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Fake Fiancée for the Billionaire

Chapter 5 Forsaken by Fortune

Word Count: 1517    |    Released on: 01/06/2024

he object of their perilous journey, was a mere decoy. The true prize, the source

yss, fear tightened its icy grip around her heart. She looked around at the group – Dr. Hernandez, his scholarly demeanor shattered by despair, huddled in a

ed, his voice cutting through the suffocating silen

und a spark of hope in his words. They couldn't simply succumb to de

scrutinized for clues. Hours blurred into an agonizing wait. Dr. Hernandez, fueled by a desperate hope, deciphered symbols on the

asn't on their side. The heat from the fiery chasm grew more intense with every passi

sh zeal, charted the movements of the celestial bodies, tracking the moon's phases and the position of the constellations.

dian statue. There, hidden beneath a layer of dust and debris, they found a mechanism –

s. A grinding sound echoed through the chamber, followed by a satisfying click. A

epared to enter, a chilling voice echoed through the cavern. Miguel, his eyes filled wi

ed, his voice barely a whisper. "I have ta

ity warred within Scarlett. Miguel, once a calculating opportunist, had been consumed by th

Alexander pleaded, his voice laced

acal laugh, he lunged towards the fiery abyss. A scream, c

the price of tampering with forces beyond their comprehension. There was no time for mourning, however. T

y wide enough for a single person. Taking a deep breath, she plunged into the darkness, the others fo

in soft moonlight filtering through a crack in the ceiling. Relief washed over them, mingling

to a series of ancient carvings on the walls. They depicted scenes of human figures climbi

their weight. Reaching the other side felt like a victory in itself. Yet, the dense jungle canopy stretched endlessly before

, however, flickered within them.They had survived the temple, the fiery chasm, and Mig

m his canteen, a meager offering that did little to alleviate their thirst. Pablo, using his knowledge of the jungle,identified edi

gue, navigated treacherous terrain, and fended off the relentless assaults of mosquitoes and other biti

ught Scarlett's eye. She squinted through the dense foliage, a surge of hope

ointing towards the l

. Could it be a village, a sign of civilization? With renewed energy, t

Smoke curled from chimneys, and the faint sound of laughter drifted through the air. Relief wa

he sight of their ragged and weary figures. Despite the language barrier, their desperation wa

the next few days, as they recovered their strength and communicated through gestures and broken Spanish, they learned of the danger

y, a portal that, when activated,unleashed ancient forces. Miguel, they realized with a

s eyes. She spoke in rapid-fire Mayan, her voice laced with urgency. Pablo, wh

isrupted the balance. You must return it to its rightful place, a hidden

e, to the place that had nearly claimed their lives, filled her with dread. Yet, the

knew they didn't have a choice. Leaving the Sunstone in the temple wasn't ju

it," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor r

ander's face. "Together," he said, h

ged in hardship and shared survival. They weren't just partners in a mission anymore; they were allies, bound by

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