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Faking Forever with the Alpha

Faking Forever with the Alpha

Miriam Samuel


Elena Morgan's brother Liam, a respected member of the werewolf pack, is accused of treason by the Alpha King, Damien Blackwood, Elena's world is turned upside down. Desperate to prove her brother's innocence and protect her family, Elena finds herself drawn into a dangerous game of politics and deception. With the pack's future hanging in the balance, Damien offers Elena a deal she can't refuse: a fake mating contract that will not only clear her brother's name but also secure her family's safety. Reluctantly consenting to the plan, Elena must maneuver through the dangerous waters of werewolf society, where power conflicts and competing factions endanger the pack's unity. While exploring Damien's world more deeply, Elena uncovers surprising revelations about his actual intentions and the hidden, ominous secrets of the pack. Elena is faced with a dilemma as she finds herself increasingly drawn to Damien while also feeling a strong sense of allegiance to her family. She must untangle the web of deception and falsehoods before it becomes irreversible. Elena quickly works to discover the truth and protect her loved ones with the aid of her best friend Ava, mysterious detective Marcus Thompson, and unexpected allies in the pack. However, as tensions increase and loyalties are challenged, Elena comes to understand that things are not always what they appear to be. Facing betrayal at every turn and impending danger, Elena must use all her bravery and cleverness to stay alive in a world where nothing is clear-cut, and the distinction between friend and foe is unclear. As the stakes increase and the real intentions of the Alpha King are uncovered, Elena faces a decision that will alter her fate permanently. Will she give in to the temptation of power and passion, or will she remain loyal to herself and carve out her own journey, even if it means putting all her values at stake?

Chapter 1 The Calm Before the Storm

The fluorescent lights hummed softly above me as I finished up the last of my paperwork for the day. Another long, uneventful shift at Crescent Falls Veterinary Clinic was coming to an end. I leaned back in my chair, stretching my arms above my head, and glanced at the clock. 7:45 PM. Time to head home.

My phone buzzed on the desk, and I saw a text from my brother, Liam.

Liam: Hey, El. Can you come over tonight? Need to talk. Urgent.

I frowned. Liam wasn’t the type to overstate things. If he said it was urgent, it probably was. I quickly texted back.

Me: Sure, be there in 30.

Grabbing my bag, I locked up the clinic and stepped out into the cool evening air. Crescent Falls was bustling as usual, with people milling about, finishing their shopping or heading to dinner. I loved the city’s vibrancy, the way it seemed alive even at night.

The walk to Liam’s apartment took me past the town square, where a group of kids were playing near the fountain. I smiled, reminded of when Liam and I used to run around there as children, causing mischief and dreaming of adventures.

But tonight, there was an uneasy feeling in my gut. Liam had sounded tense, almost desperate. I quickened my pace.

When I reached his building, I found the door slightly ajar. My heart skipped a beat. Liam was always so careful about security. I pushed the door open and called out.

“Liam? It’s me, Elena. Where are you?”

No response. The apartment was dark, save for a sliver of moonlight streaming in through the window. I flicked on the light switch, half-expecting Liam to jump out and scare me like he used to when we were kids. But the room remained silent and empty.

A soft creak behind me made me whirl around. There, in the doorway, stood Alpha King Damien Blackwood. Tall, imposing, with an aura of authority that made the air crackle. His icy blue eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, I couldn’t breathe.

“Elena Morgan,” he said, his voice a low rumble. “We need to talk.”

I found my voice, though it sounded weak even to my own ears. “Where’s Liam? What’s going on?”

Damien’s expression was unreadable. “Liam has been accused of treason against the pack.”

The words hit me like a punch to the gut. “Treason? That’s impossible! Liam would never betray the pack.”

Damien stepped closer, his gaze never leaving mine. “Nevertheless, the evidence against him is damning. He’s been taken into custody.”

“No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “There has to be a mistake. Liam is loyal. He’s one of the most respected members of the pack.”

Damien’s eyes softened, just a fraction. “I’m giving you a chance to prove his innocence, Elena. But it won’t be easy.”

I squared my shoulders, fighting the fear rising in my chest. “What do I need to do?”

He took a deep breath. “I have a proposal. A fake mating contract between us. It will buy you time to investigate and clear Liam’s name. In return, your family’s safety will be guaranteed.”

I stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. A fake mating contract? With the Alpha King? It sounded like a nightmare, but what choice did I have?

Before I could respond, Damien’s phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and his expression darkened.

“We’ll discuss this more tomorrow,” he said, turning to leave. “But remember, Elena, time is of the essence.”

As he walked out, I felt the weight of his words settle heavily on my shoulders. I sank onto the couch, my mind racing. What was I going to do?

A soft knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. I opened it cautiously, half-expecting Damien to have returned. Instead, I found a small, unmarked envelope on the floor. I picked it up, my heart pounding.

Inside was a single piece of paper with a hastily scrawled message:

Liam is innocent. Find the red wolf. Trust no one.

My blood ran cold. Someone out there believed Liam was innocent, and they were risking a lot to tell me. But who was the red wolf? And why couldn’t I trust anyone?

I had so many questions and no answers. The only thing I knew for certain was that I had to clear Liam’s name, no matter the cost.

As I sat there, clutching the note, a new resolve filled me. I would navigate this treacherous path, uncover the truth, and protect my family. Even if it meant striking a deal with the Alpha King.

I tucked the note into my pocket and headed home, my mind already spinning with plans. Tomorrow, I would face Damien Blackwood again. But tonight, I needed rest. I needed to be strong for what was to come.

As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the enormity of the situation hit me. My ordinary life had been shattered, replaced by a dangerous game of politics and deception. But I wouldn’t back down. Not now, not ever.

For Liam. For my family. For the truth.

I drifted into a restless sleep, the mysterious note and Damien’s icy blue eyes haunting my dreams.

Tomorrow, everything would change. And I would be ready.

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