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Fake Fiancée for the Billionaire

Fake Fiancée for the Billionaire

Iria Israel


A fiercely independent art curator gets tangled with a notoriously private billionaire when she agrees to a fake engagement to secure a museum donation, only to discover their pretend romance might be all too real.

Chapter 1 The Price of Salvation

Rain lashed against the grimy skylight of Elmwood Museum, a mournful melody mirroring the storm brewing inside Scarlett Moore. Hunched over a stack of unpaid bills, the harsh fluorescent lights cast an unforgiving glare on the mounting evidence of their impending doom. Elmwood wasn't just any museum; it was her life's blood, a haven for forgotten treasures that whispered stories of ancient civilizations. Yet, with each passing day, the once-vibrant halls echoed with a growing silence, a testament to their dwindling number of visitors and dwindling funds.

Desperation gnawed at her. Grant applications lay ignored, gathering dust like the moldering tapestries lining the walls.Fundraising events, once a vibrant source of income, now yielded only a trickle of donations from increasingly disinterested patrons. The wealthy elite, those who once graced the halls with thinly veiled displays of philanthropy,seemed to have developed amnesia when it came to Elmwood.

A flicker of hope, however, dared to pierce the gloom. It came in the form of an email, a lifeline thrown by Liam Miller, a childhood friend who'd carved his name into the high-stakes world of art dealing. Liam's offer was audacious, a proposition that reeked of desperation and smelled faintly of trouble.

He spoke of a reclusive billionaire, Alexander Thorne, a name synonymous with ruthless business tactics and a pathological aversion to the public eye. Thorne, Liam claimed, possessed the Aztec Sunstone, a legendary artifact rumored to be of unimaginable value. The email laid out a plan that felt more like a Hollywood plot than reality - convince Thorne to donate the Sunstone to Elmwood.

There was, of course, a catch. A catch large enough to swallow Scarlett's pride whole. Thorne, burdened by a past scandal and distrustful of anything resembling a spotlight, needed a "fiancée." A prop, a carefully curated image to appease his iron-willed mother for a critical business deal.

Scarlett scoffed. A fake fiancée for a billionaire recluse? It sounded like the opening line to a bad reality TV show. Yet,staring at the mounting bills and the silent pleas emanating from the museum's ancient artifacts, a flicker of desperation ignited within her. Could she swallow her pride, become part of this elaborate charade, all to keep Elmwood alive? The answer, much to her own surprise, was a resounding - maybe.

The decision gnawed at her for days. Sleep came in fitful bursts, haunted by visions of irate creditors and shattered terracotta busts. Finally, after a sleepless night spent researching the enigmatic Alexander Thorne and the legendary Sunstone, she fired off a reply to Liam. It was a simple email, devoid of promises or guarantees, just a single sentence:"I'm willing to listen."

The response came a day later, a terse message with a time and location. The Carlyle Hotel, a bastion of luxury ill-suited to Scarlett's threadbare backpack and secondhand trench coat. Yet, with a deep breath and a silent apology to the dust bunnies clinging to her apartment, she set out to meet her fate.

The Carlyle was a gilded cage, dripping with opulence and a suffocating air of entitlement. Navigating the lobby felt like wading through a sea of silk and disdainful stares. Finally, after a tense exchange with a doorman who clearly viewed her with suspicion, she found herself outside the designated suite. Taking another deep breath, she knocked.

The door opened, revealing Liam. His usual disarming charm was laced with a nervous edge. He ushered her in, the plush interior a stark contrast to the rain-soaked city outside.

Across the room, a figure sat by a window, his back to them. He was tall, with broad shoulders that strained against the dark suit he wore. His posture spoke of an unsettling stillness, a predator waiting to pounce.

"Scarlett," Liam greeted, his voice laced with forced cheer, "this is Alexander Thorne."

The man turned, and Scarlett felt a jolt course through her. His face was striking, a canvas of sharp angles and piercing blue eyes that held a hint of weariness. His lips were set in a hard line, and his gaze swept over her with an unnerving intensity. This wasn't the arrogant billionaire she expected; this man carried the weight of unspoken burdens.

