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Prisoner In The Mafia's Arms

Prisoner In The Mafia's Arms



Ariadna Kallistos had it all: beauty, wealth, and a bright future that stretched out before her like a golden path. With a seemingly perfect life, she was destined to achieve any goal she set for herself. But everything changes dramatically and unexpectedly when a tragedy shakes her world: the terrible accident and death of her beloved sister Melina. Shattered, guilty, and remorseful, Ariadna finds herself in a hell of torturous pain, wishing with all her might for the answers to seemingly endless questions. What Ariadna doesn't know is that her fiancé, Leonidas, the man she trusts and loves, is harboring a dark and devastating secret: an unforgivable betrayal with Melina before her tragic death. Dimitrios Galanis, enigmatic and dangerous, is not only a powerful CEO but also a feared mob boss with a very meticulous plan: to destroy the Kallistos family and force Ariadna to marry him. Cold, calculated revenge is what drives Dimitrios, revenge for the agony Ariadna and Leonidas caused his sister Antara in the past. However, Dimitrios carries his own pain and anguish, as Antara is missing, and he would do anything to find her. That involves using Ariadna. Not only does he make her a key piece in his cruel game, but he forces her to pay for every humiliation he caused his sister. Ariadna needs to find her way through all the dangers, passion, and mafia secrets with lies in her forced marriage while fighting an attraction to Dimitrios, the man she should hate with every fiber of her being. Dimitrios, for his part, begins to question his own motives and the validity of his revenge. Can he do it? Can he really carry out his plan to destroy the woman he believes ruined his sister's life? Or will he fall under Ariadne's spell and iron will? In this dangerous game of passion, power, and betrayal, both will have to confront their dark pasts and make critical decisions: In the end, they will have to decide what is more important: the unquenchable thirst for revenge or the chance to find true love amidst the chaos and destruction.

Chapter 1 Commitment

Night was falling over the luxurious Kallistos mansion. Its large windows were illuminated, casting a golden glow over the meticulously manicured gardens.

Guests arrived in their luxury cars, their jewelry sparkling under the entrance lights. The occasion was the engagement of Ariadna Kallistos and Leonidas Petros, an event that promised to unite two of the city's most influential families.

Inside, the main hall was a spectacle of opulence. Crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceiling, their lights reflecting off the polished marble floors.

White-gloved waiters glided among the guests, offering champagne flutes on silver trays. The murmur of conversations and laughter filled the air.

Upstairs, far from the bustle of the party, Ariadna Kallistos was preparing for her grand entrance.

Standing in front of a full-length mirror, she adjusted her pearl green dress, an exclusive creation that clung to her slender figure like a second skin. Her brown hair fell in perfect waves over her shoulders, and her green eyes shone with arrogance.

"Maria!" Ariadna shouted in a sharp voice. "Where are my emerald earrings? I need them now!"

A young maid hurried in, her face pale with fear.

"Miss Ariadna, I'm looking for them. I think..."

"You think?" Ariadna interrupted, turning to face the maid with an icy glare. "I don't pay you to think, I pay you to know. Find them now or you'll be out on the street tomorrow!"

Maria nodded nervously and ran out of the room.

At that moment, Athena Kallistos entered the room. At forty, Athena maintained an elegant, classic beauty, her blonde hair pulled back in a flawless bun, her black designer dress a testament to her refined taste.

"Ariadna, dear," Athena said, her voice soft but firm. "Was it necessary to speak to Maria that way? The poor girl is doing her best."

Ariadna rolled her eyes, not bothering to look at her mother.

"Please, Mom. If we don't demand from them, they become lazy. Besides, it's her job to find my things."

Athena sighed, stepping closer to her daughter. She placed a hand on Ariadna's shoulder, their eyes meeting in the mirror's reflection.

"Daughter, tonight is important. The whole city will be here. Please, try..." She paused, searching for the right words. "Try to be a bit kinder. Remember, you are a Kallistos."

Ariadna shrugged off her mother's hand, her expression turning cold.

"Precisely because I am a Kallistos, I act this way. We are better than them, Mom. It's time you understood that."

Before Athena could respond, Maria reentered, holding a jewelry case.

"I found them, Miss Ariadna," she said, breathless. "They were in your travel jewelry box."

Ariadna snatched the case from Maria's hands, opening it to reveal a pair of dazzling emerald earrings.

"At last, you do something right," she murmured, putting on the earrings. "Now, get out of my sight."

Maria quickly left, leaving mother and daughter alone again. Athena watched her daughter with a mix of love and concern.

"Ariadna, I just want you to be happy. True happiness comes from..."

"Save the sermon, Mom," Ariadna interrupted. "Tonight is about me and Leonidas. About our future, about the empire we will build together. That's what makes me happy."

