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Miriam Samuel


Seraphina "Sera" Voss, a skilled healer in the Silverwood Pack, faces rejection and shame due to an ancient prophecy. Determined to prove her worth, Sera investigates mysterious attacks on her pack, discovering they are orchestrated by Alaric Draven, the ruthless Alpha of a rival pack. With her friends and siblings by her side, Sera uncovers dark secrets about her past and the prophecy that led to her rejection. As she forms an alliance with a rogue werewolf and battles growing feelings for the pack's Beta, the tension peaks when Alaric kidnaps the Alpha's daughter, Isabella. In a daring rescue mission, Sera's bravery shines, but Alaric reveals a shocking truth about her lineage that could change everything. Will Sera save her pack and finally earn her place as Luna, or will the prophecy's curse doom them all?

Chapter 1 Rejection

"This can't be happening," I murmured, more to myself than to anyone else, as I stood in the middle of the grand hall. The heavy wooden doors had just slammed shut behind me, their echo lingering in the air like the finality of my fate.

My heart pounded in my chest, each beat like a countdown to something inevitable, something I couldn't yet grasp. My hands clenched at my sides, fingers digging into my palms, trying to ground myself in the moment.

"Seraphina." His voice was low, almost a growl, but not from anger-at least not the kind I had grown accustomed to. No, this was different. There was something deeper, something more primal and terrifying, laced into his tone.

I turned slowly, forcing myself to meet his eyes. Alpha Marcus Blackwood stood before me, every inch of him exuding the power and authority that had made him one of the most respected-and feared-leaders in our world.

His eyes, normally a calm, stormy gray, were hard and unyielding now, like shards of ice cutting through me. Behind him, the other pack elders watched in silence, their expressions a mix of pity and apprehension.

"Marcus, please... listen to me," I pleaded, my voice cracking slightly. It wasn't just my life on the line-it was my entire future, my place in this pack. My home.

"There is nothing more to say, Sera." His tone was cold, final. "The prophecy is clear. If you lead, our pack is doomed."

The words hit me like a physical blow. I staggered back a step, my mind racing to comprehend the gravity of what he was saying. Doomed. That one word reverberated in my mind, mingling with the shock and the betrayal that was quickly turning into something darker-anger.

"The prophecy?" I repeated, struggling to keep my voice steady. "You're throwing away everything we've built together because of some ancient words scribbled in a dusty book? Marcus, we don't even know if it's true!"

"It's not just a book, Sera." He stepped closer, his massive form towering over me, but I refused to back down. "It's the law of our ancestors. A warning passed down for generations. If you lead as Luna, the Silverwood Pack will fall. I won't risk that. I can't."

"And what about us?" I demanded, my anger flaring. "What about everything we've been through, everything we've fought for? You're just going to cast me aside because of fear?"

"It's not just fear!" Marcus's voice rose, the raw emotion in it catching me off guard. "It's my duty to protect this pack, no matter the cost. Even if that means... even if that means letting you go."

I stared at him, the words sinking in like poison. He was serious. There was no doubt in his eyes, no hesitation.

The Marcus I thought I knew, the man who had fought beside me, bled with me, laughed with me... he was gone, replaced by this cold, distant leader who saw me as nothing more than a liability.

"I see," I whispered, the fight draining out of me all at once. I felt hollow, like everything that had ever mattered was slipping through my fingers. "So that's it, then."

His jaw clenched, but he didn't respond. The silence that followed was deafening, the weight of it pressing down on me until I couldn't stand it any longer.

I turned on my heel, moving toward the doors. But just before I reached them, Marcus spoke again, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"I'm sorry, Sera."

I stopped, my hand hovering over the door handle. For a moment, I considered turning back, begging him to reconsider, to see me as more than a curse. But I knew it was pointless. He had made his decision.

And so would I.