"The... fiancée," he drawled, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "Pleasure."

The word felt like a slap. A stark reminder of the charade she was about to embark on. She squared her shoulders, her fiery spirit momentarily reignited.

"The future Mrs. Thorne," she corrected, extending her hand with a perfectly executed tilt of her chin. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Alexander. Though I wouldn't call this a pleasure per se. But business is business."

Alexander's lips twitched at the corner, a hint of amusement battling with his usual stoicism. He took her hand, his grip firm and surprisingly warm. A spark of electricity shot up Scarlett's arm, momentarily blurring her vision.

"Indeed," he replied, his voice devoid of warmth. "Now, Liam, perhaps you'd excuse us for a moment? We need to discuss the finer points of this... arrangement."

Liam, clearly sensing the tension crackling in the air, gave a curt nod and retreated towards the plush bar in the corner of the room. Scarlett found herself alone with the enigmatic Alexander Thorne, the weight of his gaze pinning her in place.

"So, Miss Moore," he began, his voice low and dangerous. "Tell me, are you cut out for this? Can you play the part of the doting fiancée without cracking?"

Scarlett bristled. Why did everyone assume she was some pushover, a naive pawn to be manipulated? "Let's get one thing straight, Mr. Thorne," she countered, her voice surprisingly steady. "I'm not here to play a part. I'm here because I believe in what Elmwood represents, in preserving the stories of the past. And if contributing to your charade is the price I need to pay to save my museum, then so be it."

A flicker of surprise crossed Alexander's face, replaced just as quickly by a sardonic smile. "A noble cause, to be sure. But nobility doesn't always translate well to the ruthless world of high society."

"Maybe not," Scarlett conceded, "but I'm not afraid of a little hard work. Besides," she added with a touch of defiance, "I can handle myself. Unlike some… billionaires who need a fake fiancée to hold their hand."

Alexander's smile widened, a genuine expression that lit up his eyes and momentarily disarmed her. "Intriguing. Perhaps you are more than just a pretty face to appease my mother."

The comment, while backhanded, held a hint of grudging respect. Scarlett, however, found a new wave of anger rising."Pretty face? This is about more than appearances, Mr. Thorne. It's about securing the Sunstone, about saving a piece of history."

"Of course," he conceded, his voice regaining its clipped tone. "The Sunstone. A legendary artifact, coveted by collectors and shrouded in mystery."

He moved away from the window, his tall frame casting an imposing shadow over her. "But before we delve into the details of the donation," he continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "let me be clear on one thing. This engagement, this entire charade, will only last as long as my business deal requires it. There will be no expectations, no emotional entanglements."

Scarlett felt the heat rising in her cheeks, a mix of anger and a strange sense of relief. Relief that he wasn't expecting some grand love affair out of this arrangement. Yet, part of her bristled at his assumption that she, of all people, would be interested in anything more than rescuing her museum.

"Perfectly acceptable," she said coolly, mirroring his businesslike demeanor. "As long as my end of the bargain – securing the Sunstone for Elmwood – is fulfilled, then you can vanish back into your reclusive world."

A tense silence descended upon the room, punctuated only by the rhythmic ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner.The air crackled with unspoken words and a simmering tension that neither of them seemed eager to acknowledge.

Finally, Liam cleared his throat, breaking the spell. "So, are we all on the same page then?" he asked, his voice bouncing off the luxurious interior.

Scarlett and Alexander exchanged a loaded glance. In that moment, a silent agreement was forged, a pact built on desperation and unspoken defiance. Both of them knew this wouldn't be a smooth journey. There would be socialites to navigate, appearances to maintain, and a web of secrets surrounding the Sunstone to unravel.

Yet, as they stepped out of the Carlyle Hotel and into the rain-soaked city, a curious mix of unease and excitement thrummed within Scarlett. This was not the path she envisioned for herself, but perhaps, amidst the carefully constructed lies of this fake engagement, something unexpected might blossom. The fate of Elmwood, and perhaps a part of herself,now rested on the enigmatic billionaire named Alexander Thorne, and the priceless artifact known as the Aztec Sunstone.

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