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The Billionaire's System

The Billionaire's System

Jane Joe


Percy had always received the short end of the stick when it came to luck. Separated from his parents at the age of two, the child no one wanted to adopt, the very personification of bad luck, that was just Percy's life. Percy didn't care about all that stuff because, to him, he wasn't so cursed. He had Olivia, his fiancé, a house, money, and a job. That belief remained with him until he got sacked from work, walked in on his cheating girlfriend, and got his entire property stolen from him by her. As if the heavens were consoling him, Percy becomes the host of a system. How could he make use of that system? What secrets is the world still hiding from Percy, and is he terrible luck? We should see.

Chapter 1 Loosing Everthing

Percy smiled as he ran down the street. This was the last day of the month, or as everyone knew, the payday. "Olivia would be so happy when she sees my paycheck," Percy chuckled, picturing his fiancée hugging and praising him to the skies. Olivia had been furious with him; hopefully, with the paycheck, she would revert to her lovely, loving self.

"Hmmm, where is mine? Everyone had already received their pay. What about mine?"

Percy was puzzled as he kept glancing at his phone for any notification. After two hours of waiting until his eyes were strained and hurting, Percy could not take it anymore. Knock! Knock! Knock

"Come in," a somewhat rushed voice from the office sounded impatient.

Percy didn't care as he entered the office respectfully, but the scene he saw blinded his eyes. "This... what are you looking at? You loser, you better remove your eyes before I gouge them out," Manager Smith roared at Percy, who was looking at him foolishly.

"Oh! I am sorry," Percy hurriedly apologized, but his heart overflowed with rage.

Manager Smith and the new intern were committing such unclean and animalistic acts in broad daylight, and the worst of all, Manager Smith was married with three children. He was not human, cheating on his wife with a fresh-out graduate! Percy hated this kind of scum man the most, but he was helpless; this type of man just had to be his superior.

"What do you want?" Manager Smith said as he dressed himself up in front of Percy without shame. The new intern, Clara, also readily put on her dress and walked out, but not before giving Percy a death glare.

"What a home wrecker, so shameless." Percy glared at the intern Clara with the same ferocity.

"Mr. Smith, sorry to disturb you, but everyone has received their pay, and we are done for the day. Have I seen anything yet?"

"Ohh! You don't have any pay this month., out of my office," Manager Smith waved at Percy impatiently as he dropped the sentence.

"Excuse me? What do you mean I don't have any payment? I have worked and worked hard this month. I even have the highest sales this month and have also worked extra; what do you mean I don't get paid?" Percy's voice got higher as he remembered all his suffering.

Percy was almost so close to crying; he had no money left in his account, and his entire hope was on set on this salary, and now, it's gone!

"Percy, leave my office now or get ready to lose your job," manager Smith said coldly.

"This... Manager Smith, this is so unfair," Percy struggled one last time before leaving the office dejectedly.

No matter how many complaints he had, he couldn't bear to lose this job, so he just had to sulk.

"What is this nonsense?" Percy's eyes headed to the employee achievement board. It recorded employees' achievements and gave them bonuses. Percy was always on top of it, but for the last six months, crazy things had happened, and his spot kept getting robbed.

"Why did hell is Clara the number one on this list?" Percy asked incredulously as his eyes fixated on Clara's name at the top of the board.

Clara was the worst intern this year. She barely came to work, and most of the time, she was in manager Smith's office. Calling her an employee was already a big mistake, so how did she get the top ranking?

Percy didn't believe it, but he couldn't think of the next thing; his name was not even on the list. This had never happened before!

"Clara, how did your name get the top ranking?" Percy immediately went to Clara's desk and asked coldly. From his angle, he saw Clara chatting with a young boy, probably her boyfriend.

"What a cheater!" Percy muttered as his impression of Clara dropped to the lowest it could go.

"What does it have to do with you?" Clara popped the gun in her mouth as she glared at Percy.

She didn't think much of Percy, who everyone referred to as the bad luck incarnate. Thinking of how he interrupted her good deeds with Smith, she looked at him coldly.

"It has everything to do with me because I think you stole my position," Percy said, banging Clara's table, shocking her so much that she stood up.

"Listen here. If you don't tell me the truth, I will tell everyone here what you did earlier with the manager, or rather, I will go to the Manager's wife," Percy threatened Clara with a cold voice.

"Why are you coming at me seriously? I am not the one who suggested that the manager did it on his own accord; he changed your achievements with mine so I could receive a salary; this is not my fault."

Clara spilled everything immediately; she couldn't bear to imagine what would happen if Smith's wife found out about the affair.

"This... That b*st*rd. "Anger rushed straight to Percy's head, and he immediately ran to the smith's office and delivered a good punch right to the smith's jaw.

"You b*st*rd, how could you do this to me after everything I have done for this shitty company?" Percy roared as he kept punching Smith in the face.

"Get off!" Smith roared as he pushed Percy away from him.

Percy was thin because of malnutrition, so it was a piece of cake for Smith, who weighed over 200 pounds, to push him away.

"You... I am going to report you to the superiors. You would surely lose your job, corrupt man," Percy pointed at Smith as he cursed.

"Report? Go ahead and report then..." Smith smirked as he sat comfortably in his chair, looking at Percy like a clown.

"What do you mean?"

"You fool, you think the higher-ups don't know what happened? You.... You offended someone high; they wouldn't do anything even if you reported ten thousand times." Smith laughed mockingly at Percy.

"So that's what happened?" Percy laughed at himself dejectedly.

"Humph! If I were you, I would sulk it up like you have always done, like a loser," Smith continued to mock Percy.

"I have a better idea... I Quit!" Percy sneered as he dropped his tag.

He had had enough. He might desperately need a job but would not keep taking this humiliation.

"You quit? Don't make me laugh. We both know you have been looking for a job for the last three years. Would you dare to quit this company that hired you despite the rumors about you?" Smith was silent before he exploded in laughter. He didn't believe he had the guts to quit.

"Believe what you will; I am out of here. "Percy turned around decisively and left.

"Thank goodness I had the foresight to buy a car with my first paycheck; I can just become an Uber driver, "Percy thought as he walked to his house. His small apartment was near the Company, so he walked home. Besides, he had no money to take a bus.

"Ahhh! Faster .... Do it faster, faster!!!" A high-pitched scream sounded, startling Percy's ears.

"What! Don't people have any decency nowadays? They scream so loudly for everyone to hear. Why don't they just come out and perform a live show for everyone, then? There is no difference?" Percy sneered, disgusted by the scream.

"My Olivia is so timid and gentle; she would never behave like this. "A smile returned to Percy's face as he thought of his fiancée, Olivia.

"Ehn, why does this voice sound strangely familiar? "Percy frowned as the high-pitched screaming kept getting louder the closer he got to his house.

"Impossible? Olivia would never...." Percy died inside as he reached his door and heard the voice coming from his house. He had been cheated on!


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