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It's Hurt To Loving You

It's Hurt To Loving You

Catherine Oriel


On the day Aki was diagnosed with terminal cancer, but his husband, Ethan Montifalco, was taking care of his first love's children. In the hospital corridor, His Doctor Keith Santos said grimly while holding a biopsy report, "Aki, the results are out. If the surgery is successful, your survival rate is 15 to 30 percent." Aki held her bag tightly. Her Little face was pale and solemn. "Keith, how long will I live if I don't have surgery?" "Six months to a year. It's different for everyone. In your case, it's better to do two rounds of pre-therapy first before the surgery. It will prevent the risk of spreading or undergoing metastasis." Aki bit his lip while forcing out, "Thank you." "Don't thank me. I'll arrange for you to be admitted to the hospital right away," Keith said. "There's no need. I don't plan to get treatment. I can't take it anymore," Aki said. "me" Keith wanted to say something more, but Aki tipped his head at him. "Keith, please help me keep this a secret. I don't want my family to worry." The Ford family went bankrupt. Aki had to bend over backwards just to cover her father's medical expenses. If his family knew about his illness, they would no doubt be worried about his situation. Keith sighed helplessly and said, "Don't worry. I'll keep my lips sealed. I heard that you're married. Your husband—" "Keith, please take good care of my dad. I have to go now." Aki seemed very reluctant to talk about this and left quickly before he could answer. Keith shook his head. Rumor had it that he had dropped out of university and secretly married. The top genius in medical school had fallen from grace into devastation. Throughout the two years of his father's treatment, he was the only one who took care of everything. Even when he had collapsed from illness and was sent to the hospital by passersby, but his rumored husband had never shown up. Thinking back, Ethan had truly treated him well in the year they had gotten married. Alas, when his first love returned to the country, everything changed.

Chapter 1 husband's first love

Chapter 1

When Aki found out that Marina, her husband's first love, was carrying his baby, he got angry with Ethan.

A week later, Ethan told her that he was going to divorce her, but she did not agree.

Now that he knew about his illness, he could not deny it any longer. He dialed his hudband number with shaking hands, and he picked up after the third ring.

He said coldly, "I won't see you unless it's to get divorced."

Tears filled Aki's eyes as he forced himself to swallow his words about his illness. Marina's voice suddenly came over the phone in the background. "Ethan, it's time for the pediatric check-up."

The tears that Aki had been holding back for a long time flowed down her face at that moment. He is sick and the family he built is broken, but he has a new family. It's time for it all to end.

He no longer begged him like before. Instead, he said weakly, "Ethan, let's get a divorce."

Ethan was obviously stunned for a moment over the phone.

He laughed coldly and said, "Aki, what tricks are you playing this time?"

Aki closed his eyes and said, "Isn't this what you wanted for a long time, now I'm giving you your freedom, I'll wait for you at home."

It took all of his strength to hang up on him, and he slid to the ground against the wall.

He was wet from the rain while walking in the corridor holding his phone. She bit the sleeve of her dress while crying silently.

Ethan stared at his phone blankly after he hung up on him abruptly.

After a year of the silent treatment where he refused to divorce no matter what, why did he suddenly change his mind today? His voice sounded tearful as well.

Gazing out at the heavy rain, Ethan walked out of the ward.

"Ethan, where are you going?" Marina asked him while chasing after him with the babies in her arms. When she saw him walking away quickly, her gentle expression immediately grew frighteningly dark.

"Is that Aki, is he still wouldn't give up!"

It had been a long time since Ethan had last stepped into the house they shared during their marriage.

He had expected to see the dining table laden with his favorite dishes prepared by Aki, but the villa was dark and empty.

The sky always darkened too early during autumn. Night had fallen although it was only 6 pm.

Ethan spotted a vase of wilted flowers on the dining table. He knows Aki, he won't leave the withered flowers on the table, so there's only one possible reason.

Lately she hasn't been coming home and probably took care of her father in the hospital.

When Aki opened the door, he saw a tall man standing by the dining table in a suit. The expression on his handsome face was as cold as ice and his dark eyes were filled with deep hatred.

Aki was soaked from the run from the car to the house in the rain. When his icy gaze fell on him, a chill went down his spine.

"Where were you?" Ethan asked frigidly.

Aki's eyes, which always gleamed in the past, were dull at that moment.

He looked at her indifferently and said, "Since when do you care about me?"

Ethan sneered and said, "You won't be able to sign the papers if something happened to you."

His words stabbed his heart like sharp needles, he dragged his feet forward, dripping wet.

