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Why the moon roars

Why the moon roars

Veeyah Englis


"You were destined to heal me," he whispered, his scarred face hidden in shadows. "I don't understand," she said, fear and fascination warring within her. "Neither do I," he growled, his voice laced with pain. "But I won't let you go until I do."

Chapter 1 Somewhere not home.

Baelakis point of view. I heard a really loud thud. It was my body that made the noise, it took me a second or more before I finally felt the impact of my weight coming in contact with a floor made out of wood like a bag of unwanted trash. I can’t make a sound. I already feel enough pain from the past two days and the worst part is that I do not know where I am and neither has this fold been lifted off my eyes since I got captured.

It seemed funny to me because my parents did not even have a penny to their name and if these godforsaken kidnappers are trying to ask them for ransom, I’ll be dead in a few days because, to start with, my parents do not have a phone, which means they cannot be contacted, and it also means I’m done for.

Wait, didn’t these kidnappers see the rags I was wearing before kidnapping me? Why would they bother taking someone like me?

I heard a little sound near me. So faint as if the person is trying to gasp for air. Although I haven’t tasted anything for two straight days, I’m not fazed because I’m already used to going without food for days, so I’m sure I’m not hallucinating due to hunger. Wasn’t I the only one here? For the past two days, I had been the only one in my kidnappers' vehicle. I just felt it, the emptiness in the vehicle I was put in. Right now it’s different, I feel a presence here and right now.

Next, the voice coughed. A really dry cough that sounded unhealthy “is… is…there…” another dry cough escaped the throat of the person I am now sure is a woman. She continued “someone new…am…ong us?” I could feel her pain from her voice. I knew that her throat wasn’t feeling nice right now, but she still needed to communicate.

Wait, did she just say “us”? Does this mean there may be more than two people here right now? Oh wow. I’m not the only one who has been kidnapped.

Who were these people, and why did they take us?

What are they going to do with us?

“Who else is here?” I asked.

“We don’t know how many we are, but welcome to the party” another female voice responded with a shade of sarcasm.

As the reality of the situation sank in, a wave of fear and confusion swept over me. I couldn't comprehend why I, of all people, would be targeted for kidnapping. But as I listened to the voices around me, I realized that I wasn't alone in this nightmare.

The darkness seemed to press in on us, suffocating and oppressive. With each passing moment, the uncertainty grew thicker, like a fog enveloping my mind. Who were those people that had taken us? What did they want? And most importantly, how could we escape this ordeal?

Despite the fear gnawing at my insides, a spark of determination flickered into life within me. I couldn't afford to give in to despair. I had to find a way out, not just for myself, but for the others trapped in this nightmare with me.

But first, I needed to gather as much information as I could. I strained my ears, listening for any clues that might shed light on our situation. And as the voices whispered in the darkness, I vowed to myself that no matter what it took, I would find a way to break free from this prison and return to the life I once knew. Even if that life was equal to death, I’d rather see my parents.

“We set sail now!” I heard a husky voice very far from us, somewhere outside this room shouting with authority.

Sail? We are on a ship!

It took me a few seconds to process this new information. Are we leaving Poland? What about my life at the farm? What about my poor parents? My blind father? Everyone? My friends? My mother? That woman could barely do anything without me. They are going to suffer more than they already do.

“Ahhhh! Someone help me, get me off this ship! Let me out! Help!” I let out multiple ferocious screams in hopes of being heard and saved.

I felt an atrocious weight landing on my head. I think someone hit me ‘cause I blacked out.

A sharp pain went straight into my eyes and I immediately squinted. The darkness was too much to comprehend, so thick that it felt like my overgrown nails could penetrate its flesh.

The atmosphere here was different, it was more silent than the last one. They had put me in an isolated room alone and taken the folds off my eyes. They brought me here to teach me a lesson.

“This one is too stubborn. Once we finish teaching her a lesson, she’ll behave well and keep mute like the others” the voice said before giving me a scalding blow on my mouth.

Liquid dripped off of the spot he had hit me, it definitely wasn’t saliva, this liquid tasted and smelled like iron. It was blood.

I groaned.

Another blow, then another, then another to my stomach, then another to my left ear, then another to my stomach again and one heavy one to my left eye.

All these blows were coming from a creature that I couldn’t see. The people here are heartless.

“Just let me go… home” I whispered amid my heavy breaths.

“Throw me into the water, please” I begged.

There was silence.

Were they actually considering granting my wish?

A bucket of water was brought out from God knows where, and he forcefully dipped my head inside it.

I tried fighting him off, but the longer my head stayed in the water, the weaker I became. The water painfully went through my nose, it was excruciating. I tried to make out the word “please” but it was just me making the sounds of rumbling waters.

He let me go.

“Do you still want to be thrown into the water, you bitch?” they shouted.

I shook my head, implying a “No."

“Good.” That was all he said.

As I lay there panting heavily, battered and bruised, the silence weighed heavily upon me, broken only by the sound of my ragged breaths. I couldn't see my assailant, but their presence loomed over me like a shadow.

