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The Accidental Marriage

The Accidental Marriage

Golden p


In the heart of Seattle, two very different souls collide in a whirlwind of passion and hardships. When a chance encounter leads Amelie Campbell to having a one night stand with charming billionaire, Sebastian Romano, her life turns upside down. Fate interweaves their destinies when a shocking scandal forces them into a contract marriage. They find themselves caught in an intricate web of desire, power disputes and the complexities of love with only themselves to trust. Will they succumb to their feelings or remain trapped in their scarred hearts?

Chapter 1 Prologue

THE Hall was adorned with only what could be described as opulence, the kind that Amelie could only wish for in her dreams. A cascade of crystal chandeliers shone over the exquisitely dressed guests who mingled beneath.

Her heart raced alongside the high-tempo ballroom music that echoed through the walls of the beautiful room. Her fingers toyed nervously with the stem of the champagne flute that she had collected from a waiter earlier on, hoping to blend into the crowd as one of them.

And blend in she did.

Dressed in a body-hugging emerald green silk gown that matched her bright eyes and left nothing to the imagination, her golden blonde hair cascaded down in soft waves, framing a face adorned with delicate features and lips that pouted, begging to be kissed.

Her best friend, Hailey, had wasted no effort to make her look sophisticated and elegant on the outside but on the inside, she was still the same Amelie Campbell, a blubbering shy mess.

She had only come to this gala because her paintings would be sold and she would get a reasonable amount for it. It was the first time a well-connected, wealthy individual had offered to showcase her drawings and she had jumped at the opportunity.

She left the centre of the ballroom to go to where her most favorite drawing sat, waiting for its owner to claim it.

“Beautiful, isn't it?” A deep voice broke through her reverie.

Startled, she turned to face him, her emerald eyes meeting his grey stormy ones.

He had striking features- a strong jawline, piercing grey eyes that promised chaos and dark tousled hair. He was dressed in a tailored tuxedo that hugged his tall, athletic frame, accentuating the broadness of his shoulders. He exuded an allure of confidence and magnetism which only made Amelie blush when she saw him smile.

Nevertheless, she tilted her head and said in a soft voice, “It is.”

Sebastian was captivated by the beautiful woman in front of him. The woman who looked like she belonged amongst the rich and yet seemed to want to flee.

He tilted his head at her, letting a smile grace his lips.

“What’s your name, mia bellezza?”

Amelie could feel herself blush at the term.

My beauty.

“Amelie Campbell,” She replied, wiling herself to stop blushing.

“Sebastian Romano, bella.” He lifted her hand to his lips.

She could feel her heart’s rate increasing, her face getting hot and her body tingling at the sound of his baritone and the feel of his hot lips.

She faced the artwork once more as Sebastian appraised her painting not knowing the true owner of the art. They spoke of art, nature and their music tastes and soon enough Sebastian invited her onto the dance floor as they opened the ball.

Looking back, maybe she should have wondered what his identity was that caused everyone there to part ways for him.

Would that have changed her choice as they left the hall to his home?

Maybe, maybe not.

All she knew that when he had extended an invitation to look at his collection of artwork in his home, she had jumped at the chance. Soon enough, they rode in a Rolls Royce- another detail she had overlooked.

The mansion was a testament to his wealth. The entrance to his home was guarded by towering gates and guards. Well-tended-gardens lined the driveway as they reached a palatial building that looked liked it would cost millions of dollars.

At this point, she faltered. Who was Sebastian Romano?

He gave her a smile and she smiled back shyly, he brought her here so there shouldn't be a problem, she thought.

Soon they entered the hallway which was adorned with priceless art pieces and modern furnishings. She admired all the paintings, wishing she could stay here for the rest of her life.

She frowned, where did that thought come from?

They spoke in hushed tones even though nobody else seemed to be around. The tension that had simmered between them finally reached its peak. Their gazes locked and without a word, Sebastian closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers.

As their lips come together, there is an instant spark that pulls them even closer. It set their bodies ablaze with searing heat, starting gently and then escalating quickly into something fierce and all-consuming.

As the kiss deepens, there is an urgency in the way their bodies press together. Amelie finds herself suddenly with confidence she didn't know she has and she pulls him closer, wanting nothing between them.

It's as if the connection makes them read each others’ minds as Sebastian soon grants her wish. He pulls her into his arms as he strides purposely to a room.

They fumbled with buttons and zippers and soon they succumb to the desire swirling through their entire body.

In the aftermath, Amelie lay beside Sebastian, her heart racing with uncertainty, guilt and exhilaration. She quickly got out of the bed, gathering her clothes and putting them on.

She paused for a moment, looking back at Sebastian’s sleeping form and his features that softened in the moonlight. With regret now being the most central emotion in her heart, she scribbled a brief message to him.

“I'm sorry. Thank you for the night.”- A.C.

Her heart heavy with conflicting emotions, she made sure to be quiet as she left the room, leaving behind the echoes of their passionate union.

Meanwhile, Sebastian woke up, reaching out for the soothing touch of the woman who had ignited him. He met cold sheets, a stark reminder of their fleeting connection.

Little did both of them know, fate had weaved their destinies together, setting the stage for a chaotic journey of emotions, unexpected revelations and love.

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