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A Gorgeous Divorce

A Gorgeous Divorce

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In a world where possessive and powerful men rule, they can be arrogant, ruthless, and cruel. This world, Camille Riley exist in. What can be worst when she finds out that her partner who she has been married to for years only sees her as a tool to uplift his damaged image? He used her and betrayed her, neglecting all her sacrifices. When his true love returns, he presented Camille Riley with a paper, not just any paper but a divorce paper. Her three years of marriage lost. Will she face the challenge head on or will she admit defeat?

Chapter 1 The divorce

“A d-divorce? Why?” Camille asked her husband Fredrick.

“I never love you. Stop being dramatic.”’

“It was an arrangement. Your father got his share of the profit and I got the company, plus a good-looking wife to improve my bad reputation. The company is in my hands now. So, I don’t need you anymore. I want a divorce.”

“Is it because of Cassie?” She asked in frustration.

Camille was already aware that he always loved her twin sister Cassie. He had broken up with her before their marriage in the past because she was disliked by his father and he didn’t want him to marry her. Besides, Camille was the heir to their father's company. So, it will benefit his father if she marries Fredrick rather than Cassie getting married to him.

“That’s none of your business. Just sign the papers,” he said impatiently.

“No I won’t do that,” She exclaimed crying, “I love you, Fred. I sacrificed my career for your company and our family. I know you love my sis, but I still choose to marry you and help you out. If we divorce my father will withdraw his next round of investment.”

Fredrick suddenly grabbed her jaw in anger, squeezing it tight, forcing her head back to look at him. His eyes were dark, full of hostility which ached her heart.

“Watch me, you and your father can’t threaten me anymore. I am the master of this house and you are nothing but a headache that I wanted to get rid of so bad!” he spat furiously squeezing her jaw painfully.

She cried in pain, “You’re hurting me.”

She was trying to pull away from him, but his grip was strong. Her hands pushed against his chest but in vain. Her eyes began to get blurry when his grip suddenly loosened and he pushed her on the floor, throwing the divorce papers on her.

“I have always loved Cassie. Just sign those papers and leave my life forever.”

She coughed many times clutching her throat, and her whole body began to tremble. A choked sob escaped her lips and she glanced up at him. Her cries turned into whimpers as she looked at her husband who had become so violent that she didn’t even recognize him anymore.

He never loved her or cared for her throughout their three years of marriage but he had never treated her so brutally.

What had come over him and why was he treating her like that? He never even shouted at her ever. So why now? Is it all because Cassie is back in his life?

“I won’t give up so easily,” she told him confidently.

“You don’t have the guts to fight. You’ll meet my lawyer next time.”

Seeing the hatred in his eyes, her heart wrecked into a million pieces. He turned around, walked out, and slammed the door.

She cried and cried then she fell asleep in tears. When she woke up the next morning, she took a quick shower and wore a casual black dress and a pair of black flats, she didn’t put on any makeup and her hair was down.

Camille went to Cassie’s house to meet her. She’s her twin sister and her husband's true love. They dated for four years in the past.

“Oh look who’s here.” Cassie greeted with a knowing smile, mocking her for her messed up situation. She looked more beautiful with her new hairstyle.

She didn’t reply, just sat down, poured a cup of tea, and drank it.

“Fredrick told me the news. You’re divorcing. And after what you did for him. What a shame.”

Cassie never saw Camille as her sister, she always saw her as someone who steals her things. She’s always hated her.

“Don’t come in between my marriage, Cassie,” she pleaded with her.

She laughed and shook her head. “Oh no, darling, this is my moment to shine. Fredrick is finally mine. I’ve been waiting for three years.”

Camille looked at her with tears in her eyes. “Why are you so fixated on my husband?” she asked as her voice cracked.

Cassie shrugged casually, elegantly sipping her black tea. “You were an intruder in our relationship. I just take back what’s mine. So don’t talk about me ruining your life when it was never happy to begin with.”

Camille glared at her gritting her teeth. “Cassie, I never did that. You’ve always been my sister….”

“Sister?” She sneered, rolling her eyes boredly. “Please don’t insult me.”

Cassie stole all her boyfriends, never let any attention get to her, and blamed her for getting all the attention from their father. But it was never her fault, she was a lonely kid.

