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A Grey Ride With The Billionaire

A Grey Ride With The Billionaire



Mia Benjamin's pitiful life changed when she signed a contract to get married to the powerful billionaire, Jeff Thiago. Her only aim was to leave the grasp of penury and her life-sucking manipulator of a boyfriend. Life with Jeff Thiago was rosy and hell. Rosy that she has everything she has always wanted. It was hell because Jeff Thiago was one impatient man and he was quick to anger. He learned to find comfort in her arms and she did the same and got pregnant for him. They both have a secret they hide. Although Jeff discovered Mia's own earlier, Jeff's secret wasn't discovered by Mia until later and she felt betrayed but forgave him. Ray came into the picture to disrupt her recently found happiness and connived with Hanna, her two-faced friend to kidnap her. What would happen when Jeff stumbled upon the pregnancy kit in the room and found out that Mia was gone? What secret are they hiding? Will Mia survive Ray's wrath?

Chapter 1 AGRWTB- 1


"I don't have any money to give you, Ray. I need to buy Sanitary napkins" I stood my ground as I faced him squarely.

"What do you mean you don't have money? You were out all day doing delivery" He yelled impatiently.

"And what do you do all day? Drink? Carry different women and sleep? Now you want my money again. You must be joking" I managed to say courageously.

"You now have the effrontery to yell back at me right?" He smirked at me like a maniac.

He moved towards me slowly while I backed out, staring into his dangerous eyes.

"I just need this money to get sanitary napkins" I stammered uncontrollably.

My back hit the wall and I wish, at that instant that the wall should swallow me. He came close to me and I could feel his breath on my face.

"And I need the money too" He yelled in anger.

The next thing I felt was a sting on my cheek. He just slapped me.

"Give me the money now, you worthless thing" He ordered while grabbing my jaw forcefully.

I still held on to the money. I'm not ready to surrender it to him. I know the stress I went through to earn this money.

The next thing he did was carry me as if I was a worthless piece of trash and throw me on the worn-out couch. The wood rearing out of the couch hit my back and I yelped in pain but he was less concerned.

"I will teach you a lesson that you will remember for the rest of your pathetic life" He threatened and reared towards me, eyes blazing red and his veins popping out.

"No, let me go. Let me go. I'm on my period" I shouted and pleaded in protest but it fell on deaf ears.

He tore my dress roughly, loosened his belt likewise, and penetrated me. All I could do was scream in pain as my blood flowed out.


He finished off me and stood up, sweating and breathing heavily like one who just run a marathon.

He snatched the money from my fist. I couldn't protest as I was already weak. I just lay there sobbing as I bled.

"You are just so sweet and irresistible," Ray said sweetly to me and pulled me closer to him.

I kept on sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise" He muttered again but I said nothing.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Clean up yourself and this mess before I get back then we will continue from where we stopped. I will be right back darling. I love you" He intoned and walked out of the messy room.

I wiped my tears and managed to stand. My legs were wobbly and blood dripped down my legs, staining the untiled floor. I walked weakly into the bathroom and took my bath. I used rags to pad myself cleaned the mess in the room afterwards and lay down, thinking about my life.

My mind went to the words of that weird and arrogant man that I met earlier in the day.


"Mia, make sure you deliver this to the right address, no mistake this time around" My boss shouted after me.

"I heard you" I yelled back as I climbed my old bicycle and pedaled off.

"Shit" I cursed as my bicycle chain came off.

I don't blame it. It's already old and I have no money to repair it or buy another one.

I was trying to fix it when a car horned loudly behind me. I stood up abruptly and realized I was in the middle of the road. It is a lonely shortcut and cars rarely pass.

"I'm sorry" I bowed gently to the car pushed my bicycle to the side of the road and continued fixing it.

"Hey," A man got down from the car and walked up to me.

I stared at him, lost in my thoughts. Who is he? He looks like an angel, the fallen ones.

I was lost staring at him and I quickly jerked out of my thought when his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hi Mum" He muttered disinterestedly as if he had been forced to speak.

"Mum, calm down. Okay? I'm with her now. Do you want to speak with her?" He seems agitated now.

"With who? Me?" I looked around and we were the only ones on the deserted road.

"Babe, my Mum wants to speak with you," He said perfunctorily.

"Are you okay sir?" I asked to be sure I heard right.

"Just say anything and act like my fiancee" He mouthed to me.

"Huh, act like your fiancee?" My eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes. Mum, I'm passing the phone to her now" He passed the phone to me.

"Hello Ma'am"

The scream on the other end almost made me deaf.

"You're his fiancee? What's your name darling?" She inquired.

"Yes ma, My name is Mia" I responded to her question.

"Please address me as Mum. When will you come to visit?"

I looked up at the guy, tapping his left leg on the floor. He is impatient.

"I will visit you if your son will let me"

On saying that, he turned to look at me. His face was blank so I couldn't read his countenance.

"Okay, Mum. I will see you soon. Thank you Mum" I said and the call ended.

I handed the phone over to him.

"What was that about?" I asked, not sure if I was flattered or upset.

"You just spoke to my Mum, that's all," He said arrogantly and turned to walk back into his car.

"Hey! No, thank you?" I inquired, getting infuriated by his indifferent attitude already.

"For?" He raised his brow cluelessly.

"For...For...acting.." I couldn't complete my statement as he cut me off.

"Do you know who I am?" He folded his arms on his chest and rested on his car. It was a spectacular pose.

"I don't even want to know and I don't care who you are" I folded my arms on my chest too, gingerly.

"You will regret saying this" He warned.

"You're just one of these brats that is lucky to have it rich" I eyed him.

"You're just as feisty as I thought" He murmured but I heard him anyway.

He looked at me with those dark eyes of his. His face was blank, cold but still attractive and sexy in some way. It is hard to read his facial expression. But I glared at him anyway.

"Will you be my wife?" He asked after a deafening staring contest.

"Huh," I choked on my spit and coughed out.

"You will just pretend to be my wife for my Mum and sister for some months. That's all" He explained.

"And what do I get in return?" I bargained sarcastically.

"Money. I mean wealth" He said and my head sparked at the mention of money.

I stood transfixed on a spot.

"If you decide to act with me. Call me. I will come to pick you up wherever you are" He gave me his card entered the car and zoomed off.

"I will come pick you wherever you are" That statement re-echoed in my head as I stared at his limousine until I could see it no more.

End of flashback.

A harsh knock sounded on the door and I jumped down from the couch quickly. Is he back? So quick?

"Who is there?" I stuttered in fright.

"It's me" A vexed voice answered.

"Hanna?" I hurriedly went to open the door and ushered her in.

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