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Married To a Vampire As a Luna

Married To a Vampire As a Luna

Jane Joe


Lira, the princess of the silver wolf pack and the chosen child of the moon goddess, gets betrayed by her cousin and best friend Sofie, who lures her into a vampire's den. She is overwhelmed by the vampire who mates with her to get rid of a poison in its system. Lira is expelled by the pack and thrown out by her fiancé after her pregnancy is known to all. She is detested by both wolves and vampires for carrying an anomaly in her stomach; she leaves the fantasy world and comes to the world of humans. After five years, Lira meets Will, the vampire and father of her kids, during a checkup in the hospital. She decides to ignore him, but her past pack comes for her and her children, which makes her rely on Will. As a battle to protect her family unfolds, Lira finds out secrets that could prove to be a danger to her family, and she must protect her identity from the humans. How would she do it? Let's see.


"Aaaaahhhh," Lira screamed as she fell off a cliff. The wind roared close to her ears, carrying a loud rush as it forced her down faster. Lira wished she could crash down quickly to the ground so as not to be deafened by the wind rush. Rocks jutted from the walls, scarping Lira's skin and scratching her face, but Lira hardly noticed it. The pain she was feeling physically was nothing compared to the pain of betrayal, which was rapidly drilling its way through her heart.

As she stared back to the top of the cliff, looking at the lady who pushed her down the cliff, her eyes held a mixture of confusion and anger. Her cousin Sofie, who also was her best friend, pushed her off the cliff-and not just any cliff; she was pushed down the infamous cliff of death, where no wolf had ever made it out.

If she had been told a few hours ago that Sofie would cruelly do this to her, she would have defended Sofie with all her life and even beaten whoever told her such nonsense, but here she was, getting slapped left and right by the pain of betrayal. Very soon, she fell deeper until she couldn't see the smug expression of Sofie, who watched her fall with a happy smile on her face.

"Am I going to die here?" Me, the princess of the silver wolf pack. The wolf kingdom's most recognized talent for over a hundred years now?"

Lira asked herself, but the only answer she got was her back hitting against a firm surface, which blacked her out instantly.

PAIN! That was the only thing Lira could feel as she struggled to open her eyes after some hours of unconsciousness. Her bones were broken, she was paralyzed from the neck down, her head was cracked, and no part of her body had a piece of intact flesh; instead, she looked like a freshly crushed human being.

"Aiissh," Lira slowly regulated her body temperature as she healed herself. Ever since she was born, she had never experienced this type of pain, and now, she was going through hell all because of one person- Sofie.

Thinking of Sofie, Lira's eyes held sadness and anger. She was sad that her own blood and best friend would do such a cruel thing to her. She had chosen the wrong friend and was sorry that she was back to being alone.

Finally, after some hours of intensive healing, Lira could move her legs slowly. Eager to get out of this cave, she stood up and walked deeper and deeper into it.

"Very weird," Lira frowned as she looked at her surroundings. The cave was, of course, dark like any other cave, but Lira, who was a wolf, could see very well in the dark environment. What shocked her was that the cage was inhabited. Signs of a living person could be seen all around the cave.

"No way, the rumors can't be true, that a vampire would not exist in this part of the world?" Lira's mind raced as cold sweat formed all over her back.

Werewolves and vampires had been enemies for a long time. The rivalry caused the two races to sign a treaty that prohibited vampires and werewolves from coming close to each other's territory. But now, as much as she wanted to deny it, her guts told her that a vampire lived here-not just a regular vampire, but a super strong one that could probably snap off her neck with just one hand.

"I need to leave this place, Sofie; I hate you, "Lira cursed under her breath, her hatred for Sofie reaching abnormal levels.

"No..." The color drained from Lira's face as she stopped walking. A dark silhouette was slowly walking towards her. She wanted to turn around and run, but her werewolf senses warned her not to even take a step, or else she would lose her head.

The vampire! He found me!

Lira plopped to the floor, filled with despair and a powerful sense of fear. Tears streaming down her eyes as she cried for the first time in her life. She didn't want to die in this manner, at least not before taking her revenge against Sofie, but what could she do...life is so shitty that it always favors evil people.


The dark shadow stepped closer and closer until he was right in front of Lira. From this close proximity, Lira could smell the scent of bloodlust emanating from the being in front of her.

Resigning to her fate, Lira closed her eyes in defeat, her tears pouring like rain.

"Hmmm," Lira's eyes snapped open the moment she felt a touch on her cheeks. The touch was filled with curiosity and a hint of excitement-nothing like the bloodlust Lira was expecting.

Excited that she had a chance to save herself, Lira bravely locked eyes with the vampire before her. One word was the only thing Lira could think of as she set her eyes on the vampire - perfection. Absolute perfection.

In all her years, Lira had never seen a good-looking and perfect-looking man before. He was tall and attractive, around 6'9 "in height, with a chiseled face and a pointed jawline as sharp as a knife. His high cheekbones exuded power and confidence. His eyes were a mesmerizing and demonic shade of blue, almost purple. His nose was so straight, and his lips were very slim and sexy. His heart had a couple of silly strands of hair faking across his forehead.

"He is so handsome. I bet he would be kind as well," Lira thought to herself as she flashed the vampire a kind smile, trying to tell him she came with good intentions.

"Mr. Vampire, my name is ... Lira... Ahhh!" Lira couldn't even finish her words before her mouth was shut up with a fiery kiss.

Lira desperately tried to struggle, but she was helpless against the firm grip of the vampire. He kept on kissing her until she almost suffocated due to lack of air.

"Sorry," the hoarse voice of the vampire sounded before he ripped her clothes apart.

"Bastard," was the last thing Lira could say before she got claimed by the vampire.

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