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Rebirth of the Rejected Mate

Rebirth of the Rejected Mate

Miriam Hobbs


Aria Thorn's life is torn apart when she is rejected by her destined mate, Lucian Blackwood, the ruthless Alpha of a rival pack. Heartbroken and determined to prove her worth, Aria delves into the ancient lore of her kind, uncovering a prophecy that foretells her pivotal role in the survival of her pack. As Aria grapples with her newfound powers and the burden of her destiny, she forms unlikely alliances and rekindles old friendships. Guided by her mentor, Finn Wolf, and supported by her loyal best friend, Kai Hunter, Aria begins to see her rejection not as a curse, but as an opportunity for rebirth. But Lucian, threatened by the prophecy, will stop at nothing to maintain his dominance. As tensions escalate and battle lines are drawn, Aria must navigate a web of deceit and danger. In a world where loyalty is tested and enemies lurk in every shadow, Aria’s journey becomes a race against time to unlock her true potential and protect those she loves. Just as she begins to embrace her destiny, a shocking betrayal leaves Aria questioning everything she thought she knew about her pack and herself. In the dead of night, a chilling revelation comes to light—one that could shatter the fragile balance between the packs and unleash a war unlike any Silverwood has ever seen. As the full moon rises, Aria stands on the brink of a decision that could change the fate of all werewolves forever. Will she rise to the challenge, or will the shadows of her past consume her? The answer lies in a single, haunting question: Who can Aria truly trust?

Chapter 1 The rejection

The atmosphere was tense, heavy like a suffocating blanket weighing me down. I found myself in the middle of the pack's meeting place, encircled by my fellow members, their gazes filled with a blend of interest and sympathy.

I couldn't bring myself to look into Lucian's piercing icy blue eyes, the intensity of his gaze was too much to bear.

"I, Lucian Blackwood, leader of the Blackwood pack, publicly refuse Aria Thorn as my mate," he announced, his words reverberating throughout the hall's stone walls.

The words echoed in my ears, causing waves of pain and disbelief to flow through my body.

Rejection!, the thing I feared the most had happened, shattering the hope that had kept me going during many nights without sleep.

I sensed the tears ready to fall, but I made sure not to show my vulnerability and prevented them from witnessing my defeat.

With all the strength I had, I straightened my shoulders and looked Lucian directly in the eye.

"Okay," I managed to say, my voice barely audible but full of resistance. "If that is your desire, then let it be done.”

Sound of my footsteps reverberated in the ensuing silence. The chilly evening breeze felt like a sharp blow, yet I embraced its harsh touch, allowing it to flow around me and calm the pain of my broken heart.

Solitary in the shadows, I gave into vulnerability for a moment, allowing the tears to flow as I grappled with the enormity of the recent events.

However, amidst the looming despair, a voice pierced through the darkness, exuding warmth and empathy.

"Its words offered Aria solace in the midst of despair, so there's no need to fret," it reassured. This is just the start. You have a bright future waiting for you.

I whirled around, frantically looking for where the voice was coming from, yet nobody could be seen. Just the soft breeze and the swaying foliage, hinting at a potential future.

While standing by myself in the dark, I realized my journey was not finished. As those mysterious words reverberated in my ears, I took a deep breath and got ready to confront whatever was coming.

As I walked through the quiet night in the familiar streets of Silverwood, I wiped away the remaining tears on my cheeks, my footsteps echoing in the silence.

I still felt the sharp pain of rejection, fresh and intense, but I was determined not to let it overwhelm me. I was in need of answers, and I was certain about where to locate them.

Entering Kai's inviting apartment, I was met with the soothing aroma of lavender and saw my closest friend relaxing on the couch, with a book left opened on her lap.

She looked up as I entered, concern etched into the lines of her face.

"Aria, what is the matter?" she inquired, her voice filled with concern.

I sat on the couch next to her, sensing the heavy burden of the world on my shoulders.

"I started, my voice catching in my throat, saying, "It's Lucian." "He turned me down."

Kai's eyes opened wide in surprise, and she reached out her hand to silently show support by grabbing mine.

She expressed sympathy, saying, "I apologize, Aria." However, you are aware that you possess more strength than what you are currently displaying. "You will overcome this."

I nodded, appreciative of the encouragement she offered.

However, I was aware that the pain of being rejected would not be easily relieved. I required solutions, and there was only one individual who could offer them.

Finn Wolf, the mysterious werewolf who had become like a mentor to me, was the person I looked up to the most. He had consistently provided me with support and advice during times of need.

And at this moment, his assistance was crucial to me.

The trip to Finn's isolated cabin was a well-known one, the twisting forest trail taking me further into the wild.

The atmosphere was heavy with the fragrance of pine and soil, providing a calming remedy for my anxious thoughts.

As I neared the cabin, I could feel the age-old sorcery enveloping it, buzzing in the atmosphere like electricity.

I stood by the door, eagerly waiting for Finn to respond, feeling my heart race with excitement.

Finn stood before me, his silver hair shining in the moonlight and his piercing blue eyes filled with amusement, as the door swung open.

"Hello Aria," he said, his voice a deep growl. "Why are you here at this time?"

I inhaled deeply, preparing myself for the question I was about to ask.

"I require your assistance, Finn," I stated, maintaining a firm tone despite the storm of emotions within me. I must find out the true information regarding the prophecy. Regarding my role in this situation.

Finn examined me briefly, his face showing no signs of emotion. After that, he gestured for me to come in with a serious nod and guided me into his cozy cabin where surprises were waiting.

Sitting by the crackling fire, Finn started recounting ancient prophecies and forgotten legends, his words giving me chills.

While he was talking, I sensed a strong feeling of direction awakening inside me, a flame glowing vividly despite the looming darkness.

As Finn was reaching the most exciting part of his story, a sudden knock on the door disrupted the calm atmosphere of the cabin, surprising both of us.

I stood up cautiously to respond, my heart racing in my chest, while eyeing Finn.

On the threshold stood a silhouette hidden in shadows, their characteristics hidden by the darkness of the evening.

"Aria Thorn," they murmured, their voice barely above a whisper. "Your fate is ready for you."

With those mystical words lingering in the atmosphere, I realized that my adventure had just begun.

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