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"Who are you?" I yelled at him, my voice trembling with disbelief. My mind raced, torn between the nightmare unfolding before me and the cruel reality that seemed to mock my existence. Theodore stepped closer, so close that our lips nearly touched. His eyes bore into mine, a mix of challenge and curiosity. "Does it matter?" he asked, his voice a dangerous whisper. "I never said I wasn't Theodore Manford. You never cared to ask, so I just played your game." A tear slipped down my cheek, burning a trail of betrayal. "Was it all a game for you?" I asked, my voice breaking. The fear of the answer clawed at my chest. I couldn't bear to be broken again, not after everything I had endured. He turned away from me, his broad shoulders casting a shadow that seemed to eclipse the room. "I was bored, I won't lie. So, yeah, it was a game," he said coldly, his words like shards of ice piercing my heart. Pain twisted inside me, sharp and unrelenting. I forced a bitter smile, even though every part of me wanted to scream. "You just made an enemy, Manford," I declared, my voice steady despite the tears. I refused to let him see the depth of my pain. I gathered my things, my movements mechanical, driven by the raw determination to distance myself from the man who had deceived me. As I walked past him, the air between us crackled with unresolved tension and unspoken words. My heart ached with every step, but I refused to look back. Theodore remained silent, his back still turned, a silent monument to the betrayal that had shattered the fragile connection between us. My footsteps echoed in the corridor of the Manford Building, each one a promise of retribution. I swore to myself that I would destroy Theodore Manford, no matter the cost. Outside, the city lights blurred through my tears. The world moved on, oblivious to the war that had just begun. But I was no longer the same. Theodore had awakened a new fire within me, one fueled by hurt and a thirst for justice. The death game had truly begun, and I intended to play it to the end.

Chapter 1 The New Begining

"Val, what's taking you so long? Get down here right now!" my stepsister, Angela shouted in frustration. Well, she had a point. Who's late for their mother's wedding, right? As the eldest, I should be the first to attend, not the last.

Let me rewind to the beginning...

Six hours ago...

"Don't worry, Angi, I'll do my best to finish all my work and make it to the wedding," I stated calmly, my pen still scratching across the paperwork. Angela was the most nervous person I knew, especially when it came to family events or parties.

"Val? Didn't you say that last time? You arrived after the engagement party was over. She was so sad, Val... because you were late! Family is your priority. Don't you always say that?" Angela scolded me as if it were my fault. She made it sound as if I deliberately sabotaged the timing.

"Angie, you know it wasn't my fault. I didn't sleep for two days straight, and I flew from Japan to California to attend! If it weren't for that infuriating Helen, I wouldn't be late. She seems to have a personal vendetta against me." I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my frustration in check. Helen was a thorn in my side.

"Okay, okay. Just try not to be late this time, okay? We've planned everything, even your dress. All you have to do is show up on time. Deal?" Angela negotiated, attempting to reassure me.

"Alright, baby sis, I have to hang up now. Everything will go as planned. Try not to worry too much ā€“ it's not good for you. See you later." I ended the call abruptly. Angela would be annoyed, but I had a mountain of work to tackle.

"Now, Eric, where were we?" I asked my trusty assistant with a warm smile.

Eric was my right-hand man, my indispensable ally. Without him, I'd be lost.

"Mmm... You have a packed schedule today, Val. We need to hurry," he stated as he exited my office. "Wait for me!" I bellowed, irritated by his brisk pace.

After wrapping up our work, Eric took the car keys from me and held the door open as we left the building. He was meticulous, ensuring I settled comfortably before sliding into the driver's seat.

"Here's your schedule for today: first, we meet with Mr. and Mrs. Kim; second, a board meeting to discuss our new product launch; and lastly, your mother's wedding." He handed me the tablet with the day's agenda.

Glancing at the list, I felt a wave of relief. "Not too crowded after all. I've imagined worse scenarios," I quipped.

"Well, it might not be much, but convincing these Korean investors isn't a walk in the park," Eric mumbled, hinting at the complexities. The irony amused me.

I looked at him and said, "Eric, don't forget you're half-Korean. Your heritage can be our secret weapon. You understand their mindset better. And considering my history with your mother, I doubt I'll have a hard time. You know how much I appreciate Korean culture, and having you by my side helps." He stared at me, bemused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped. My temper flared easily, and he knew it.

"Like what, Val? I've barely interacted with Koreans. Mom's the only one I know... I hope that's enough!" he replied, taking a deep breath. "But don't worry, I've done my research. We'll manage." Unlike me, Eric remained unflappable ā€“ perhaps why I chose him as my assistant.

As Eric drove us to our first meeting with the Kims, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The Kims were influential investors, and their decision could make or break our new product launch. I glanced at Eric, who was focused on the road, his expression unreadable.

"Eric," I began, "tell me more about the Kims. What should I expect?"

He adjusted his glasses, his analytical mind already at work. "Mr. and Mrs. Kim are shrewd negotiators. They value tradition and respect hierarchy. It's crucial to address them formally ā€“ use their titles. And don't underestimate Mrs. Kim; she's the real power behind their investments."

"Got it," I replied, mentally rehearsing my greetings

As we pulled up to my restaurant, a surge of pride washed over me. Hosting the business meeting here felt like a culmination of years of hard work. Daniel, my partner in the restaurant venture and Angela's boyfriend, greeted us with genuine warmth. His smile was a beacon of familiarity in this high-stakes moment.