He did not cry or make a fuss but calmly pulled out the documents from an envelope.

"Don't worry, I've already signed them," he said.

He put the document on the dining table, and Ethan realized that he had never found the word "divorce" so displeasing in his life.

Aki only had one request, which was an alimony of ten million.

"I was wondering why you would suddenly agree to divorce. Turns out it's for money," he mocked. His scornful expression filled him vision.

"You're right, I changed my mind because of the money, the 10 million I'm asking you, Mr. Montifalco, is small right, in exchange for me signing the divorce papers you've been wanting for a long time"

Ethan was surprised how he would talk to him and how he would call him Mr. Montifalco.

"What did you call me?"

"Mr, Montifalco, why is it wrong! I have signed the documents that you have, if you have nothing to say, you can leave now Mr. Montifalco"

Ethan felt strange about the behavior of Aki, who is now his ex-husband.

"Why am I leaving, this is my house?"

"ow right this is your house, don't worry, I'll leave here immediately after I finish packing my things"

After that, Aki went upstairs to change clothes.

Ethan remained thinking inside his car and looked at the documents signed by Aki.

Wasn't this what he wanted but something seemed to make him feel like something was wrong and Aki right now.

In the dark night, Aki sits alone in the bathroom. He hugged himself while the warm water poured over his shivering body.

Aki stood up and wiped her body and sore eyes and walked into a room.

When he opened the door, he saw the music box. It was given to him by his mother before she passed away. He lightly pressed a button, and soft music from a music box filled the room.

The room has no light, and seemed like lifeless, but Aki cried nonstop.

God may have decided to take his life because he was not a good son to his mother. He thought his mother left because of the money, The real reason is that she didn't want to let her father and him know that she was sick.

And now his father still remains in the hospital. He will use the money he will get, for his father's continued treatment and the medicines he needs.

Tears from his left eye flowed to his right eye, down to his cheek, then finally wet his mother's blanket he was lying on.

He hugged a plushy tightly while murmuring, "Sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry It's all my fault. Don't worry mommy, I'll be with you soon."

After losing his mother and his marriage, his mental health had deteriorated. Aki is like a beautiful flower that slowly withers. He stared into the night, thinking as long as he could leave his father for that amount, then he could be with his mother.

The next day, Aki woke up early, as usual, he cleaned the house and he prepared a breakfast that was good for the stomach. Although he didn't have much time left to live, he wanted to live longer to take care of his father.

Aki was about to leave the house, when he received a call from the hospital."Mr. Ford, your father had a heart attack. We've already sent him into the emergency ward." he suddenly panicked.

"I'll be there right away!"

Aki immediately went to the hospital, but the operation was still going on, he waited outside the operating theater with shaking hands.

He had already lost everything. His only hope was his father to live on in good health.

A nurse handed a receipt. "Mr. Ford, this is the total bill for your father's emergency treatment and surgery."

I scanned through the details and found that the total bill amounted to more than 100 thousand. his father's daily treatment expenses already cost 50 thousand per month, and he only barely managed to make ends meet by working three jobs.

After paying for his father's hospitalization in the past, there was only five thousand left on his card. How can he finance his father's operation now?

He had no choice but to call Ethan. He answered in a cold voice, "Where are you? I've already been waiting for 30 minutes." they would have earned money for them if they separated completely.

"Something urgent came up, and I can't make it."

"Aki, is this funny to you?" Ethan sneered in response. "I was thinking why you would change your mind all of a sudden. do you take me for a fool, making up lies like this?"

He actually thought he was lying.

Aki sighed and explained, "I'm not lying. I was reluctant before this because I thought you must have had your reasons for treating me this way, but I see things clearly now.

There's no point to a marriage like this, so I'm getting this divorce willingly. I couldn't make it because my father had a heart attack and had to undergo surgery—"

"Is he dead?" Ethan interrupted.

It seemed strange to Aki. Why would he talk like that? He remained calm while talking to Ethan.

"No. Doctors are treating him now. Mr, Montifalco, the surgery costs more than 100 thousand. Can you give me that ten million? I promise I'll get the divorce!"

He snorted. "Aki, I hope you know that I, and everyone else, want your father dêâd. I can give you the money, but only after we make the divorce official."

The line went dêàd after that.

Aki's face was filled with disbelief. He remembered that Ethan had treated his father with respect when they were still together. However, the hatred in his voice earlier did not sound like a joke at all.

Aki doesn't know what he will do, where he will get the money to pay his father's hospital bills.

To Be Continued...

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