"Why are you doing this to us?" I finally managed to croak out, my voice barely above a whisper.

The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity before a voice, cold and devoid of empathy, replied, "You ask too many questions. Just do as you're told, and maybe we'll let you live."

The threat in their words sent shivers down my spine, but I couldn't bring myself to stay silent. "But why? What have we done to deserve this?" I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.

There was a pause, as if they were considering my question, before they spoke again, their voices dripping with malice, "You're nothing but pawns in a much larger game. And we always get what we want."

The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. We were just pieces on a chessboard, moved around at the whims of our captors. But I refused to accept that fate.

"We won't be your playthings forever," I vowed, defiance burning within me despite the pain. “I’ll find a way to escape, and when i do, you'll regret ever crossing me.” Deep down I knew I was throwing empty threats, but I just had to say something, I had to fight back. I’m not one to leave without a fight.

There was no response, only the sound of footsteps fading into the distance as my tormentor left me alone in the darkness once again. But despite the fear and uncertainty that gripped my heart, every glimmer of hope faded into extinction. We may be trapped for now, but as long as we had each other, we still have a fighting chance. Right?

As hours turned into days, the darkness enveloped me like a suffocating shroud, each passing moment heavier than the last. I remained a beacon of strength amidst our shared despair, my slow breath a reminder that I wasn’t entirely lost. Days blurred into nights, marked only by the rhythm of my breath echoing off the cold walls.

Despite the weight of our confinement, I refused to succumb to despair. My resilience is an anchor, a testament to the indomitable spirit that burned within me. Even as the days stretched on, my resolve remained unbroken, a flicker of hope in the encroaching darkness. I was going to leave this place, I was going to escape, taking the girls with me. This was my plan.

And in those fleeting moments of respite, when my tormentor's footsteps echoed elsewhere, I found solace in my own company. With whispered words and silent prayers, and every passing moment, a longing for home, for my freedom. Though the shadows threatened to consume me, my eyes blazed with a defiant light, a beacon of hope in the depths of despair.

A week has passed and the only thing I’ve been given is water. My husky-voiced tormentor says it’s to keep me alive but keep me weak. It worked. I definitely couldn’t feel my legs as I laid facing the wooden floor.

As the days passed by, I felt my strength dwindling, my muscles aching for something other than water to sustain me. The stench of the wooden floors mingled with the salty sea air, making my stomach churn. The occasional creak of the ship's timbers and the rush of the waves beneath the hull were the only sounds that broke through the silence of my prison.

I could barely keep my eyes open, the light that peeked through the small porthole in the cell only adding to my misery.

The rocking of the ship intensified as the waves grew more tumultuous, signaling that land was not far off. My mind raced with possibilities, the escape plan solidifying with each passing minute.

As the sun began to set, casting a fiery glow across the ocean, I heard a commotion above deck. Voices shouted in a language I couldn't understand, but I could sense the urgency in their tones. The ship's engines roared, indicating that we were nearing port.

It was now or never. With the last ounce of strength I had, I rose from my position on the floor, ignoring the agony in my limbs.

I pressed my ear against the wooden door of my cell, listening intently for any signs of life on the other side. The voices I had heard earlier were fading away, indicating that the crew had left their posts to secure the ship.

I had to act fast. Mustering all my strength, I threw my body against the door. The hinges groaned in protest but held strong. I tried again, putting all my weight on it. This time, the door creaked open, just wide enough for me to squeeze through. Mr Husky-voice wasn’t even smart enough to properly lock the door.

The hallway was empty, but the sound of footsteps echoed from nearby.

Heart pounding in my chest, I darted down the corridor, every step a precarious dance between freedom and captivity. The air was thick with the scent of salt and desperation, each breath a reminder of the perilous game I was about to play.

As I rounded a corner, a figure loomed ahead, casting a long shadow in the dim light. Instinct took over, propelling me into a sprint as adrenaline surged through my veins.

The chase was on. My bare feet slapped against the deck as I bolted towards the stern of the ship. The sound of my pursuer's heavy footsteps grew louder with each stride, the scent of his unwashed body mingling with the musty air.

I could hear him cursing under his breath, a string of words in a language I couldn't understand but knew was aimed at me. My lungs burned with exertion as I made a sharp turn, heading towards the cargo hold where my instincts told me the other girls were being kept.

I knew this because the smell of vinegar was just too strong, it lingered. I had perceived this odor the first day I was forced there, I just couldn’t mistake it.

I skidded to a halt at the entrance to the cargo hold, my heart pounding against my ribs like a war drum. With shaking hands, I reached for the handle, turning it with a click. The door swung open, and I was greeted by darkness, silence, and the overpowering smell of vinegar.

In that moment, I knew I had found my destination, but also that my presence had been noted. The ship's crew must have been alerted by the commotion, and they were undoubtedly closing in.

The sound of their fear pierced my heart like a dagger. I had to protect them, to get them out of here before it was too late. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts.

"It's okay," I whispered in a voice that betrayed my own fear. "I'm here to help. You're safe now."

