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My Unrequited Love For My Guardian

My Unrequited Love For My Guardian



Harper is trapped in unrequited love. Orphaned, she finds refuge with Mr. Cooper and his children, Atlas and Amanda. However, as Harper's affection for Atlas grows, he only sees her as a sister. Mr. Cooper's passing leaves her under Atlas's reluctant care. Now, she must confront the painful reality of longing for what she cannot have. To complicate things, Atlas's girlfriend moves in with him in the same house as Harper-additionally, a mysterious professor of Harper, whose closeness to Harper might not sit well with Atlas. Will Harper find the strength to let go, or will she cling to a love that may never be returned?

Chapter 1 Nine More Months With Him

I was just ten years old when I watched as my parents' coffins were solemnly lifted, their faces hidden from view forever. Their lives ended abruptly in a plane crash while en route to a meeting. Meanwhile, I found myself in the care of Mr. Benjamin Cooper, a close friend of my father's from childhood.

Initially intended as a short stay, my time with Mr. Cooper stretched into several years as he became my legal guardian following my parents' tragic passing. In my youthful naivety, I clung to the hope that my parents might one day return, but as the years passed, reality sank in. I slowly came to terms with being the lone survivor of the Miller family.

I was never formally adopted by Mr. Cooper, though the reasons remain a mystery to me. Nevertheless, his love for me was unwavering. He was a kind-hearted man, much like my own parents. A successful businessman, his days were often consumed by work, but he always made time for us ā€“ for me, Amanda, and Atlas.

Atlas, the eldest of Mr. Cooper's children, had a special place in my heart. When I first entered Mr. Cooper's home, Atlas was on the brink of college, an 18-year-old embarking on his own journey. Even before tragedy struck my family, Atlas had been a protective figure in my life, watching over both me and his sister, Amanda.

Before I became a permanent fixture in the Cooper household, my parents would entrust me to Mr. Cooper's care whenever they traveled. In turn, Mr. Cooper would reciprocate when he had to leave town, ensuring that his children and I were well cared for by a dedicated caretaker. It was a bond that extended beyond blood ties, a testament to the love and compassion that filled our homes.

Unlike Atlas, who always showed kindness and love towards me even in my childhood, Amanda and I never got along. She, being two years older, seemed to relish in bullying me, making my time at Mr. Cooper's house a living nightmare. Whenever Amanda tormented me, Atlas would rush to my defense, but his absence after moving out left me vulnerable to her relentless cruelty.

As I matured, I found the strength to stand up to Amanda's torment. What began as timid resistance evolved into a steadfast resolve, making it increasingly difficult for her to intimidate me. Thankfully, when I turned sixteen and she left for college at eighteen, peace finally settled over the household. Her departure, especially to a university in another state, brought me a sense of relief.

However, tranquility was short-lived. Mr. Cooper's battle with cancer shattered our newfound calm, and despite his valiant fight, he succumbed to the illness just months after treatment. At seventeen, I found myself once again alone, grappling with the weight of loss and uncertainty.

As I approached adulthood, fear gripped me, dreading the possibility of being sent away to a foster home. However, fate had a different plan. When Mr. Cooper acknowledged his impending fate, he took a decisive step: appointing Atlas as my guardian for the remaining year.

Atlas, the very same person I harbored a deep crush on, which later bloomed into love. Despite his increasing distance since moving out when I was eleven, he never ceased to be kind to me. His smiles and occasional acts of assistance were small comforts amidst the turmoil of loss and change.

As Atlas matured, so did his appearance, transforming from a boyish charm to a strikingly masculine figure. I watched in awe as stubble peppered his once clean-shaven face, his honey-brown eyes gained wisdom beyond his years, and his stature grew taller and more imposing. His evolving fashion sense, from casual tees to tailored shirts, only added to his allure, leaving me spellbound with each passing day.

I had always counted on Atlas's warm embrace, his unwavering kindness and protective nature were constants in my life for twenty-one years. Yet, upon his return home for his father's funeral, he seemed more distant than ever. I reasoned that the weight of grief must have burdened him, understanding all too well the pain of losing family.

A few days after Mr. Cooper's funeral, I found myself avoiding encounters with Amanda, who had returned from college for the somber occasion. As I made my way back to my room, I overheard Atlas conversing with Mr. Ghallenger, Mr. Cooper's lawyer, in his father's study. Intrigued, I paused to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"How can I possibly look after her, Jason? She is not a kid. I have my own responsibilities to juggle. Taking over Dad's business has already pushed me to my limits, and now I'm expected to take Harper under my wing?" His words sliced through me, carrying a weight of frustration that pierced my heart.

Outside the room, I stood frozen, my heart sinking with each word. Numbness crept into my fingertips, a chill racing down my spine. "Look, Jason, I do care about Harper, but I don't know if I can handle this. Maybe she can stay here for a while longer, with some other support. I'll drop by when I can, but do I really have to take her in?" His tone left me feeling undesired, like an unwelcome burden.

Mr. Ghallenger let out a heavy sigh. "I'm afraid so, Atlas. It's a significant responsibility, but it's your father's wish. And remember, inheriting the business is contingent upon it," he explained, his tone weighted with solemnity.

"Well, that's just great," Atlas muttered in frustration. Unable to bear any more of the conversation, I hurriedly retreated to my room.

