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When Hearts Collide

When Hearts Collide



Lily Hart has lived her life in the shadow of her father's ambitions, expected to follow the rules laid out by her powerful family. Engaged to Victor Langston-a cold, controlling heir to a massive fortune-Lily's heart rebels against the idea of a loveless marriage. But when Evan Brooks, a brooding and mysterious man from her family's past, reappears, her world is turned upside down. Evan is no longer the humble gardener she once knew. He has returned from abroad, wealthy, self-assured, and harboring secrets that could bring the Hart family to its knees. When he sets his sights on Lily, the sparks between them ignite a passionate, forbidden affair that she can't resist. As Lily's heart is torn between duty and desire, she must decide: will she bow to her father's demands and marry Victor, or risk everything for Evan?

Chapter 1 One

"You're going to do as I say!" William yelled angrily as he stormed into Lily's room.

"No Dad! You can't tell me what to do! I'm not a child anymore!"

"Honey, calm down..." Elena tried to say, but William cut her off before she could utter another statement.

"Don't! Don't tell me to calm down Elena! She has to get married! Married to Victor Langston!"

"I'm not ready to get married, Dad! Besides, I don't love him! I don't even know him!"

"We need the Langstons! My company is almost crumbling to the ground! This arrangement is the only solution!"

"No, Dad!" Lily yelled, and stormed out of the room angrily, shoving William slightly, which made him stagger a little.

"Come back here! Don't walk out on me!" William yelled furiously as she left, but she paid no attention to him.

"Liliana! Lily!!" Elena called out, but she paid no attention to her mom either.

She stood outside, in the compound, and signaled one of the Chauffeur's.

The Chauffeur hurriedly walked towards her.

"Get me out of here!" Lily yelled angrily to the Chauffeur as she entered one of the Tesla's.

"But miss..."

"I said, move!"

"As you wish Miss Hart".

Lily rolled her eyes, still annoyed, and turned to face the window.

The arguments had been a continuous thing. After her father had lost some important clients that would've been vital to his company, the arrangement of his daughter to one of Langston's sons seemed to be the only solution to set his company back on track.

Lily picked up her phone, and sent a text to Amelia.

"Ams, he did it again". Lily said as her fingers tapped fast on her phone screen.

"Your Dad?"


"Do you need me to come over?"

"No. There's no need for that, Ams. I'll head over to yours instead".

"Okay, I'll be waiting".

She tossed her phone to the empty seat beside her, before heaving a long sigh.

"Take me to Amelia's". She said coldly to the Chauffeur.

"Yes, Miss Hart".


The ride to Amelia's house was filled with silence, broken only by the quiet hum of the car's engine. Lily's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The weight of her father's demands pressed down on her chest like a heavy stone.

How could he expect her to marry a man she didn't even know, let alone love? The idea of sacrificing her happiness for the sake of a business deal was unbearable.

As the car sped down the tree-lined road, Lily gazed out the window, watching the world blur past. The estate had always felt like a gilded cage, trapping her in a life dictated by her father's ambitions. Now, it was closing in on her, tighter than ever before.

They finally arrived at Amelia's house, a charming, ivy-covered cottage that stood in stark contrast to the grand estate Lily called home. The moment the car stopped, Lily quickly opened the door and stepped out, eager to escape the confines of her thoughts.

Amelia was already waiting for her at the door, concern etched on her face. She had known Lily long enough to recognize the signs of distress."Lily, you look exhausted," Amelia said, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

Lily melted into the hug, feeling a surge of relief wash over her. Amelia's presence had always been a source of comfort, a reminder that there was still a small corner of the world where she could find solace.

"I'm so tired of this, Ams," Lily whispered, her voice cracking slightly. "I can't keep fighting him".

Amelia pulled back, her hands resting on Lily's shoulders.

"You don't have to go through this alone. We'll figure something out".

Lily nodded, though the doubt lingered in her mind. She knew Amelia meant well, but the situation seemed impossible. Her father was determined, and she feared there was no way to escape the fate he had planned for her.

"Come inside," Amelia said gently. "Let's get you something to drink and talk it out".

Lily followed her into the cozy cottage, taking comfort in the familiar surroundings. Amelia's home was a refuge, filled with warmth and the scent of freshly baked bread. It was a stark contrast to the cold, sterile atmosphere of her own home.

They settled in the living room, Amelia handing Lily a steaming cup of tea. Lily wrapped her hands around the cup, savoring the warmth.

"I don't know what to do, Ams," Lily confessed, staring down at the swirling liquid. "I feel trapped".

Amelia sighed, sitting down beside her.

"I wish I had an easy answer for you, Lily. But you know your dad-he's stubborn. He's not going to back down easily".

"I just want to be free," Lily murmured. "To make my own choices, to love who I want. I want to marry out of love, not out of some arranged marriage".

"I'm so sorry, Lily. I wish there was something I could do to help you, really". Amelia said softly, as she placed Lily's head on her shoulder.


Just then, Lily's phone buzzed. She raised her head gently from Amelia's shoulder before tapping the notification on her phone screen.

"Who's it?" Amelia asked curiously.

"Oh, it's just my mom". I don't want to read it yet, Ams. I'm sure she just wants me to come back home".

"It might be urgent..."

"No, Ams. I'm not checking it".


"I said, no!"

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry". Amelia apologized.

Lily's phone rang this time. She picked it up again, looked at the caller ID, and scoffed, before putting it back down.

"Lily! It might be urgent! What if something had happened?"

"Maybe the supposed suitor has arrived, and my presence is needed".

"Or maybe not, Lily. You never know. It might be something important".

"Fine. I'll pick it up when she calls back. Happy?"


Her phone rang again, and she picked it up.

"Yes?" She said, nonchalantly.

"Liliana", Elena said, her voice breaking.

"Mom? Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Your... your father..."

"Dad? What happened?"

"Your father... he... he's been involved in a car accident".


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