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Billionaire's Worst Love

Billionaire's Worst Love

Mimi Larose


"Shh" His lips brushed against my earlobe and a thrill sparkled within me. He pushes my panties aside and thrusted two fingers in at the same time. I let out a wince from the force and pressure that pulsates through me. "You're so dripping wet for me. Your cunt is thrilled for my finger. You want me baby. Don't you?" "You want this,don't you?" I wanted to shake my head frantically,I wanted to push him away. He never loved me,he wanted me because of his baby but still,I clasped my eyes shut as he slammed his lips against mine. ° ° ° Laura's life had been a relentless sorrow since her parents' death, forced to endure the cruelty of her stepmother and step sibling. Few weeks after spending a night with a stranger, Laura realized that she was pregnant. She was forced to move in with the stranger she spent a night with, Raymond Smith. Raymond was still hung up on the dissapearance of his fiancee few years back. Will they be able to navigate their feelings for each other while fighting their inner wars?

Chapter 1 Rape and Rage

She walked into the mansion, her legs trembling while still marveling at the beauty of the mansion.

"This way ma'am" the maid that was directing her said. She shivered a bit before nodding her head. She sat on the couch and waited for her host. Her eyes landed on a huge portrait on the wall. It was a picture of a woman who appears to be in her late fifties and a young man who appears to be in his late twenties. She depicted them to be a mother and son. She was still looking at the portrait when she heard a voice.

"You're here"

She turned to see the woman in the portrait. She quickly stood up.

"My mum sent me to you," she said. 'mum' the word echoed in her ears. She couldn't remember when she used the word. But that would be a perfect way to explain their relationship to this strange woman.

"Okay" the woman smiled "you're really beautiful my dear"

"Thanks ma" she smiled. The woman's compliment seems genuine.

"The maid will bring you some refreshments, wait here while I go grab something from my room" the woman said.

"No problem ma" she smiled

"By the way what's your name?" The woman asked.

"Laura," She replied.

"Good. You can call me Mrs Smith" she smiled.

Laura responded with a slight nod while Mrs Smith turned around and headed upstairs.

The maid brought some snacks and a glass of orange juice for Laura.

"Could you give me a glass of water please?" Laura politely asked the maid. The maid seemed horrified for a minute "why do you need water? I brought juice for you"

"Actually I like talking water after snacking then I'll take the juice after" Laura explained.

The maid heaved a sigh of relief which didn't go unnoticed by Laura. She got suspicious for a minute but quickly waved it off. She was given water.

After she was done with her snacks. She felt a bit dizzy and her body started acting funny. She felt her vagina tightened giving her a burning sensation. She tried ignoring the feeling but it was hard as it kept recurring. The maid entered again and told her that the woman asked to meet her in the room. She followed the maid and as soon as she turned the door knob, the maid disappeared. The room was almost dark as the only source of illumination was from a tiny bulb in a corner which kept flickering every second. She walked further into the room and saw a man laying on the king sized bed, his groin hard and standing. She flinched at the sight of it. The man suddenly grabbed her and they started kissing wildly. She tried to resist but her desires fought against her and clouded her sense of reasoning. She melted in the kiss as they kept exploring each other.

He was sitting in his room facing the window when he heard the door open. His mum walked in. He sighed and stood up to sit beside his mum on the couch. He rested his head on her lap.

"Mother" he called "will she never come back?" His voice with sadness visible in his voice as he spoke.

The woman patted his head gently.

"Son, you've waited for her for so long. Three whole years have passed, and there's still no trace of her ever coming back to you. She obviously doesn't care enough. Forget about her already" the woman said pleadingly. He stood up sharply "it's not so easy mum. I love her a lot and she loves me too. I'm sure she'll come back. I'm very sure she had a reason for leaving and she's still pregnant with my baby" he said, looking out of the window dreamingly.

"I don't know how else to make you understand Raymond" she sniffed "here... take this" she handed him a glass of juice "it'll help you relax. I made it with a lot of love" she watched as he drank the juice and smirked victoriously.