That night, tears streamed down my face as I grappled with the harsh reality of my situation. I cried for my innocence lost, for the loneliness that engulfed me, and for the overwhelming sense of helplessness. With no one to turn to, I felt utterly alone. Knowing that I wouldn't gain access to my parents' wealth until I turned twenty-one, I had no choice but to comply with Atlas's guardianship, a prospect that filled me with trepidation and uncertainty.

The following month, I made the move into Atlas's penthouse. Despite his warm smile of welcome, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was forced, that he didn't truly want me there. I felt like an unwanted burden. I wanted to harbor resentment toward him, but his genuine kindness toward me made it impossible. Despite his initial reluctance, he ensured I was cared for and looked after. A year later, we both moved into Mr. Cooper's house.

Throughout the year, I carried the weight of shame for being a burden while Atlas dutifully fulfilled his responsibilities as my guardian, unaware of the turmoil within me. Despite sharing the same roof, Atlas remained distant, his presence fleeting as he immersed himself in work and travel.

I had harbored dreams of independence once I reached eighteen, but fate had other plans. The harsh reality struck when I discovered that my inheritance would only materialize upon turning twenty-one, a delay that dashed my hopes of breaking free. Despite Atlas's unwavering support, I sensed his disappointment mirrored my own, if not surpassed it. Throughout my university years, I toiled to save every penny, yet the goal of autonomy remained elusive. Now, on the cusp of my twenty-first birthday, liberation finally beckons. It's time to shed the weight of dependency and forge my own path.

As my 21st birthday loomed just a month away, I couldn't shake the crushing realization that I would soon be forced to leave. Unwanted and consumed by unrequited love for my guardian, the ache inside me grew unbearable with each passing day.

Most nights, I dined alone, but this evening was an exception. Seated at the dining table, I was in the midst of my solitary meal when Atlas returned home. I greeted him with a smile, and he reciprocated, his hand tousling my hair in passing as he made his way to the kitchen to dish up dinner. His touch always sent a shiver down my spine, a sensation I struggled to shake off.

"How was your day, kiddo?" he asked, breaking the usual silence with unexpected small talk. I hate it when he calls me a kiddo. I am not a kid. I am turning twenty-one soon. Nevertheless, his inquiry caught me off guard, and I found myself fumbling for a response. "It was fine," I murmured, my gaze fixed on my plate as I toyed with my food.

With Saturday stretching ahead, devoid of school obligations or plans with friends, I resigned myself to a quiet day at home. Engrossed in a book and later a movie, I whiled away the hours in solitude. As the day waned, I caught a glimpse of Atlas unbuttoning his shirt cuffs, rolling up the sleeves of his impeccably tailored grey shirt. The sight stirred something within me, a magnetic pull I dared not entertain, prompting me to avert my gaze.

He filled his plate and joined me at the table, prompting me to furrow my brow in surprise. "Why are you home tonight?" I ventured to ask, curious about his unexpected presence.

He chuckled softly, a sound that seemed to linger in the air. "Why? Can't I be home?" he teased, his hands deftly picking up a knife and fork.

"Of course, you can," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of surprise. "It's your house after all. It's just that you're not usually home this early, so I was curious," I explained with a shrug.

A smile graced his lips, softening the lines of his face. "True," he conceded, his gaze meeting mine. "I came home early tonight because I wanted to talk to you," he revealed, his words causing a sudden stillness to settle between us.

I felt a flutter of unease, quickly averting my eyes from his intense gaze. "What happened?" I inquired, my voice betraying the apprehension swirling within me.

He chuckled lightly, the sound carrying a hint of amusement. "Nothing to worry about," he reassured, gesturing casually as he began to cut into his chicken. "But your birthday is coming up next month," he continued as his words caused a shiver to ripple down my spine.

I braced myself for what I believed would be an inevitable conversation about my departure, expecting him to ask me to leave at any moment. Yet, to my surprise, he spoke of something entirely unexpected. "I was speaking with Jason," he began, referring to the lawyer who represented both my parents and Mr. Cooper. I listened intently as he explained, "Regarding your inheritance of your parents' wealth. It seems the will stipulates that you must be twenty-one years and nine months to inherit."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Nine months?! Why the extra time?!" I couldn't help but ask, my confusion evident in my tone.

"I don't know, but it's fine. Nine months will pass quickly. In the meantime, you can stay with me, and perhaps even start looking into some proper jobs. I'll help you with that," he reassured me with a gentle smile. If only I had the funds to relocate at this moment, I would eagerly seize the opportunity. However, given that my inheritance won't materialize for another nine months, I find myself tethered to this place for the time being.

His offer weighed heavily on my heart. I couldn't shake the feeling of being a burden, now prolonged for another nine months. It didn't seem fair. As I grappled with this realization, he cleared his throat, his demeanor suddenly uncertain.

"Um, there's something else I wanted to discuss with you," he began, his voice tentative. His hesitance struck a chord of worry within me.

"What is it?" I inquired, a knot of apprehension tightening in my chest as I watched him carefully.

He let out a heavy sigh, setting down his utensils before meeting my gaze directly. "Well, I've been considering asking my girlfriend to move in for a while now, but the timing never seemed right. I don't want to postpone it any longer, so I'll be asking her to move in with me. I hope you're okay with having one more person around," he explained, his words landing like a blow to my chest.

My heart sank as I struggled to process his revelation. Girlfriend? He had a girlfriend? The realization hit me like a wave, leaving me feeling hurt and blindsided. While I grappled with the pain of unrequited love, Atlas appeared unaffected. Of course, he would be-he couldn't possibly understand the depths of my anguish.

After all, it was only me who harbored unrequited feelings for him.

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