Athena nodded slowly, with a final sigh, she headed toward the door.

"Very well, dear. We'll be waiting downstairs. Don't take too long."

Once alone, Ariadna admired herself in the mirror again. Her reflection showed a beautiful, powerful, and confident young woman.

Meanwhile, Nikolaos Kallistos, an imposing man in his sixties with silver hair and a custom-made suit, moved among the guests like a king among his subjects. His laughter rose above the murmurs, his firm hand shaking those of politicians, businessmen, and celebrities.

"Theodoros!" Nikolaos exclaimed, approaching a stern-looking man. "Where is that son of yours? We need to toast the future newlyweds!"

Theodoros Petros, Leonidas's father, forced a tight smile. Unlike Nikolaos, Theodoros was a man of few words, known for his coldness in business.

"Leonidas will be here any moment, Nikolaos. You know how young people are... always keeping us waiting."

Nikolaos burst into laughter, patting Theodoros's shoulder firmly.

"Ah, youth! Well, while we wait, how about we discuss that merger? With our children united, our companies should follow the same path, don't you think?"

Theodoros's eyes gleamed with interest, and both men moved to a quieter corner to talk business.

At that moment, a sudden silence fell over the crowd, and all eyes turned toward the grand marble staircase. There, at the top, stood Ariadna Kallistos, a vision in pearl green.

Her entrance was calculated for maximum effect, and she succeeded. The camera flashes began to sparkle as she descended slowly, a radiant smile lighting up her face.

Nikolaos, interrupting his conversation with Theodoros, hurried to the base of the stairs, extending his hand to receive his daughter.

"My princess," he said with evident pride in his voice, "you look stunning."

Ariadna took her father's hand, allowing him to guide her to the center of the hall. The guests stepped aside, forming a circle around them.

"Thank you, Dad," Ariadna responded, her voice soft but loud enough for everyone to hear. "This night is perfect, just as I dreamed."

Nikolaos kissed his daughter's forehead and then turned to the guests, raising his glass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we celebrate not only the love between two exceptional young people but also the union of two great families. To Ariadna and Leonidas!"

The guests echoed the toast, but a murmur of confusion began to spread. Where was Leonidas?

As if summoned, Leonidas Petros made his entrance. Tall, with dark hair and piercing eyes, Leonidas was the image of a successful young businessman. His impeccably tailored black suit accentuated his athletic figure, and his charming smile concealed boundless ambition.

"Sorry for the delay," he announced, approaching Ariadna and taking her hand. "The traffic was impossible."

Ariadna looked at him with adoration.

"The important thing is that you're here," she said, squeezing his hand. "Together."

Leonidas pulled a small velvet box from his pocket and, under the expectant gaze of everyone, knelt before Ariadna.

"Ariadna Kallistos," he said, his voice resonating in the sudden silence of the hall, "you are the most beautiful and brilliant woman I have ever known. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

He opened the box, revealing a diamond ring that would have outshone most crown jewels. Ariadna's eyes lit up, a mix of love and triumph shining in them.

"Yes, Leonidas. A thousand times yes!"

The crowd erupted in applause as Leonidas slipped the ring onto Ariadna's finger. They stood and kissed, a perfect picture of love and wealth. The camera flashes intensified, capturing the moment for the next day's headlines.

Among the crowd, a figure watched the scene with a mix of conflicting emotions. Melina Kallistos, Ariadna's older sister, clapped mechanically.

At twenty-two, Melina was the opposite of her sister in many ways. Ariadna was slim and glamorous; Melina struggled with her weight and preferred comfort over fashion. Ariadna was confident and domineering; Melina was shy and insecure.

When the initial commotion settled and the guests resumed their conversations, Melina approached the happy couple. Her black dress, though elegant, seemed dull compared to Ariadna's glow.

"Congratulations, little sister," Melina said, her voice slightly trembling. "Leonidas, welcome officially to the family."

Ariadna barely glanced at her sister, her attention divided between her new ring and the guests coming to congratulate her.

"Thank you, Melina," she responded distractedly. "Isn't it wonderful?"

Melina nodded, then turned to Leonidas. Their eyes met for a moment, and a current of tension passed between them.

"Leonidas, could I speak with you for a moment? In private."

Leonidas frowned slightly, but his charming smile remained.

"Of course, sister-in-law. Ariadna, dear, I'll be back in a minute."

Ariadna waved him off, already immersed in a conversation with a group of friends admiring her ring.

Melina led Leonidas to a quiet corner of the hall, near a window overlooking the moonlit garden. Once certain no one could hear them, Melina spoke.

"Leonidas, please think carefully about what you're doing. Ariadna is my sister, and you... you and I..."

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