Without another word, I pushed the doors open and stepped out into the cool night air. The wind bit at my skin, and I wrapped my arms around myself as I made my way down the stone steps of the packhouse. Each step felt heavier than the last, like I was leaving behind a part of myself with every stride.

By the time I reached the bottom, I felt like I was drowning in the silence. The rejection was a knife twisting in my gut, but beneath the pain, something else was simmering. Rage.

Not just at Marcus, but at the injustice of it all. At the way I was being punished for something I couldn't control, something that might not even be true.

They were wrong about me, I thought, gritting my teeth. I'll prove them wrong.

I didn't know how yet, but I would find a way. I wasn't going to let some prophecy dictate my life. Not when I had so much to offer, so much I could do for the pack.

I took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill my lungs, trying to calm the storm raging inside me. But just as I was about to start the walk back to my cabin, I heard it-a faint rustling, like leaves being disturbed by something heavy.

I froze, every instinct on high alert. Slowly, I turned my head, scanning the shadows of the surrounding woods. The moonlight barely penetrated the dense foliage, casting eerie, shifting shapes across the ground.

For a long moment, there was nothing but silence. And then, just as I was about to dismiss it as my imagination, I saw it-a pair of eyes, glowing faintly in the darkness, watching me.

My heart skipped a beat. I stepped back, my pulse quickening as the figure stepped into the light. It was a wolf, but not one I recognized.

Its fur was a dark, mottled gray, almost black, and its eyes-those eyes were a sickly, unnatural yellow. It bared its teeth at me in a silent snarl, and I could feel the hostility radiating off it in waves.

Who are you? I wondered, my mind racing. But before I could do anything, the wolf turned and disappeared back into the shadows, melting into the night as if it had never been there at all.

I stood there, staring after it, my mind buzzing with questions. I had never seen a wolf like that in our territory. And the way it had looked at me... there was something almost human in those eyes, something that sent a shiver down my spine.

A cold wind swept through the clearing, and I wrapped my arms tighter around myself, suddenly feeling very alone. The sense of foreboding I had felt earlier was back, stronger now, pressing in on me from all sides. I needed to get home, to figure out what the hell was going on.

But just as I turned to leave, a whisper drifted through the air, so faint I almost missed it. It wasn't a sound, exactly, more like a thought that wasn't mine, brushing against the edges of my consciousness.

They're coming, Sera. And when they do, nothing will be the same.

I whipped around, scanning the shadows, but there was nothing. No sign of the wolf, no sign of anything. Just the empty darkness, pressing in on all sides.

My heart pounded in my chest as I hurried back to my cabin, the cryptic warning echoing in my mind. What did it mean? Who was coming? And why did it feel like this was only the beginning?

By the time I reached the safety of my home, I was trembling, my mind racing with a thousand possibilities, none of them good. I locked the door behind me, but it did little to calm the storm brewing inside.

I sank onto the bed, running a hand through my hair, trying to make sense of everything. The rejection, the prophecy, the strange wolf, and that warning... it was too much, all at once. But one thing was clear-I couldn't ignore this. Whatever was happening, it was coming for me, whether I was ready or not.

And I had a feeling that by the time it was over, my life-and the entire Silverwood Pack-would be changed forever.

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Other books by Miriam Samuel

