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The billionaire's secret

The billionaire's secret

N.N. Maxwell


Alex, a reclusive billionaire with a dark past, and Mia, a talented artist. They meet at a charity gala, and their intense attraction sparks a whirlwind romance. But Alex has secrets; a hidden child and a vengeful ex girlfriend Sophia. As Mia falls deeper in love with Alex, his ex Sophia comes back into the picture and she begins to fight for a place in Alex's heart. Mia begins to notice a lot of things about Alex that seems very fishy. She begins to make her research to find out the real truth about him. Mia's receives a threatening message from Alex's ex girlfriend Sophia soon after her art studio was vandalized. Sophia eventually exposes the truth to mia causing a rift between the two What will be the fate of their relationship after all the secrets are uncovered?

Chapter 1 At the charity event gala

Mia's Pov

Today is a very important day for me, I have a charity event gala to attend plus my artworks will be on display. I could hear the voices of people in the background and it sounded like a whole lot of people were present at the event and patiently waiting for the program to begin. I had a big smile on my face but deep down I was very nervous. I hurriedly walked down the stairs because I didn't want to be late to the auction. I was nominated and selected as one of the artists who's artworks will be on exhibition.

Holding a large frame in my hands, in a hurry to go put my piece on exhibition i tripped down the stairs and let my artwork go. Oh no! It was going to fall to the ground and smash in plenty pieces and just like that my work won't be on display!. I literally watched my piece of art fly in mid air. Before it could reach the ground I noticed a someone got a hold of it. I stared at him with lust in my eyes. I was immediately swept away by his masculinity his lips were full and his beards well trimmed I immediately began to imagine our lips locking together. Who was this handsome man?

He looked very poised and intelligent and sophisticated. He grabbed my artwork before it could reach the floor and probably shatter into pieces. He quickly placed my artwork and the glass of wine he hand in his hands on a nearby stool and he walked up to me and stretched out his hand for me to grab onto. Once our hands touched I felt a volt of electricity bolt down my spine. His palms were soft and cold and smooth.

"I hope you didn't get hurt?" He said to me in a soothing baritone voice. His fragrance, like the scent of very expensive perfume. He scent was so refreshing, he dressed elegantly. I was lost in his eyes and distracted by his aura. "Are you alright?" He asked again. Knocking me out of my head and back to reality.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you so much" I chuckled while getting up and dusting my simple floral patterned dress.

"Err I'm Alex. What's yo_"

"Sorry I need to go put this on display at the auction downstairs" I cut him short because I was in a hurry.

I hurriedly picked up the artwork and walked quickly towards the main hall where the auction for the charity event was going on. People were already gathered and had already started bidding on the works on display. I carefully placed my artwork on the easel stand. And stood right beside it boldly and proud.

The host of the event looking at a sheet of paper he had in his hands he started "here we have exhibition 5! It portrays a deep meaning of love showing off the relationship between a mother and her child!!, this one's going for... $800dollars ..$800 dollars anyone?" Some people in the crowd began to raise their hands up and they began to bid from $800 dollars to $2,000 dollars. I was super excited that people really liked my piece.

"$2,000 dollars?? Going! Going!!" Immediately a voice in the crowd said in a louder voice "$3000 dollars!" Everybody in the crowd began to murmur and turned around to see who is was. $3000 dollars is quite a lot of money a huge sum actually. I was also suprised I looked through the crowd to see who the high bidder was because he or she was very willing to pay a higher amount at this point. It turned out to be the man who helped me earlier this evening.

"Wow! wow!! wow!!! And it's going for 3000dollars.. going! Going!! And it's sold!!!" The host spoke in excitement. The crowd cheered and gave scattered claps. I bowed with joy and excitement in my heart. This Charity event was a big success it is the best auction so far.

Later on the program was over and people started to leave. While me and my fellow artists who's artworks were on exhibition stayed back to arrange and keep safely our art works. Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Girlll! I'm so so proud of youuu!"

Melissa sounded very excited and happy while giving me a hug.

"Thank you so much for your support". She helped me arrange my stuff when someone from behind said "excuse me" we both turned to see who it was. The same man from earlier this evening. Melissa gave me a glare and smiled sheepishly and walked away.

"Hi? It's me again, I loved your artwork. It was very beautiful and inspiring. You did a great job" he gave off a very beautiful smile.

