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Pressured by the sinking financial state of his company, Mr. Morris was forced to pawn his daughter to the highest bidder, Mac Patterson. In desperation, Lillian sought help in the hands of Ray Anderson, her one-night stand. As Lillian grapples with the revelation that Ray and Mac share a bloodline, the weight of her decision to marry Mac becomes even more unbearable. Dive in to discover the mysteries of wealth, love, hidden secrets and desperation.

Chapter 1 LILLIAN

I was starting to lose my patience. I gritted my teeth in irritation, a habit I was trying hard to stop. 'Very unladylike', Jackie will always tell me.

Slowly, my eyes scanned through the carpeted lobby of the Elyse and Patterson mansion down to the grand staircase.

Each frame on the wall represents a past president of the company.

"Where on earth could he be?" I muttered thirty minutes down the line, yet there was no sign of him or my parents.

I wanted the day to be done so bad. Marrying my sister's husband is not an anticipated event in my life, but my parents have insisted on it as it's the only way to save the company from going under. They used their blood, sweat and tears to get me to accept this wedding.

I remember my father walking into my room just the night after Jackie's burial, drunk and unstable.

"You need to keep Mac company tonight and console him for the loss". He drawled.

"Dad, Mac is not a baby that needs a nanny to put him to sleep".

"I know" my dad responded. "But we are family, and family takes care of their own".

"Jackie has just been buried, Dad. I am hurting so much, too. I lost my younger sister to an avoidable accident; her corpse was never recovered from the fire, and you are telling me to keep the cause of the accident company? Why dad? Is the grief affecting your thinking?

"Be mindful of what you say, Lilian. The police confirmed it was an accident." My father responded.

"But the same police confirmed the presence of alcohol in his blood. Besides, I am surprised that you are not concerned about the fact that till now, your daughter's corpse has not been recovered.

What we buried was mere ashes. There is no way they could not have recovered anything of hers from the site of the accident, but I can see that you and your wife have decided to believe what suits you."

My dad shifted his position, looking everywhere else but at me.

"You judge me wrongly, Lillian."

"No, Dad," I continued. "If Mac hadn't drunk, Jackie would still be alive today. Have you forgotten that already?"

"No, Lillian, I have not forgotten. Listen, you need to understand that every great empire was built on sacrifices. Lilian, I am pleading with you to make one for your family." My father begged, piercing his gaze at me.

I stood still, speechless, staring at the man I have called father for the past twenty-three years. My heart melted; I could no longer recognize him.

No more words were spoken. My father quietly walked out of the room without uttering another word.

I rested my back on the closed door and gradually slipped to the floor. My legs gave way to the weight of pain in my heart. I let the tears flow.

I didn't just cry for Jackie; I cried for my late mum; I cried for all the years I had been treated as a stranger in my own home while my mum's best friend and her daughter took over everything that was rightfully mine. I cried for the life I was about to face.


I lost track of the time; I must have dozed off in exhaustion. A tap at the door tossed me back into my dreadful reality.

"Lillian, the driver will be here in an hour to pick you up." My dad said behind the door. I gradually got up from the floor and made my way to the bathroom.

The hot water ran through my hair and cascaded down my back, relieving me from my sore body.

Reluctantly, I stepped out of the bath and was faced with my reflection in the mirror. I look like I just fought with the devil. The tears rolled down my cheek again, and I didn't bother to stop them.

I quietly picked up my purse, still in my mourning clothes and with a tear-stained face, I closed the door behind me.

The Maybach was parked directly at the entrance, I stepped in like a remote-controlled doll, and it sped off into the darkness.

Slowly, I made my way through the dimly lit staircase, trying to locate the right turn to the penthouse. I feel so tired. I am not even sure of what exactly I am doing here.

Suddenly, I was knocked off balance by a strong arm that gripped me and dragged me inside a dark room. I lashed back with all the strength I could muster within me. I heard a shout followed by a number of curses as the light came on.

"Mac!!! I shouted in shock. "What is this all about?"

"Why are you acting all surprised?" he smirked. Didn't your father tell you?

"Tell me what, Mac?" I shouted back in fear.

"Don't act dumb with me, Lillian. You are here to replace your sister and you know it! It wasn't my idea but your parents'. They assured me you are okay with it." he said, glaring at me and rubbing a spot on his chest. ¹

"No, I am not", I snapped, filled with nausea and anger. My father said, "Keep you company, not jump into your bed."

"Blame it on your parents then". He replied bluntly.

Every word spoken was like an arrow that pierced my heart, destroying the little affection I had left towards my family. I tried to convince myself it wasn't true; maybe he didn't understand what my father meant, maybe there was a mix-up somewhere, but deep down in me, I knew he was telling the truth.

"You don't need to pull through with this," I pleaded with Mac. "We don't love each other; how do you expect us to be in a relationship?"

"There is no relationship here." Mac replied, "Just a business contract".

I shuddered as a cold chill settled in my stomach.

Jackie is dead." I pleaded, as my voice drenched in frustration. "And you can pick any other woman of your choice, can't you? Why me?"

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