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Fake Fiancée for the Billionaire

Fake Fiancée for the Billionaire


Chapter 1 The Price of Salvation

Word Count: 1492    |    Released on: 01/06/2024

lights cast an unforgiving glare on the mounting evidence of their impending doom. Elmwood wasn't just any museum; it was her life's blood, a haven for forgotten treasures that whispere

ents, once a vibrant source of income, now yielded only a trickle of donations from increasingly disinterested patrons. The wealthy eli

own by Liam Miller, a childhood friend who'd carved his name into the high-stakes world of art dealing

on to the public eye. Thorne, Liam claimed, possessed the Aztec Sunstone, a legendary artifact rumored to be of unimaginable valu

rdened by a past scandal and distrustful of anything resembling a spotlight, needed a "fiancée."

nting bills and the silent pleas emanating from the museum's ancient artifacts, a flicker of desperation ignited within her. Could she swallo

a busts. Finally, after a sleepless night spent researching the enigmatic Alexander Thorne and the legendary Sunstone, she fire

of luxury ill-suited to Scarlett's threadbare backpack and secondhand trench coat. Yet, with a deep br

t like wading through a sea of silk and disdainful stares. Finally, after a tense exchange with a doorman who clearl

was laced with a nervous edge. He ushered her in, the plush

l, with broad shoulders that strained against the dark suit he wore. Hi

voice laced with forced chee

cing blue eyes that held a hint of weariness. His lips were set in a hard line, and his gaze swept over her with an u

voice a low rumble that sent a s

charade she was about to embark on. She squared her

y executed tilt of her chin. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Alexande

is usual stoicism. He took her hand, his grip firm and surprisingly warm. A

w, Liam, perhaps you'd excuse us for a moment? We nee

ated towards the plush bar in the corner of the room. Scarlett found herself alon

rous. "Tell me, are you cut out for this? Can you p

rne," she countered, her voice surprisingly steady. "I'm not here to play a part. I'm here because I believe in what Elmwood represents,

ckly by a sardonic smile. "A noble cause, to be sure. But nobility d

rk. Besides," she added with a touch of defiance, "I can handle myself.

his eyes and momentarily disarmed her. "Intriguing. Perhap

found a new wave of anger rising."Pretty face? This is about more than appearance

clipped tone. "The Sunstone. A legendary artifac

he donation," he continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "let me be clear on one thing. This engagement, this entir

at he wasn't expecting some grand love affair out of this arrangement. Yet, part of her bristled at

anor. "As long as my end of the bargain – securing the Sunstone for Elmw

king of a grandfather clock in the corner.The air crackled with unspoken wor

ll. "So, are we all on the same page then?" he ask

lt on desperation and unspoken defiance. Both of them knew this wouldn't be a smooth journey. There would b

path she envisioned for herself, but perhaps, amidst the carefully constructed lies of this fake engagement, something unexpected might blossom. The fate of

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