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Revenge born of Paint

Revenge born of Paint

Jeclyn Karl


Nyla woke up in the middle of the road with a pup in her hand. She could feel her body numb with pain. She had just undergone the birth process and was given no time to heal. The pain of Jason's rejection buried deep into her, one of the most painful ways to get rejected? She scorn for revenge. How was she going to avenge the Alpha's rejection when she was a lowlife without no money and status? Could she find her way to stab him back or fall more deeply for him? Find out more!

Chapter 1 Nyla Pov

I came out from the bathroom with water dripping from my hair. I placed a towel on it, wiping it dry. I couldn't get this feeling of uncertainty within me. The day I have patiently waited for was finally here.

He wore a dark blue rope, his phone on his hand, a sudden expression on his countenance like he was worried over something.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a tight lip smile.

"Yeah , it's just Neomi reminding me what time the C-section will be"

He scoffed "She replies nervously"

I sighed "If it was a natural birth…

He cut me short without allowing me to finish.

"It isn't going to be a natural birth. Neomi and I have already decided and you have already agreed to that by signing the contract" I leaned my eyebrow in anger.

I didn't need a reminder, the mention of his Luna on his lips made me feel different. A painful reminder that it was just a flirt. Deep within I wanted more, the warmth of my mate around me but it was stolen by Neomi.

I walked over to the dresser, at least, to let me look beautiful for my birth process.

"Oh, right. That's true"

"Thanks a lot" I said sarcastically, smacking my lips together with the nude lipstick on my lips.

"I almost managed to forget that I'm just a walking womb that you and your wife have been renting out."

He walked over to the dresser, his hands pressed on the chair I sat on. I could see his reflection in the mirror.

"Look all I can say is that all of us and that includes you agreed to what's happening today"

"After today it's going to end"

Hmm, I rubbed my buggy stomach and my mind wandered away at the experience. It was both sweet and better. Once I thought of not having any pup but here I'm almost 8 months gone on the due date.

I gasped, raising my head to the mirror, he was still right behind me.

"Finally I will be able to get some sleep again. But not you" I smiled and continued.

"But you will be waking up all the time getting food and changing diapers"

"Yeah" he said with a hint of desperation, I'm sure he was going to make a good father. I could see that in his eyes. He couldn't wait to hold the tiny pup in his arms.

He ran his hand through my heir, gently arranging them and putting them in a ponytail.

"I just want you to know this, about the fact that in few hours you'll be with your father again"

After the operation I heard the silent slap on the door and footsteps approached.

I felt a presence beside me, I was too weak to open my eyes, it felt like some bricks were placed on them coupled with the intense pain I felt within my legs.

"Nyla, how are you feeling?" the familiar voice asked close to my eyes.

"I feel so nauseous" I said with a low voice barely above a whisper.

"It's okay, it's the work of Anastasia given to you. Slowly it will wear away but don't forget to have a light dinner even if you don't feel like" she instructed

"You will never see me again "

"Here, call me even whenever you need me" she held my wrist with her hands, inscribing something on them , slowly I slipped into subconsciousness.

I felt like I was in a moving train, the shaking of my body from one end to the other, I sprained my eyes open, images were spinning like tiny television sets floating in space, my gaze blurring. I couldn't see the person behind the wheel but it sounded like a man driving, on a phone call.

"Yeah, yeah man"

"I have got her in the car with me"

"Yeah, don't worry about it" he continued his discussion over the phone. I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. I still felt nauseous, weak and vulnerable. My wolf was weak too.

"Don't worry about it, the hospital handed her over to me really fast" the last I heard.

As flashes of headlight grew dim, my eyelids grew heavy and I felt a gentle pull into darkness.

The murmur of voice echoed into my ears.

"What's going on?"a voice pulled through.

"Maybe she's lost" another said, it was a feminine voice.

"Is that a pup? It's really tiny."

"Can I help you?" The voices came one after the other. I'm dreaming or something I asked myself.

The last I remembered was getting prepared to head to the hospital with Jason beaming with excitement.

It was going to be a C-section and I couldn't wait to meet my father. After this whole I was in anticipation I held dearly to my heart.

"Miss, wake up" another voice said, who has all these voices in my head.

I sprained my eyes open and the bright blinded my vision. I held a hand over it normalizing to the intensity of the light and saw faces looking down on me, their eyes full of concern.

The cry of the baby brought my attention and I tried to steady myself by sitting up. My eyes widened at the tiny pup beside me. I couldn't comprehend what was going on?

Where are mine?Why was I here with a pup beside me? Wasn't Jason and his Luna supposed to have the pup?

A woman pushed through the crowd that surrounded me, her eyes flashed with anger.

"Who did you steal the pup from"

"Call the enforcer," another said.

I shook my head in disbelief.

It began to play all together in seconds, I have been rejected and stuck with a pup I didn't ask for.

A painful way to wake up after giving birth.

The tons of pain clashed over me like someone was slowly using a knife to pierced through my body. The pain was overwhelming like it was eating me up bit by bit.

I shifted to adjust my position and just then a crash of pain flipped through my upper thigh and lower abdomen, a painful reminder of going through the knives.

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