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Betrothed To The Enemy

Betrothed To The Enemy

Big Fave


Millicent Sawyer, a renowned Instagram influencer and movie director, had her life turned upside down when she was unexpectedly betrothed to Jesse Griffin, a charming model and actor. Their tumultuous past threatened to tear them apart, but fate had other plans. As they embarked on a journey of cohabitation, the question loomed: would their love be rekindled or would the flames of their past mistakes consume them? Dive into the passionate and intense world of Millicent and Jesse, where love, secrets, and redemption collide.

Chapter 1 001

Millicent's POV

With anger surging through my veins, I stormed out of the office, grasping my laptop with a hand and then the other was clutching my cup of half finished coffee.

Jesse Griffin had been a thorn in my flesh for the last few weeks since a contract with him had been proposed.

Before meeting with him in Zenith's Entertainment where I worked as a movie director, we already had several clashes which I was never going to forget in a hurry.

He was rude and arrogant but somehow, he still managed to be in the spotlight despite these flaws.

For me, I wouldn't say it was because of his good looks, neither was it because he was the last son of a billionaire but rather, because he knows what he is doing and he was good at it.

“I hate him.” I said, placing my laptop on my table.

With my hands resting on my waist, I began to pace the length and breadth of space, thinking about the meeting I just left.

“Mily, the chairman wants to speak to you.” Carmen said from the end of the room with her phone against her ear.


“What happened this time around? It would be nice if you get married to Jesse after all these fights. Marriages of these sorts tend to be fun-filled, what do you say?” It was Diana's turn to speak.

Rolling my eyes to the back of my head, I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying to send back the words I really wanted to say to her.

“Why, have you lost your tongue?” She teased, nudging me.

“If Jesse is the only suitor left on earth, I will rather remain single.” With this said, I stormed off with my fists clenched by my side.

The chairman has no other reason to summon me except it was related to the just concluded meeting.

With the way I had acted, I already knew I would be summoned at the end of the day and so I wasn't surprised.

Right now, my anger was directed to the fact that no one wants to tame Jesse. Everyone knows how he acts but no one speaks about it. I'm certain that if someone decides to stand up against him, all these will come to an end.

Now in front of the chairman's office, I took in a deep breath before hitting my fist against the door.

“Come on.”

Pushing the door in with my head bent, I made my way into his office, only then did I straighten up with my hands folded in front of me.

“What’s the issue? You're the only person fit for this job and that's why I asked you to speak to Jesse, but what did you do? You made a mess out of the situation…” he went on and on but I didn't retain a word he said.

When he finally exhausted all he had to say, he leaned against his seat and with his chin resting on his hand, he said, “Jesse Griffin is our newest actor, he just signed the contract a few moments ago.”

“What? But sir… this is unfair.”

“How is it? You having personal issues with him is none of the company's business, neither will your father's position as the largest shareholder…”

“I'm sorry sir but you need to stop.” I hushed him as my eyes burned with hot tears which were threatening to roll down my eyes. “I worked hard for this position, don't get my father involved here.” I snapped and the next minute, I was walking through the hallway.

It wasn't up to a minute after I plopped on a seat in the cafeteria when Gary, my boyfriend joined me.

“Is anything the issue?” He asked, giving my hand a soft squeeze.

“Don't worry, I will be fine.” I flashed him a coy smile.

Gary had been my boyfriend for three years now. He didn't just act like my boyfriend but as an older brother and best friend.

In a few months from now, which is going to be summer, we will be getting married so preparations have begun in full swing.

“You're lying, right?”

“Uhm… but don't worry about me, I will be fine in no time.” A few minutes later, I asked, “About the actors and actresses for the new movie, have you spoken with their managers.”

“I already did and hopefully by March, we will start shooting.”

We were still talking when my phone began to vibrate on the table. Turns out the caller was my dad and so I didn't delay picking up.

“Dad…” I called with a tiny voice.

“Where are you?” He snapped. The anger in his tone couldn't be missed and so I began to wonder what the issue was.

It was at this point that I remembered he asked me not to step out, not only did I step out, I was at work.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed my hand into my hair, “Dad… you know I can't spend a day at home doing nothing. I have a very busy schedule…”

“You have two hours to prepare for your wedding, come home immediately.” He said and at once the lines disconnected.

With my heart lodged inside my mouth, I redial his phone but he didn't pick my call. It was frustrating and I was already on the verge of tears.

Pushing my hair away from my face, I went further to dial mom contact but she didn't pick up.

“I'm doomed.” I cried.

“What are you talking about?” Gary asked, holding my shoulder but I pulled away from him. I couldn't even look back in his eyes.

“Talk to me Mily, what is the issue?” He asked, attempting to hold me for the second time but like before I flinched.

“I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry I couldn't convince my parents…”

“What are you talking about?” The look of confusion on his face was driving me insane with each passing second, making it difficult for me to organize my thoughts.

“Talk to me, you're scaring me.” He urged.

“I'm getting married by noon.” .

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Betrothed To The Enemy

Chapter 1 001