"I have to go now. I just came to check on you" the woman said and left.

Raymond sighed heavily and slumped on his bed. He felt his head throbbing and his manhood rising. "What is wrong with me?" He muttered angrily. He tried to close his eyes to ease the throbbing in his head but it persisted. He saw the door open and a lady walked in. Without caution, he stood up and grabbed her, kissing her wildly. He put his hand under her dress and felt her wetness. He inserted two fingers and felt it

tighten. The lady let out a sharp scream and pushed him away. She later went back to him. He guessed she was feeling the same way too. He wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to himself and started undressing her while still enjoying the warmth of her lips. She carried her and gently placed her on the bed before proceeding to undress himself. The lady looked away shyly, making him wonder who this mysterious lady was. But that wasn't the main issue at this moment as his desires had completely engulfed him. He pounced on her, kissing every part of her body before finally penetrating into her. He felt the tightness around his manhood and groaned frustratedly. The lady jerked at the sudden penetration. Tears gushed out from her eyes as she felt the pain all over her body.

He kissed her again and she cried as so many emotions gushed into her. A mixture of pleasure and pain. He kept penetrating as she held onto him tight, afraid and excited at the same time. They continued the act until they both reached orgasm.

Raymond rolled to the other side and slept off immediately. Laura did the same thing.

The next morning, Laura was the first to wake up. She stared at the ceiling and then it clicked. She stood up and turned to her side sharply to see a naked man sleeping next to her. She screamed in horror. Her screams woke Raymond up. They both had the same expression of shock written all over their faces.

"You" Laura pointed at Raymond "what did you do to me?" She screamed.

"What? You're on my bed. I should be asking that question" Raymond replied with the same tone. Laura stood up using the duvet to cover her nakedness while Raymond quickly grabbed a pillow to cover his. Laura screamed as she saw the blood on the sheet while Raymond looked dumbstruck.

"You raped me. You criminal. You idiot" she grabbed another pillow and started hitting him on the head with tears flowing freely.

"Get a hold of yourself you crazy woman" Raymond yelled at her, grabbing her hands in the process "this is my house. If anyone should be accused of raping it would be you. Now sit down let's think of how this happened" he said with an authoritative tone.

Laura slumped on the floor dejected. She looked up at Raymond and said "you took my virginity. I was keeping it for Tony. He was so patient with me and you just ruined everything. Why?" She sobbed loudly.

"Listen, I have no idea who you are or how this happened. It wasn't my fault so stop playing the victim card here" Raymond said with coldness in his voice.

Laura facepalmed herself and cried her eyes out while Raymond walked into the bathroom to clean up. After freshening up, he came outside and met Laura in the same position. He ignored her and walked to his closet. He selected an outfit and went out.

After a while, a maid came in and told Laura to go freshen up. Laura nodded and stood up before walking into the bathroom still holding the duvet covering her nudity. When she came out of the bathroom, she found new clothes on the bed with a bundle of cash and a small note. She took the note and read it "take this and leave. Don't ever show me your face again". She scoffed. "Such arrogance. Who those he thinks he is" she muttered angrily. She looked around and found a pen. She turned the paper over and wrote on the other side "DO YOUR WORST" she smiled satisfactorily and dropped the note. She left everything as it was when she came out of the bathroom. She picked her old clothes, wore it and left the room foaming in anger.

She saw the maid from the previous day and asked Mrs Smith. She was told that she had left earlier that day for an important meeting. She felt slightly annoyed. "Here goes nothing" she sighed before walking out of the mansion with a disappointed look. A man walked up to her "Sir asked to drop you off".

"Sir" she repeated the word as if unsure. The man looked at her with eyebrows raised. She felt slightly embarrassed then nodded before walking to the car. She turned back and took one last look at the mansion, cursed inwardly and then got into the car. The car zoomed off in no time. A shadow was seen walking back into the mansion smiling.

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