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When Anna, a successful CEO, rejects a novel, she's unexpectedly transported into its pages. Trapped in a fictional world, she finds herself in the body of a bullied and overweight girl. Determined to change her fate, Anna orchestrates a revenge plot, starting with calling off her wedding to Justin and marrying the wealthy and powerful Henry instead.

Chapter 1 Not impressed

Anna eyes blaze with frustration as she toss the book aside, her assistant shivering under her gaze.

“How could you…How could you think this was a good idea” she demanded, her voice low and even.

“Do you really think we could sell this? A fat girl maltreated by her family, forced into a loveless marriage, it’s a cliche.” Her assistant tremble, “ I l’m so sorry ma, I thought…” Anna immediately cut her off, “You thoughts what?”.

“This book is a total waste of time and resources, the writing is clumsy, the characters are one dimensional, so it isn’t worth it…, you know what? Just get out, get out of my office, and bring me something better next time or else.” Her assistant quickly gathered her things as she coward away from the office, leaving Anna disappointed.

Just then, her phone started ringing non stop, seeing it was her grandma she quickly picked up the phone from her table and swap the answer icon, expecting to hear her grandma warms voice.

But instead, she was greeted by a deep unfamiliar voice, “good day ma, I’m afraid I have news about your grandma”

Anna quickly readjusted herself, as her heart skipped a beat, “ please who am i talking to? Where is my grandma? What happen to her?”

“I’m doctor smith from Emmanuel university hospital, your grandma is currently here with us, I think it’s best if you came hospital as soon as possible.” The doctor replied calmly, but his calm tone did little to ease her worry.

Anna’s mind raced in chaos, as she grab her bag and rushed out of her office. Her thoughts were filled with worst scenarios, as her heart was heavy with fear of what had happened to her grandma? And Was she okay?

This were the question that keep replaying in her mind as she raced to the hospital. The thought of losing her grandma will be unbearable, since she was the only family she had after the death of her parents 25 years ago when she was 5.

As she arrived at the hospital, she rushed straight to the receptionist desk, asking for her grandma room number. The receptionist quickly checked her system, directing her to the intensive care unit on the third floor.

Anna anxiety grew with every step she took, praying and wishing her grandma was okay as she made her way to the icu. Bursting in, her eyes scanned the entire room, searching for the familiar face of her grandma, still a nurse walked up to her, stopping her from taking any step feather, “can I help you?”

“ I’m looking for my grandma, the receptionist directed me here” Anna replied, her words shivering under her breaths, “and what’s her name?” The nurse asked calmly.

“Mrs wealth” Anna replied quickly, “oh! Mrs wealth, she’s at room 201, she was j…” the nurse replied.

Anna didn’t even allow the nurse finish her sentence, as she jerked her feet. Anna stormed out of the room, heading straight to room 201.

As she arrived, Anna burst the door open, but met a man back view, wearing a white lab coat. Glancing at the bed, her eyes fell on her grandma who was laughing and chatting with the doctor, relief washed over her face.

“Grandma!” she exclaimed, her eyes already filled with tears of what could of happened to her grandma.

“Anna, what are you doing here?” Mrs wealth asked in a weak tone. “What do you mean? You are in the hospital, shouldn’t I be here for you?” Anna replied in a trembling voice.

The doctor smiled awkwardly. “Okay then, I would leave you two alone” the doctor said, as he quickly exited the room, leaving Anna and her grandma alone.

Anna rushed to her grandma side, hugging her tightly. “I was so worried…” “worried from what?” Anna was immediately cut off “can’t you see I’m okay, and I’m going nowhere, or do you wish death upon your grandma?”

“No,” Anna replied in quickly but in shock tone, “that’s good, so… young lady, get your act together, and don’t forget your are the CEO of one of the biggest companies in Nigeria, all your enemies are just waiting for you to fall, so they will pounce on you” Mrs wealth commented, her voice still weak but firm.

“Okay grandma, i won’t forget, so how are you feeling?” Anna asked, trying to ease the tension, “As you can see, I’m okay, but just a little tired” her grand replied. Oh! Okay, Why don’t you rest now, while i go talk to the doctor” Anna said calmly, as she left her grandma side and gently walked out of the room.

Just then, she spotted the doctor in the hall ways, as she approach him her heart race like crazy, but still, she maintain her composure.

“Hey doctor, please how is my grandma doing?” She asked, her voice laced with concerns.

The doctor calm tone smooth her frazzled nerves, “you don’t have worry now, your grandma is out of danger.” A sign of relief wash through her face before asking “what happened to her exactly.”

“Her allergy” the doctor said, “she might have eaten something she wasn’t meant to have eaten” he concluded.

“Oh! Okay, so when can she be discharged” Anna asked, as the doctor replied in a low tone, “tomorrow,” “tomorrow?” Said asked “yes, tomorrow, she better now” the doctor said before walking away.

Then Anna returned back to her grandma ward, gently sitting beside her as she stroke her hair.

Her grandma flickered her eyes open, “aren’t you going home now, I’m fine now and beside you have work tomorrow” Mrs wealth said, her voice barely a whisper.

“Are you sure about that” Anna said, as her grandma held her hand looking deep into her eyes, she said, “trust me, I’m fine.”

Anna looked at her grandma doubtfully, “but…” “but nothing” Anna was cut off by Mrs wealth “Anna, go home and rest”

“Okay, fine” Anna replied, exposing a smile of mix feelings, as Mrs wealth immediately let go of her hand, “now go.”

Anna stood up gently, “fine, I’m going now” she said, taking small step still she reached the door, as she slowly turns back, looking straight at Mrs wealth “good night” she said, “good night too” Mrs wealth replied.

Anna felt reluctant to leave her grandma at the hospital, but she also knew that her grandma was right about her having to rest well for work tomorrow.

So she got into her car and drove away from the hospital. As the darkness came closing up to her, the night breeze caressed her tender brown skin, she couldn’t help laughing when remembering the novel her assistant brought to her.

Her mind wander, who the crazy writer was? He even have the gods to use her name for the main character, “that’s bullshit.”

But just then, her thoughts were interrupted by a truck speeding towards her direction, it’s headlight blinding her. Anna’s whole body froze, her heart racing. She couldn’t move, couldn’t drive away, but letting her own life slip away from her hands.

As the truck came crashing into her car, and everything went twirling, color blurring together, unable to stop till her whole world slowly disappeared into peach black haze.

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