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When vows ignite

When vows ignite

N.N. Maxwell


Micheal McKellen is the CEO of a prestigious company called "McKellen sweet tooth," which his father once owned, but is now barely standing due to numerous losses and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Bradley Bentley, on the other hand, is a well-known billionaire and former CEO of Bentley Maple Syrup Company, which, as the name implies, specializes in the production and marketing of maple syrup and maple syrup-derived products. William, his son, recently took over his office. William is in need of a wife to support him, but he is not making an attempt to find one for himself. Desperately needing each other's support, the two men make a deal whereby Bentley will share a portion of the profits to help Mckellen's sweet tooth return to its former state in exchange for Bentley's son William marrying Mckellen's daughter Catherine. Without the approval of both of their kids, the two men make a decision and agree. William and Catherine finally decide to proceed with the planned union. Could two people who are so different from each other coexist under one roof?

Chapter 1 The Letter

Good morning, sir; here are the documents you requested. " His secretary had a bunch of folders in her hands. She quietly walked out of the office after delivering them.

McKellen sat behind his front desk in his office glaring at the files and documents in front of him with disappointment written all over his face. For the past few months, the records he has been getting from the company's accounts have been very bad, and it seemed like it was just getting worse. With his hands resting on his forehead, McKellen couldn't stop brainstorming ideas that could lead to the betterment of the company. It was becoming frustrating. He had tried everything possible in his power to fix everything but to no avail.

He walked over to the mini-bar in his office poured a glass of wine, and took a sip on it while he just rested on the couch, thinking seriously about why the company was losing funds drastically. He immediately got up from the couch when an idea popped up in his head. In his mind he assumed this was it, finally a solution to the company's problems. He would finally have peace of mind after this. He rushed to his lower drawer and ransacked it aggressively; he searched through the older folders relating to the company's sales and purchase records with his finger sliding through the paper. He carefully assessed what was recorded, but still, it was all giving the same records, he was brought back to square one. He grunted and angrily threw his glass to the wall and it slammed and shattered into pieces. He punched his fists on his desk multiple times while grunting in frustration and anger. His secretary walked in on the whole drama, and she just stood there in shock, not knowing whether to involve herself in all of this or not. With a tight grip on the letter that she just received to deliver to him.

"Err... Sir.." she stammered in fear with her words. "Sir.. you received a letter from Bentley maple syrup." she shivered in fear as she wasn't sure why McKellen was angry, and she knew he wasn't always like this.

"Leave it on my desk and lea,v,e plea, see," he spoke with his back facing her and his fists still on the desk. McKellen was becoming very frustrated at all of this, and soon enough, it would get to the media, which would do more harm than good.

McKellen ran a business that processes, prepares, and sells honey and products made from honey. He is the CEO and a very well-known millionaire and businessman and has earned a livelihood from the business that was handed down to him by his father; he could not afford to let the business fail in his hands. At this point, he would go to any length to get the "McKellen sweet tooth" running on its Normal course.

He picked up the letter that his secretary had brought to him, and he wondered, "Why did Bentley maple syrup send a message? What do they want now? He opened up the letter and read it.

"From Bentley maple syrup to McKellen sweet tooth. I humbly want to invite you to a personal business meeting concerning both the well-being both ourselves and our businesses. The time, date, and location will be communicated to you at the lower corner of the right-hand side of the letter (tomorrow noon, location: Bentley Maple Syrup Company) Thank you in advance signed Bentley MS. "what did he mean by the well-being of our businesses and our selves? I don't have any special relationship with him". Mckellen thought to himself.

Hours had gone by and office hours were over. McKellen drove straight to his mansion only to meet his wife in the sitting room with newspapers in her hands with sadness and anxiety plastered like a mask on her face

"Honey, thank goodness you're home now, she walked over and hugged him while helping him with his suitcase and his suit. She carefully placed them beside her, honey, have you seen the news? It's everywhere!" Her voice was breaking as tears began to form in her eyes. She handed the newspaper to him while she sniffled and wiped her tears.

He glared at the newspaper headlines, "McKellen's sweet tooth is falling apart." he continued to turn the pages of the paper aggressively. He let out a sigh of disgrace and tiredness and tore the newspaper into pieces. "Gertrude!!" He called on the maid to "clean this up". He wrapped himself around his wife. "Honey, everything will be fine; I have it all under control, I promise." he tried to sympathize with her.

Charlotte, the wife of Micheal Mckellen, is very supportive of her husband in whatever decision he makes. She has been his right-hand woman since day one. She didn't want anything to happen to their reputation as they were very popular and well-known. She could not even imagine what their life would be like if they completely went bankrupt.

"What will people say, Michael? What's is going on? What went wrong?" With tears in her eyes. "It's all over the news now, people have started talking and rumors are spreading. Very soon the paparazzi and goddamn interviewers won't let us rest. I want fame but not in this manner! This is horrible. Please tell me everything will be alright." She looked him straight in the eye and never cut her gaze.

"Love, trust me when I say it's just a phase and it will pass. I'm on it, and so are the financial officers; everything will go back to normal soon, okay--?"

"Hi, Daddy!" His beautiful daughter Catherine walked in with a big smile on her face and her Burkin bag in her hand. McKellen and his wife immediately changed their position so it wouldn't be obvious that they were worrying about something. Her big smile slowly grew into a frown when she noticed her parent's sitting position. She noticed they looked sad like they just heard some bad news.

"Daddy? What happened? Mommy? Is everything okay?" She questioned with curiosity in her heart, eager to hear what the problem was.

"Honey, don't worry. It's nothing serious, okay?" McKellen responded not wanting her to be fully aware of what the matter was.

"Daddy, you can't tell me it's nothing. You're sitting here, and you were comforting Mom, and what? Is it nothing?"

"Baby, don't worry, okay? it's fine honestly. I just have a little headache. It hurts so bad," placing her hand on her forehead in pretense.

She placed her bag on the table and squatted to lean on her mother's lap, "I'm so sorry, mommy," gently tucking a part of her hair behind her ear. I'll go get some medication for you. She was about to get up and go get at least a glass of water and some painkillers when her mother held her back,

"Don't worry okay? I just took some painkillers now alright I just need to get some sleep now"

"Okay Mommy if you say so"

"I'll take your mom to our bedroom okay?"McKellen gently spoke to his daughter while helping his wife up the stairs.

The couple didn't want their daughter to know about the current condition of the company even though she would find out sooner or later. Catherine, the one and only child of Micheal McKellen, is very stubborn and strong-headed. She is someone who is determined to do things her way and refuses to change or compromise her beliefs or actions, even when faced with opposition or consequences. She is strong-willed and independent, but she often stands her ground and is not easily swayed by others' opinions.

"Honey, Catherine must not know what is going on in the company right now okay? I'll sort this out. Also, here is a letter I received from the Bentleys." He handed the letter over to his wife she glared at the letter and read right through it.

She read the letter silently, "Bentley? He wants to meet up with you privately. What if he has a hand in all of this?" she furrowed her brows.

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