Daniel and I had been friends since college. Unlike me, he hailed from a wealthy family. But I? I'd built my empire from scratch, fueled by determination and relentless effort. Together, we'd shared a dream: to create a luxury restaurant that would leave its mark on New York City.

Back in our college days, we'd made a pact-a solemn promise to turn that dream into reality. With my existing company responsibilities, managing both ventures alone was impossible. Who better to trust than my steadfast friend, Daniel?

Daniel never aspired to helm large corporations; his father didn't pressure him. And so, we birthed one of the city's most renowned dining establishments-a place where culinary artistry met elegance.

"Hello, my dear friend," I greeted Daniel with a hug, my eyes scanning the bustling restaurant. "But why aren't you with Angela?" I narrowed my eyes playfully. The place was abuzz; clearly, it was a busy day.

Daniel's smirk revealed his mischievous side. "Well," he drawled, "it's a madhouse in there. Without the manager's watchful eye, chaos would reign. And you'd have my head if anything went awry."

Eric, standing nearby, offered a half-smile. His presence reminded me of our impending meeting with the Kims. "If you'd left in this state," he said, "Angela might have assumed the worst."

I scoffed. "I don't have time for banter," I replied, glancing at my watch-it was already 10 pm. "We must go. The Kims are likely waiting."

Daniel straightened, all humor gone. "They arrived five minutes ago," he confirmed. "I've taken care of them." I nodded, leading the way to the VIP room, Eric at my side.

As we entered, the Kims rose to greet us. I acknowledged their presence with a nod, settling across from Mr. Kim. But my attention wavered-Helen, the enigmatic disruptor, sat nearby. She'd sabotaged my plans before, leaving me wary. Could her involvement jeopardize this crucial business deal?

Valarie's pulse raced. Helen was like a shadow, always lurking, ready to unravel her strategies. Confronting Helen directly was tempting, but Valarie knew she had to focus on the deal. Her curiosity gnawed at her: Why was Helen here? What game was she playing?

And so, the stage was set-a delicate balance between ambition, family ties, and the enigma named Helen.

Certainly! Let's continue this intense negotiation:

As Mr. Kim extended his hand for a handshake, he inquired, "So, how is Mr. Miller doing?" I met his gaze with a bright smile, but his assumption struck a nerve. Mr. Miller-my stepfather-was a name I wore out of respect, not blood. My true allegiance lay elsewhere.

"He's doing just fine," I replied, my tone measured. "He's getting married today."

Mr. Kim's smile widened. "Congratulations, Miss Miller."

The title grated against my resolve. Who said I was a Miller? Yes, my stepfather held a place in my life, but my heart belonged to my late father. We'd shared an unbreakable bond, and I wouldn't relinquish his name-even if it meant navigating the complexities of business deals.

"Pierce," I corrected, forcing a smile. "My name is Valarie Pierce." Awkwardness hung in the air, but I needed this deal.

Mr. Kim's eyes widened. "So you're not taking the Miller name? It could open doors."

Why was he surprised? I'd built my empire on hard work, not family connections. If it weren't for my relentless efforts-and yes, Mr. Miller's support-my mother wouldn't have met him in the first place.

"My father's name might lack Mr. Miller's clout," I said firmly, "but it's about my dedication and track record. You wouldn't have flown all this way if you didn't believe in me. Shall we discuss the deal?"

Eric stood there, shock etched on his face. I didn't care if they called it off-I wasn't the one losing.

Mrs. Kim leaned in, whispering to her husband. He nodded, then took a seat. "We're all ears," Mr. Kim declared, his expression serious. I knew they wouldn't back out now.

Beside me, Eric whispered, "I thought we were screwed." I almost laughed at his assessment.

As soon as I saw Helen, my heart started racing. I had experienced Helen's meddling before - whether it was misplacing a document, canceling a reservation, or suddenly changing plans. Helen was like a shadow, always lurking in the background, ready to disrupt my carefully laid-out strategies.

My mind was racing. I had two options: confront Helen directly or play it cool and focus on the business deal. The latter seemed wiser, but my curiosity gnawed at me. Why was Helen here? What game was she playing?

As Mr. Kim continued discussing terms, I discreetly studied Helen. Her bright red dress stood out in the elegant restaurant, and her eyes darted around, assessing everyone. My instinct screamed danger, but I couldn't afford distractions.

"Mr. Kim," I interrupted and said with a steady voice, "I appreciate your offer. However, there's one condition. I need assurance that our partnership won't be compromised." I glanced at Helen, who was now watching us intently.

Mr. Kim raised an eyebrow, "What kind of assurance?"

I leaned in, my gaze unwavering, "I want exclusive access to your distribution network. No intermediaries, no surprises. If we're to succeed, trust is paramount."

Helen shifted in her seat, her smile never reaching her eyes. I knew this move would rattle her. It was a gamble-one that could either expose Helen's true intentions or push me further into the shadows.

Mr. Kim hesitated, then nodded. "Agreed. Exclusive access it is."

As I sealed the deal, I wondered if I'd just outplayed Helen or walked into a trap. Either way, I'd navigate this twist with precision. The business world was ruthless, and I was no stranger to its games. But this time, I had more than profit at stake-it was personal.

As I left, scanning for Daniel, Eric's voice startled me. "Are you looking for something?" he whispered.

"Damn it, Eric! You scared me," I gasped. His watch indicated time slipping away. "We're running out of time," he chided. I'd find Daniel later. For now, we have to head to the wedding in time!

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