..!"

Maddy strayed her eyes reluctantly up to the 6'3 man with broad shoulders who was standing before her by the counter. It was her first time seeing him in the shop, after almost five months of working there. Her gaze locked on the man, who had been staring at her unblinkingly. She could see his emerald-green eyes weren't the only attractive feature he possessed. Pristinely dressed in a forest-green plush suit and a black tie with his luscious wavy brown hair all slicked back, gave him a very handsome yet cold appearance, as his face looked as hard and expressionless as a rock. His appearance exuded class and importance.

She swallowed hard before finally speaking

"May I take your order please?" She lowered her head, as she felt intimidated by his hard gaze.

He snapped in a deep and gruff voice

"I said I want a cup of strong black coffee!"

Though his tone sounded harsh, it also sent thrills down Maddy's spine that made her panties dampen with a rush of liquid.

She nodded and went ahead to brew the coffee. The young man was watching her with a puzzled expression etched on his face, which Camille could observe from where she was. She wasn't very impressed either with Maddy's unusual sluggishness, and it bothered her since she'd known Maddy to be a genial lady, not a dreary one. Although she had no idea who the man was, it was one of her many policies as the shop's owner to never keep a customer waiting.

Camille watched her tend to him, and she scurried to where Maddy was after he left.

"Maddy, I am so mad at you!"

Maddy arched an eyebrow at the sentence

"Me? What'd I do?"

"Everything! ..." She heaved a deep sigh in an attempt to speak calmly "What was that?"

"What?" Maddy asked innocently

"With the customer! Care to explain the uncanny behavior with you while he was here?-"

Maddy retorted

"I'm sorry. Uncanny what?"

"You were gawking at him when he came in and went dumb when he first told you what he wanted...You looked like you were in some sort of trance for some minutes until I came in. God knows how long you kept him waiting!."

Maddy's expression twitched with a wince, realizing the stupid thing she'd done.

"Oh my gawd-"

"Yeah! Oh, your gawd." Camille huffed, glaring at her.

"I'm so sorry Cam. I had no idea. I'm sorry" Maddy apologized, her voice laden with embarrassment.

"Yeah well. Sorry, won't cut it. You know the rules."

Maddy glanced at her sharply, knowing what she was about to say next_Camille wanted her to apologize to the man.

That was always what she made her do any time she didn't provide good and quality customer service to a customer. Though Camille was her friend, she was also her boss. A strict boss who doesn't mix her business affairs with personal matters, and who also wouldn't think twice about firing her if she ever disobeyed her orders. Maddy had gotten so used to her job there after recently graduating from college. She had eventually found her niche in selling coffee during the day and being a bartender at night, therefore tolerating all of Camille's weird policies. She was also well-paid for a job like that for her to think of quitting.

Not like apologizing to customers was a big deal for her, but she was feeling perturbed about that particular man, afraid she might embarrass herself again in his presence. She had been captivated by his looks when he had come in. She was never a shy girl but she couldn't comprehend the kind of feeling she felt when He was standing before her by the counter, but she was sure she wasn't ready to be criticized by his cold stare again. Heaving out a sigh, she said

"I know the rules! I'll try-"

Camille retorted

"Try what? You won't try. You are going to apologize to him. You shall give him a detailed explanation as to why you acted the way you did while he was here-"

"What?!" Maddy snapped

"I'm not finished girl! You shall make him forgive you, no matter what it takes. He looked furious on his way out .. so " She shrugged "That's it. "

Maddy was miffed.

"Why? Why must I do that? He didn't look angry to me."

"Are you questioning my authority, Maddy?"

Maddy spluttered with indignation

"It...It doesn't make any sense Camille. I can't comprehend why you said I must make him forgive me no matter what it takes. What do you even mean by that? He's just a one-time customer! How are you even sure he will come back here again?" Maddy asked lugubriously

Camille scoffed

"One-time customer? Who told you that?"

Maddy was silent, she was ruffled to where their conversation was heading.

"This must be your first time seeing him here. Maddy is not a first-time client nor a one-time customer! He comes here during weekdays, every morning to be specific. To get coffee. He usually comes before your morning shift, I guess that's why you never came across him until today. He comes to the club once in a while too. I don't know him personally but I like him. He's good, and he always leaves a tip each time he buys coffee. Generous tips Maddy!" She added feisty "He's important to my business, and I'm not ready to lose him yet. So you'll do as I've said....well unless ...you're tired of working here" She concluded with a wink before leaving. Her words contained an undertone of warning which slightly frightened and annoyed Maddy.

She was starting to get sick of, her rules and ludicrous business policies. Camille had made her apologize to customers numerous times because they had a mood swing while in the shop, when it wasn't even her fault, because, according to another of Camille's business policies_ customers must never leave the shop with miserable expressions on their faces.

Maddy had remained patient and tolerant with her because the wages she received from Camille were nearly enough to cover some of her expenses, like paying her monthly installments for her student loan, paying her utilities, and other bills. And Maddy getting another well-paying job with her amateur experience was near to zero hence she couldn't quit.

But Camille had just indirectly issued her an ultimatum, and it provoked her tolerance.

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