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My Unrequited Love For My Guardian

Chapter 2 Here Comes The Girlfriend

Word Count: 1801    |    Released on: 02/07/2024

only friend I've truly connected with. Making friends has never been easy for me, but with Jess, it was instantaneous. Our bond, forged over four years, has made us inseparabl

mine. "You've been repeating that for a fortnight now, Harper," she remarked, he

to confront it. Today marks the culmination of my dread – the day she moves in. Atlas had suggested I meet her beforehand, but I concocted excuses about projects and

f the day seeping through my cotton shorts and plain pink t-shirt. Blinking slo

r at me over the rim of her glasses. "I know, Harpe

My eyes stung with unshed tears, my heart constricting painfully in my chest while my trembling lower lip betrayed my inner turmoil. As tears well

, straightening up, "I know you're hurting, darling, but you have to confront reality. Atlas can never retur

my efforts to contain them. With a shaky breath, I confess

a comforting embrace. "It'll be alright. Just nine more months, and you'll finally be free from there. Once you're away

f solace unlike any other. She was the sole confidante among my friends privy to my fe

mustering the courage to ask, "Can I stay with

h. "Of course, Harps. You're always w

s had the foresight to establish a dedicated college fund, affording me the opportunity to attend one of the state's premier universities, Jess and I now find ours

t year, Jess and I delved into community psychology internships, a shared experience that shaped our understanding of t

for consuming all things related to criminal psychology in books and on screen. While

omorrow." Her sly wink added an extra layer of intrigue to her revelation. Despite her outward appearance – t

to date. One day, Patrick had to leave for another city to continue his studies. We had a deep respect and affection for each other, but it wasn't enough to put our lives on hold indefinitely. So, we mutual

ys been quite mysterious to me. Even after we started seeing each other, I couldn't fully understand him. We enjoyed each other's company, but we were nev

like physical and emotional support for each other. While Patrick and I know we can never fall in love with each other, J

ed off to avoid any distractions. Before shuttin

ess's tonight. We've got some projects to tac

ion altogether. With Eva's imminent move-in weighing heavily on my mind,

er, drinks, and movies. We eventually succumbed to sleep, but when I woke the next morning, the hangover hit hard. With n

de any awkward encounters, I prayed that both Atlas and Eva were out, likely occupied with their work responsibilities. It was

or was stern, his attire crisp and professional, indicating he was likely on his way to work. Eva, however, was conspicuously absent, a fact for which I was silently grateful. I had no desire to face her in

tone laced with sharpness and sarcasm. "So, you were busy with a project, huh? Did drinking

apable of standing up for myself, at that moment, with my head pounding and his disapproving star

eal together. Yet, instead of being here with us, you chose to spend the evening with your friends, drinking, which you could have done any other day. Do you realize how anxious Eva has been about gaining your approval? While she fretted over your opinion, yo

my throat, I cast my gaze downw

one," Atlas chided, his disappointment palpable in his voice as he

owering it on to send a message to Patrick, whom I hadn't se

uess I needed someone who wouldn't judge me or offer unwanted sympa

offering a glimmer of solace: "

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