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Stuck Between Brothers

Stuck Between Brothers

Big Fave


Adil's life takes an unexpected turn when he finds a new family and falls for his adoptive sister, Ina. As he begins to settle into this newfound happiness, a blast from his past emerges - his long-lost brother, Kaiser, determined to claim Ina for himself. Ina finds herself caught in the middle of a passionate love triangle, while Adil was forced to navigate the complex web of family ties and his own heart's desires. As Adil dives into his dark past to uncover hidden truths, he must make a heart-wrenching decision - will he choose the family he has grown to love, or will he risk it all to follow his heart? Will he choose family ties or follow his heart?

Chapter 1 001

“Adil, mom…” Ina couldn't finish speaking before she dashed out of his room, shielding her eyes with her hands.

“I told you to always knock, didn't I?” Adil shot back at her, duly embarrassed since she has witnessed his morning wood.

A few minutes later, with her hands still covering her eyes partially, she tiptoed back into his room.

“Really?” She was standing behind him with her hands folded across her chest.

“I hate you… so much that I want to rip your head off your neck.” Adil shot back at her as he folded the duvet and made his bed.

Annoyed with the way he had spokem to her, Ina plopped on his bed, spreading her hands and legs apart.

Adil, found at the seashore by Piper, Ina's mom on her way back from work was brought home. For several weeks, he was unconscious and tendering to him each day, drew her and Ina to him.

When he regained consciousness, they felt bad that he was going to return to his family but it turned out that he had amnesia and couldn't remember anything from the past.

Grabbing this opportunity and with his consent, Piper adopted him, treating him like the son she never had and also giving Ina the privilege of having a brother.

In a few months, it was going to be the eighth year, since they became family.

“Get off.”

“No, you will have to apologize before I do. Firstly for not covering up properly and secondly for speaking to me rudely.”

Smirking, Adil wrapped his hand across his chest. He thought she was going to get off her own but when she didn't after several minutes, he tossed the duvet and pillows on her face and then stormed off.

“Mom…” he called out to Piper who was making breakfast in the kitchen.

“Hey, you're awake. I asked Ina to go get you, I wonder what she is up to right now.” She said, placing a glass of milk in front of him.

“Thanks mom.”

“Uhm… drink up.” With her back turned on him, she said, “Aren't you heading for school, the bus will be here in no time.”

Clutching her books on her chest, Ina dashed into the kitchen and then tossed them in front of Adil.

Crouching beside him with a smile etched on her lips, she titled her head to the side, blinking rapidly like she always did whenever she wanted a favor from him.

“What do you want now?” He asked with an eye roll.

“Last night, I was studying for our maths test but guess what, I forgot Ms. Claire gave us an assignment to work on.”

“There you go again, telling lies.” Piper shot at her.

“Come on mom, you're ruining my chances.” She scowled at her.

Now holding Adil's hand, she continued blinking her eyes until they began to hurt, only then did he decide to help her.

After breakfast, they got ready for school and immediately the school bus arrived, they hurried out.

Adil and Ina attended Maple Ridge Senior High School and were both in the same class.

Everyone knew them not only because they were siblings but because they were always at loggerheads, creating scenes which the students always looked forward to.

“Tarzan.” Ina called all of a sudden, tugging Adil's arm.

“I already asked you to stop calling me that.” He snapped back at her. “What is it?”

Smiling, she leaned towards him, “You know our tests scores will be habded out today. I performed badly in the test…” Pouting, she placed her head on his shoulder, “Please, talk to mom on my behalf. I don't want to be grounded this weekend. Remember, it's Ethan's birthday party and I really want to be there.”

“He didn't invite you.” Adil snapped back at her.

“Of course he did.” Taking off her back pack, she pushed an invitation card towards him. “He gave this to me at the cafeteria yesterday and said he wanted me to come in my finest dress, he is going to be my partner, aren't I lucky?” She shireked while Adil scoffed.

Ethan Greenwoods wasn't a star student but he was popular because of his good looks and his wealthy parents.

Most girls wanted to be associated with him and so he decided to use it to his advantage, playing them and moving on the next.

“What, are you jealous?” She asked when he wouldn't say anything to her.

“Why should I be? In between, you're unfortunate.”

“What?” Her shrill voice rang all through the bus and at once all students turned in their direction, making Adil to wince.

He hated attention but whenever he was with Ina, there was no way he could avoid it.

When the students took their gazes off them, Ina tugged him again but this time around, she didn't get any response from him.

She continued this way until they got to the school premises.

“Can you just stop it already?” He yelled in her face, causing her to stutter backwards.

“Why are you ignoring me? I did nothing wrong.” She mumbled, darting her eyes around as she fiddled with her fingers.

“Everything you do is wrong, okay?” After one look in her direction, he grasped his backpack like his life depended on it and then stormed off in fury.

Now in the locker room, he wanted to start switching his books when he caught Ethan making out with a girl from another class.

At first, he wanted to ignore him but since he had I decided to involve Ina in his games, he decided to give him a prep talk.

Walking up to them, he pushed his hands into his pockets and then cleared his throat to announce his presence.

“What do you want, loser?” Ethan asked and the girl laughed.

“Leave Ina out of your games.” His voice was low but loud enough for him to hear.

“What are you talking about? Your sister is the one hovering around me, I don't like her even…” he continued blabbing making Aldi to clench his fists.

“Don't come anywhere close to her, if I find out, I wouldn't hesitate to do what I have in mind and trust me, it wouldn't be a nice tale to tell.” He said and not waiting for his response, he turned around to leave.

He was already getting to his locker when he returned his gaze in his direction, “Last thing, retrieve your invitation card before the end of today.”

“And if I don't?”

“I will thread it and return it to you.” His response left Ethan stunned. Not only was this their first conversation, Aldi had also spoken to him in a manner no one else has.

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Stuck Between Brothers

Chapter 1 001