With a heavy sigh, she pleaded again. “Please, Cassie. If you don’t come in between in my marriage-“’

“Your marriage? There’s no such thing. I’m taking him back. And he loves me, he doesn’t love you. So, why crying now?” She laughed.

“Cassie, please. I’m begging you. Let me keep my family.”

She smiled wickedly. “Why will you keep something that was never yours to begin with?”

“Please, Cassie,” she desperately begged like a pathetic home wrecker that she was being accused of.

“Shut up! You’re annoying,” Camille flinched as she threw the cup which shattered on the floor.

“’ I’ll have him and you’ll get nothing! You had your time with him. I broke up with him under duress between two families but Fred brought me back,” she let out angrily.

“He is my husband. My!” Camille declared, looking up at her through her tear-stained eyes.

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in front of her. “’ Not anymore.”

After saying that, she looked up at Camille who was standing in front of her.

“Sister,” Cassie called softly, coming up to her, and looking at her guiltily and tenderly. “I’m sorry, we didn’t expect things to turn out this way…I and Fredrick…we didn’t mean it…please forgive us!”

Camille looked at her coldly, her face expressionless.

“What is she up to now?”

Cassie had a pale face, sobbing, she grabbed Camille’s arm and said, “Sister, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come in between your marriage with Fredrick, please don’t be angry with us, everything is my fault, if you want to scold or fight, just do it!”

Camille looked at her sudden weak and fearless appearance and felt disgusted. She shook her hands off surprised at her sudden change in attitude.

It didn’t take much strength, but Cassie’s body suddenly stumbled, and her entire body fell to the ground.


Fredrick screamed from behind and rushed to help her up, yelling in a low angry voice, “Camille! What are you doing? Why did you push her?”

“I-I didn’t…”

Camille turned pale and subconsciously wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Cassie.

“F-Fredrick, please don’t blame my sister, I’m the one who is trying to come in between your marriage, don’t say she pushed me, even If she hit me and scolded me, it’s still the right thing to do,” Cassie said while crying.

Camille’s pupils shrank, shock written all over her face. She lifted her head and met Fredrick’s disappointed eyes.

“I didn’t think you’d turn out like this, why do you have to hurt Cassie? How dare you push her? Your sister!”

Camille opened her mouth and the explanation suddenly choked in her throat, sticking out like a thorn across the place.

“Do you think that I pushed her?”

“Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. You’re a ruthless woman, I was wrong about you after all these years!”

Camille stood there, unable to believe what she was hearing.

She turned to Cassie and her eyes flashed with malice and self-satisfaction.

A slow chill spread all over her heart.

“No more lies. No more tricks. I’m getting rid of you!”

“It was all Cassie. She planned this. She hates me and she wants to ruin our life,” She cried desperately, clutching his chest.

“Shut up, Camille! You’re the one who ruined our life! Get OUT! You’re not allowed to be here!” Yanking her hands off him he pushed her away mercilessly and walked away with Cassie.

She blinked back her tears at his ruthlessness. “Fred, please. Don’t do this, I’m your wife,” she begged, running after him, and trying to hold him.

He pushed her back again and turned around with an enraging and disgusted expression. “WE ARE DIVORCED! Stay away from me and Cassie. I will harm you for what you’ve done if you stay another second in front of me.”

“She’s lying Fred. She’s trying to destroy us, and she’s framing me up. Please believe me this time, please…” she cried, pulling on his shirt to stop him from leaving her.


Cassie ran to hold him. “It’s alright Fred. You don’t have to go too far.”

He turned back with a dark face, eyes piercing through hers. “You know what? I would have taken pity on you and let you stay for a while in this marriage for your sake. But after seeing your true self,” He leaned closer, his furious glare making her gulp.

“So you want me to get out after all we’ve been through together?”

“It was all an act. Don’t delude yourself. We both moved in because our family forced us to.”

How could he say that? Why is he so heartless and selfish? Her hands were shaking and her teeth were grinding together, her jaw so tense that her head hurt.

Cassie suddenly bent her head, holding her forehead as she whimpered softly in pain, “Fredrick, I feel dizzy.”

Camille watched as Fredrick held her, his eyes were filled with so much care. He never once looked at her that way. He never cared when she caught a cold. Even in his sleep, all he mentioned was Cassie.

Fredrick touched Cassie’s forehead and turned to Camille glaring at her angrily. “I swear if any harm comes to Cassie, I won’t let you off easily.”

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