Faking Forever with the Alpha

Faking Forever with the Alpha



Elena Morgan's brother Liam, a respected member of the werewolf pack, is accused of treason by the Alpha King, Damien Blackwood, Elena's world is turned upside down. Desperate to prove her brother's innocence and protect her family, Elena finds herself drawn into a dangerous game of politics and deception. With the pack's future hanging in the balance, Damien offers Elena a deal she can't refuse: a fake mating contract that will not only clear her brother's name but also secure her family's safety. Reluctantly consenting to the plan, Elena must maneuver through the dangerous waters of werewolf society, where power conflicts and competing factions endanger the pack's unity. While exploring Damien's world more deeply, Elena uncovers surprising revelations about his actual intentions and the hidden, ominous secrets of the pack. Elena is faced with a dilemma as she finds herself increasingly drawn to Damien while also feeling a strong sense of allegiance to her family. She must untangle the web of deception and falsehoods before it becomes irreversible. Elena quickly works to discover the truth and protect her loved ones with the aid of her best friend Ava, mysterious detective Marcus Thompson, and unexpected allies in the pack. However, as tensions increase and loyalties are challenged, Elena comes to understand that things are not always what they appear to be. Facing betrayal at every turn and impending danger, Elena must use all her bravery and cleverness to stay alive in a world where nothing is clear-cut, and the distinction between friend and foe is unclear. As the stakes increase and the real intentions of the Alpha King are uncovered, Elena faces a decision that will alter her fate permanently. Will she give in to the temptation of power and passion, or will she remain loyal to herself and carve out her own journey, even if it means putting all her values at stake?

Rebirth of the Rejected Mate

Rebirth of the Rejected Mate



Aria Thorn's life is torn apart when she is rejected by her destined mate, Lucian Blackwood, the ruthless Alpha of a rival pack. Heartbroken and determined to prove her worth, Aria delves into the ancient lore of her kind, uncovering a prophecy that foretells her pivotal role in the survival of her pack. As Aria grapples with her newfound powers and the burden of her destiny, she forms unlikely alliances and rekindles old friendships. Guided by her mentor, Finn Wolf, and supported by her loyal best friend, Kai Hunter, Aria begins to see her rejection not as a curse, but as an opportunity for rebirth. But Lucian, threatened by the prophecy, will stop at nothing to maintain his dominance. As tensions escalate and battle lines are drawn, Aria must navigate a web of deceit and danger. In a world where loyalty is tested and enemies lurk in every shadow, Aria’s journey becomes a race against time to unlock her true potential and protect those she loves. Just as she begins to embrace her destiny, a shocking betrayal leaves Aria questioning everything she thought she knew about her pack and herself. In the dead of night, a chilling revelation comes to light—one that could shatter the fragile balance between the packs and unleash a war unlike any Silverwood has ever seen. As the full moon rises, Aria stands on the brink of a decision that could change the fate of all werewolves forever. Will she rise to the challenge, or will the shadows of her past consume her? The answer lies in a single, haunting question: Who can Aria truly trust?

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Chapter 1 Rejection



Chapter 2 Unsettling Signs



Chapter 3 Unraveling the Threat



Chapter 4 The Hidden Message



Chapter 5 Confronting the unseen



Chapter 6 A Rogue's Entrance



Chapter 7 The Traitor Within



Chapter 8 Alaric's Ambition



Chapter 9 The Betrayal



Chapter 10 The Secret Meeting



Chapter 11 Forest of Fear



Chapter 12 Forbidden Alliances



Chapter 13 The Cursed Artifact



Chapter 14 Allies and Enemies



Chapter 15 The Hidden Lineage



Chapter 16 The Prophecy Unveiled



Chapter 17 The Double Agent



Chapter 18 Dark Magic Rising



Chapter 19 The Redemption Arc



Chapter 20 The True Enemy



Chapter 21 The Rescue Mission



Chapter 22 A Fateful Encounter



Chapter 23 The Ancestor's Wrath



Chapter 24 The Power Within



Chapter 25 Breaking the Loop



Chapter 26 The Final Confrontation



Chapter 27 Redemption and Renewal



Chapter 28 A New Beginning



Chapter 29 Shattered Alliances



Chapter 30 Echoes of the Past



Chapter 31 The Shadow's Revelation



Chapter 32 Unmasking the Traitor



Chapter 33 The Vanishing



Chapter 34 Allies in the Dark



Chapter 35 The Betrayer's Identity



Chapter 36 The Siege



Chapter 37 The Hidden Artifact



Chapter 38 Unraveling the Trap



Chapter 39 Alaric's Masterstroke



Chapter 40 The Artifact's Power