Some of the girls who were able to stand crowded around me, their frail bodies trembling as they clung to me for comfort. I knew I had to act quickly before the crew discovered us.

I began to help the weaker girls to their feet, and the other girls joined me. We had to be fast.

"We don't have much time," I urged them. "We have to move now."

The girls moved as quickly as their weakened bodies allowed, each of them determined to escape.

"We're going to have to work together," I said. "Stay close to me, and do as I say. We'll find a way off this ship and get to safety."

As we made our way up the stairs to the upper deck, the sounds of the crew grew louder. They were coming, and we had to move faster.

I heard a silent whimper somewhere in the dark corner.

I searched with my eyes carefully to make out a weak figure on the floor. I’m glad I didn’t rush out, I would have left someone behind.

I walked slowly to her and picked her up, “Ju..st let m…e go, I’ll drag you girls back. You girls have to run fast, leave me alone and r…un” the dry voice said.

I recognized that voice as clear as I could tell water from acid. She was the first girl who spoke to me the first time I was brought onto the ship.

“I won’t let you go, you are coming with us” I said as I picked her up. She was really light, it was obvious that she hadn’t had enough food. How long had she been there? Her skinny bones could pierce me.

As I held her fragile form in my arms, a surge of determination welled up inside me. I couldn't leave her behind to suffer alone in the darkness any longer. With careful steps, I began to lead her out of the shadowy corner, her weight barely registering against me.

"Listen, you're not alone anymore," I whispered softly, trying to reassure her despite the fear in her voice. "We're getting out of here together."

Her grip on me tightened, her trust wavering but still present. I could feel her trembling against me, a testament to the trauma she had endured.

As we made our way towards the dim light at the end of the corridor, I promised myself that I would do whatever it took to keep her safe. No matter the obstacles ahead, we will face them together, not as victims but as survivors.

The girl's determination in the face of such dire circumstances was both heart-wrenching and admirable. I knew she would slow us down, but leaving her behind was not an option.

"We're all in this together," I said, reassuring her. "You're not going to slow us down. We'll find a way to make it work."

The sounds of the crew were drawing closer, and I knew we had to act fast. I motioned for the other girls to follow me, leading them up the stairs towards the deck.

As we ascended the stairs, the weight of our situation pressed down on us like a heavy fog. I could feel the tension in the air, mingled with the palpable fear of what lay ahead. Each step seemed to echo the uncertainty of our journey, yet I remained resolute in my determination to lead us through.

Reaching the deck, I surveyed our surroundings, searching for any signs of hope amidst the darkness. The night sky stretched out above us, a vast expanse of unknown possibilities. But amidst the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of light—a beacon of hope that urged us forward.

Gathering my courage, I turned to the others, my voice steady despite the turmoil within. "We may be facing the unknown, but together, we are stronger than any obstacle that stands in our way. Let's show them what we're made of."

With renewed determination, we set forth into the night, our footsteps echoing with the promise of a brighter tomorrow. And though the path ahead was fraught with challenges, I knew that as long as we stood together, we could overcome anything that dared to stand in our way.

The night air was thick with tension as we crept across the deck, our collective breath mingling with the salty sea spray. The ship seemed to groan and shift beneath our feet, as if it was too aware of our precarious situation.

As we made our way towards the railing, we could hear the voices of the crew echoing through the ship, their harsh words cutting through the silence like a knife. But we pressed on, driven by our desperate need for freedom.

"We can do this," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the crashing of the waves.

We shuffled our way, the loud feet of the men coming our way.

“Boss, she’s no longer where you kept her” a loud voice informing who I believed was my tormentor.

Flashbacks of the constant torture I endured in that godforsaken room hit me like a whirlwind. I never want to go back there, they might even kill me this time. My body was already too weak to endure another pound of harm.

“I know a way out,” one of the girls said. I snapped my gaze towards her to see a girl who could be at least nineteen years old. She had her hair dyed purple. “I believe I know a way out,” she repeated. “But, we have to run!” She concluded.

The urgency in the purple-haired girl's voice reverberated through the group, striking each of us like a lightning bolt.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice tinged with desperation. "How can we get out of here?"

The girl's eyes darted around, scanning our surroundings. "There's a lifeboat over there," she whispered, her finger pointing towards the edge of the ship. "If we can get to it, we might be able to row away from here."

“We might not all fit in,” I said, concerned.

“Let's get out of here first,” another girl said.

"Alright," I replied, my tone decisive. "But we need to move quickly. If the crew finds us, we're done for."

The group nodded in agreement, and we began to make our way towards the lifeboat. Our footsteps were light, our movements quick and calculated as we tried to remain undetected.

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out, shattering the silence. "There they are! Stop them!"

The crew had spotted us, and they were hot on our heels. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I broke into a run, the other girls following close behind.

At this point, I carried the dry-voiced girl as I had come to describe her due to the absence of her name on my back. She was close to weightless anyway.

We followed the purple-haired girl as she ran.

"This way!" the purple-haired girl yelled, her voice frantic.

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