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Surrogate Love: Carrying The Son Of The Millionaire Enemy

Surrogate Love: Carrying The Son Of The Millionaire Enemy



Amelia Roberts, a young woman, is cruelly betrayed by her father and forced to be a surrogate mother for the ruthless millionaire Stevenson Westcott. After giving birth to her son, Oliver, Amelia is separated from him and left to fend for herself. Determined to get her son back, Amelia embarks on a dangerous mission, accepting a job as a personal assistant to Oliver, now a mischievous four-year-old boy. Disguised as a man named "Alex," Amelia deeply connects with her son and becomes his accomplice in fun pranks. But there's an unexpected obstacle in her path: Terrence Westcott, Oliver's single father and Stevenson's grandson. Terrence, a man obsessed with order and cleanliness, begins to feel an irresistible attraction toward his new assistant "Alex," an attraction that drives him to the brink of madness. As Amelia and Terrence grow closer, sharing moments of tenderness and complicity with Oliver, the sparks between them become harder to ignore. But their path to love is riddled with obstacles, from Terrence's manipulative grandfather to his capricious and intolerable fiancée, Clara. When the truth about Amelia's identity comes to light, it triggers a series of events that test her determination and love. Amelia must fight against conspiracy, betrayal, and dangerous enemies to reclaim her son and protect her new family.

Chapter 1 Her Father's Plans

Amelia Roberts arrived at the luxurious Georgian mansion located in Kensington Palace Gardens, feeling tired after a busy day at school.

As she looked up, her eyes widened at the sight of a gleaming, one-of-a-kind Rolls-Royce Phantom parked just beyond the main entrance.

A thrill of excitement ran through her as she thought that perhaps her father, the prestigious businessman Malcolm Roberts, had bought her this luxurious car as a gift for her eighteenth birthday.

As she made her way to the main room, she noticed that the atmosphere in the house was more tense than usual.

Her father was sitting on the sofa, with a worried expression, and next to him were her stepmother Penelope and her daughter Daphne. The atmosphere was heavy, and Amelia felt that something was terribly wrong.

Daphne, with her usual air of superiority, turned to Amelia with a mocking smile.

"How convenient that you arrived just in time," said Daphne, her words laden with disdain.

Amelia frowned and looked at her with distrust.

"In time for what?" she asked, noticing the cold and calculating tone in her sister's voice.

Malcolm stood up with difficulty, his face paling as he prepared to say what seemed to be a big secret.

"Daughter, what I have to tell you will not be easy to hear," he said, avoiding her gaze.

Daphne let out a mocking laugh, interrupting Malcolm's speech.

"For heaven's sake, dad, can you stop beating around the bush? Tell your dull daughter what awaits her at once."

"Shut up, Daphne!" Amelia exploded. "No one has given you permission to open your mouth, harpy, this is between my father and me."

"Don't talk to your sister like that!" Penelope barked.

"That thing is not my sister," Amelia spat with contempt. "She's just the fruit of your betrayal and cheating on my mother."

Daphne's face turned red with anger and she lunged at Amelia, grabbing her hair. Both young women rolled on the floor, screaming and insulting each other. Malcolm tried to separate them, but Penelope stopped him.

"Leave them, Malcolm! Let them resolve their differences like the women they are!" Penelope was so twisted that she was enjoying it, not caring that one of those girls was her daughter.

After several minutes of struggling, Amelia managed to break free from Daphne and pushed her away hard. The blonde looked at her with contempt, her eyes flashing as she wiped a trickle of blood running from the corner of her mouth.

"You're a damn bitch, Amelia," she spat with hatred. "My mother should have gotten rid of you as soon as dad brought her to this house!"

"Enough!" Malcolm raised his voice, standing between his two daughters. "Behave with the dignity that ladies of your class deserve. Amelia, daughter, what I have to tell you is... is..."

Penelope's gaze hardened and she glared at her husband.

"Tell her once and for all, Malcolm, don't be a coward."

Amelia, panting and with her heart beating hard, moved away from Daphne. The fight had left her clothes torn and her face bloodied. Her gaze turned to her father with a mixture of rage and pain.

"What's going on?" Amelia asked. "Why are you treating me like this?"

Malcolm, visibly distressed, tried to regain his composure.

"Amelia, what I have to tell you..." he began, but Penelope interrupted him with a cold and cutting voice.

"Tell her at once, Malcolm, you don't have time for beating around the bush."

Malcolm closed his eyes with effort, as if trying to gather the courage to say what he was about to reveal.

"Amelia, I've made a decision that will change our lives," his voice was barely a whisper. "I've decided that... that you'll be away from us for a while. In exchange, we'll receive a large sum of money that will save Roberts Enterprises from bankruptcy."

Amelia was paralyzed, her eyes opened in shock.

"What? No, dad! You can't do this!"

"I'm so sorry, darling," said Malcolm, his voice broken, "but it was this or lose everything, it will only be for a while."

"Shut up!" Amelia interrupted, her voice full of desperation. "You can't sell me like this!"

Suddenly, two men dressed in black burst into the room, their movements were brusque and authoritarian. They grabbed Amelia, who was screaming and struggling, and dragged her towards the exit of the mansion.

"No! Let me go!" Amelia begged. "Dad, do something!"

Malcolm, with tears in his eyes, could do nothing as he watched his daughter being taken away by the men.

Penelope and Daphne looked on with a mocking smile, showing not a hint of remorse.

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