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wahab favour


Scorned and shamed, Cindy escaped a life of shame and replacement by her sister only to find herself being in a series of problems similar to what she faced in the pack. Running away to Sydney, she seek solace in hiding and changing her identity, only to discover that destiny has other plans. She engaged in a one night stand which left her pregnant with the child of an unknown stranger. What will be the reaction of Cindy when she finds out that the stranger she had a night stand is her second chance mate? Will he accept her and her baby? Are some wounds too deep to heal?

Chapter 1 The betrayal

Cindy and David had always been the most envious couple of the pack. Yes they were, Alpha and Luna.

But suddenly, because she could not give birth to children, David had scorned her. He had called her before the arena to disgrace her for being childless. He called all the pack and they assembled her in front.

Cindy stood at the edge of the arena, the moonlight casting a silvery glow over the forest. The pack gathered around the central fire and their murmurs carried a mix of anticipation and judgment. She could feel their eyes on her, like daggers piercing her soul. The whispers, the accusations, the disgrace – it was all too much. She glanced over at David, her alpha, her mate. His eyes were cold, absent of the warmth they once held.

Cindy's mind drifted to the days before the darkness settled over her life. She and David had been inseparable, their bond unbreakable. They had dreamt of a future filled with laughter and children running through the woods. But fate had been cruel. She had been unable to bear children, and that failure had marked her as an outcast.

Now her sister had been seeing David behind her back. There were rumors at first and she somehow could not bring herself to believe that her own blood would do such to her. But today both of them were standing there together. Hands interlocked in each other, standing and smiling at each other. This was such a stab in the back.

David's voice broke through my thoughts. "Cindy," he called, his tone so bland of affection. "Come forward."

She stepped into the circle, feeling the weight of their judgment. David stood tall, his gaze fixed on her with a mixture of mockery and determination. Beside him, her sister, Lydia, stood with a face void of expression. Cindy's heart beat fast. Lydia had always been envious of her bond with David, and now she was taking advantage of Cindy's downfall.

One time when she was pretending to be busy at the other wing of the pack mansion, she overheard Lydia telling David that Cindy had sacrificed her womb to the moon goddess and that Cindy did this because she planned to kill David and take over as the alpha. It was very unfortunate because Cindy believed him.

"Cindy," David began, "you have failed in your duty to this pack. You have brought shame upon us with your inability to produce an heir. The pack cannot afford such weakness. I have tolerated you for long and I have tried but it seems you take my weakness for granted."

Cindy's eyes filled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. "David, please," she pleaded, "we can find another way. We can adopt, or–"

"There is no other way," David interrupted, his voice harsh. "The pack needs strength, and you have proven that you cannot provide it. Therefore, I have decided to find a new mate. Lydia will be my new alpha female."

A gasp ran through the crowd. Cindy fell to her knees in shame and Cindy felt as though the ground had been pulled from beneath her feet. Her own sister, the one person she thought she could trust, was taking everything from her. There Lydia stood with her eyes gleaming with so much happiness and joy.

What was this world? What sort of betrayal was this? So her only sister could do this to her?

Lisa stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with triumph. "I will bring strength to this pack," she declared, her voice dripping with false sincerity. "I will give David the heirs he deserves. The pack had been ruled by weakling for Luna all along and it isn't job to change that. This pack will triumph to more victory! Everybody rise and shine!!"

There was a huge cheer from the crowd. People started to clap and they were chanting David and Lydia's name. I felt so much shame. So this is how life is? This is how life has chosen to reward me after everything? So this is what I get? After my years of steadfastness and humility?

Cindy's anger flared. "You betrayed me, Lydia," she spat. "You always wanted what I had, and now you're using my pain to get it. No one will trust you. Even if they are cheering for you now, they will drop you. Remember that when you sell your brother even your brother will not trust you. Carry on."

Lydia's expression hardened. "You were never worthy of being an alpha female," she retorted. "You were weak, and now everyone sees it."

David raised a hand to silence them. "This is not a time for petty arguments. You should even be happy I did not try to replace you with an outside. This is your sister and you will always have grace to stay in the pack," he said. "Cindy, you are no longer part of this pack. You will move your things out of where it is and move to a smaller room."

The words hit Cindy like a physical blow. She was being disgraced, cast out from the only family she had ever known. She glanced around, hoping to find a sympathetic face, but all she saw was mockery and scorn.

With a heavy heart, Cindy turned and walked away from the arena, her steps echoing in the silence of the forest. She knew she had to leave, but she couldn't help the feeling of betrayal that came at her. As she disappeared into the darkness, she vowed to find a way to revamp her life, even if it meant challenging everything she had ever known.

Night came and there was a knock on her door. She wondered who it could be that would come to see her at such an absurd hour of the night. She turned around to see that it was one of her loyal servants Eva.

"Eva, what are you doing here? I am no more the Luna you should leave before you get disgraced from this place. I love and care about you but sadly the leadership has changed please leave I will be fine," Cindy complained.

"No Luna Cindy I am here to warn you quickly and I will leave. Danger is about to befall you and if you do not do something about it you will be scorned," Eva the maid said to Cindy.

"What is it Eva you have to be fast you know there's always security patrolling the area. There's honestly no time to stay and beat around the bush."

"It is Alpha David, I overheard him saying that even if you will not follow him willingly, he would force you to take you to the moon goddess so that you both can dissolve your mateship and if you don't agree he will have to kill you to marry your sister."

Cindy was shook by these words. Kill? So this man had plans to kill me. This was too much. Who did she offend and what did she do to him to deserve this? She had to run and she had to leave immediately.

This place was heavily guarded. Who was she going to call? Who would she ask to come to her rescue? This life was so unfair. Who did she offend to see such hardship? Damn, this was too much.

So if they went to the later of the moon goddess and she refused to accept to divorce him in peace he would kill her and move on with his life?

She began to ransack her wardrobe to look through her clothes. If she was going to run them she had to do it fast. She went through the few important things that she needed to survive in the real world. She would not pack her clothes. She did not want anyone to suspect anything.

She just needed an ID, a little bit of food, some important documents and some importants clothes too. Did she need to carry some of Lydia and David's clothes so that she could use their essence to monitor them?

In the wolf world there was a thing as using someone's essence to monitor them. If you had a hold of their belongings like clothes or otherwise you could monitor what they were doing with their lives.

She packed all her clothes together and poured lavender scent on them. Lavender scent was to kill any trace of essence she had left on her clothes and she would repeat this on the sheets and everywhere so that they do not smell her and use it to track her down or monitor her.

She crept into David's room as they were somewhere in the pack hall celebrating their engagement. She crept into David's room and stole his clothes and Lydia's clothes so that she would be aware of what they were up to.

These were the times where she wished her parents were still alive so that she would contact them and tell them of this thing that happened. This was a disaster.

She entered most places in the hose where her scent was and sprayed the lavender on it. She entered the bathroom and bathed and sprayed lavender on herself.

When she crept out of the pack house she was going to bathe with citrus and the lavender would stop at the woods and she would keep changing scent till she got to where people were and mixed with them so that it would confuse David and Lydia when they came to look for her.

She laid down on the bed and waited. She mindlinked her friend Sarah from the city. Sarah had been her childhood friend and they began to have conversations. Sarah suggested she go to Sydney, Australia and start her life.

Sarah told her she would help her with change of identity, a new job, a place to live and some money to cover the costs of moving to a new city.

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