"Owh thank you so much. And also thank you for your bid. It will definitely go along way to help and thank you again for the save earlier I really appreciate that you helped me." I chuckled with a big smile on my face. I noticed he was starring at me with a smirk on his face. He starred at me for a few seconds.

"you have such a charming smile. You're beautiful"

"Thank you sir" I responded.

"Oh no! It's Alex. You can call me Alex" he said starring at me. He brought his hand out of his pocket expecting a handshake.

"I'm Mia" I said with a smile while shaking hands with him.

"So Mia I think we should go out to celebrate your big win. Your artwork was the highest selling and it's definitely worth celebrating. What do you say?".

I thought to myself, was he indirectly asking me out on a date? I mean we just met.

"Err.. okay just give me a minute to arrange myself"

"Let me help you with that" he offered

"Oh no don't worry I can do it" I smiled.

"Let me help, he insisted" while Starring deep into my eyes.

Few minutes later we were done and I need to inform Melissa that I was heading out for a bit.

"Excuse me" I walked over to where I could find Melissa.

"What's up? Who's that guy?" She asked in excitement.

"Don't worry I'll explain everything later" holding her hands

"Wait where are you going?"

"I'll be back soon" I hurried off.

"Be careful!" She advised.

We walked to the outside the venue. He hurrily walked towards a very beautiful car that looked like a Mercedes Benz AMG GT 4 door coupe. He walked towards the passenger's seat and opened the door for me.

"Thank you". Deep down! I was marveled at the car and everything. He seemed to be a billionaire or something. I got in and he shut the door while I was inside I looked behind the car and at the dashboard admiring every single piece of it. Alex seemed like a really nice guy.

The door at the driver's seat opened and he got in. He turned on the engine of the car and he began to drive. I just sat there starring outside through the windscreen. I could feel his gaze on me while trying to also watch the road.

"Where would you like us to have dinner?"

"Owh The Italian restaurant downtown isn't too shabby"

"Okay then Italian it is" he smiled.

We got to a nearby Italian restaurant downtown and we already placed our orders it didn't take too long before the waitress got our food.

"So tell me, for how long have you been painting? You're such an expert"

I chuckled "I've been painting for as long as I remember. I would say it's a talent and It's something I love doing."

"Mmm. That's very interesting." He nodded his head "I admire your passion for painting, did you study arts in college?".

"Owh this is going to sound clichè and everything but I actually studied law" I gave off a light chuckle. Using my hands to cover the front of my lips.

"Law?!" He was stunned. "Okay it's not a bad idea to finally major in what you love doing and still making money at the same time."

"Thank you!" With a smile on my face.

"Enough about me. It seems like your also love arts, I mean you were at the charity event and mostly art inclined people were present"

"Yeah actually I'm an art consultant I advice clients on building and managing their art collections using expertise to make savvy investments and also I'm an art conservator. An expert in art restoration and conservation dedicated to protecting and preserving artworks for future generations"

"That is amazing!! Honestly. So this means you're an art lover too!, that's very lovely honestly. What's it like being an art conservator?"

"It's not that easy at all but I have my assistant always happy to help and the pay is very okay so"

"So do you paint at all?"

"Well I do but for like personal pleasure not commercially or something like that". "That's so amazing".

Soon enough the check arrived. As Alex reached for it, my hand accidentally touched his sparking a jolt of electricity that non of us ignored.

"I quickly withdrew my hand and starred directly at my food. I felt like it was so obvious that my face was already flushed from the excitement rushing through my nerves. I noticed the little smile he had on his face.

Later on after he handled the bill and everything we went straight to the car and talked a bit while he drove me home. Few minutes later we got to the front of my apartment

"I'll get down here".

His car parked in front of the entrance of my apartment.

"Thank you so much for tonight, you made my evening. Literally. Today was very good thanks to you." I smiled

"Owh sure no problem. A talented woman like you deserves it. So when will I see you again?" He asked with a charming smile on his face.

"Err I'm not sure but..." I stretched out my hand "your phone?" He handed his phone over to me.

"Here's...my...number..." While dialing the number in his phone.

"Call me. Maybe"

"Oh I'll definitely call". He chuckled.

I got out of the car and shut the door. He made sure I got home safe then he drove off immediately.

Alex was very kind and gentle towards me today, I couldn't help but have delusions of both of us, how I felt when our bodies touched was indescribable. I subconsciously had a smile on my face from everything I was imagining. When I looked up to the door I saw Melissa standing there with her arms folded and leaning on the side of the door.

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