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Moonlight Saga

There's a serial killer in Louisville and the victims are all lesbians and stud's. Who is this person who strikes only at the Midnight and what is their motive!

Chapter 1 The Initiation.

Louisville, Kentucky, was excruciatingly hot as the summer raged on. Not only was it hot outside, but the steamy air was also very uncomfortable. It was too hot at night too, even when the sun had promised to take leave. The sun simply replaced water in the form of sweat, only to finally have the sun go down to darken the city. It was not the season only that had made the city troubled. In recent weeks, the community had endured several frightening murders one after the other and with each as horrifying as the first.

Women especially seemed to condemn the menace but more to the violence; it was the pattern beneficial to the killer. All the deceased shared the same age group -young women from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities and the murders were like a sickening perfection. Louisville, a city known for its southern hospitality and its renowned racehorse events was under the national limelight only for the worst reasons. Daytime was filled with music from the crowds on the streets, but night fell and a strange feeling hung in the air. People went straight to their homes in the evening and no longer stayed out as they were used to doing, gossiping and hushing in a lot of communication in sight, or even leering at unidentified figures at pubs and night clubs. The public was so eager to find out how the case would turn out because of the meticulous efforts of the police in making sure that the case was solved though they had not managed to find much until now. And who was no doubt the criminal after each offense he would out off and retire back into the darkness from whence he advanced.


Detective Olivia Reid stood by her car's front, leaning onto it, exuding hotness, the cold did not at all bother her. Reid appeared to be in her middle thirties, with an ironclad resolution who had sharp blue eyes, a bearing which suggested that she did not suffer fools well. Right from the college, Olivia had perceived the urge to defend those who were helpless and enlisted with the Louisville Police Department. Grandma loved her. But this case was different. It felt personal in a way she couldn't quite explain. Perhaps it was because her sister, Mia, was a lesbian. Olivia looked at her sister, Mia, when she was still young, and saw the sadness and anxiety in Pablo's body language when they came out to their parents, and that knowing smile, relief, arms welcoming with no conditions imposed. But that acceptance was not Appropriate and olivia understood that. The idea that there are people out there who scavenge such innocent souls like Mia froze Olivia with anger. While surveying the investigation, Olivia saw her partner, Detective Tom Marshall, coming toward her; he was walking in her direction. Tom had a more mature age; he was in his 40s with a face that looked as though he had been through hell. He was reliable, stable, the sort of person the rest of the team needed when things went awry. "Hmm, No, this one's bad, Liv," Tom said when he was close to her. It was a low voice; almost whispering because any bolder and he would calm themselves too much and forget the terrible things needing enormous effort to get rid of. "They're all bad, Tom," Olivia replied, her tone clipped. But she knew what he meant. The scene before them was one of the worst they'd seen yet.

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