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The Prince's Surrogate Bride

The Prince's Surrogate Bride

Anytha Medeiros


In the kingdom of Nillfaw, Princess Eleanor faces a cruel fate: an arranged marriage with the tyrannical Prince Richard of Rosburny. Desperate to escape, her mother, Queen Dorothy, discovers a peasant girl named Arabella who bears an uncanny resemblance to the princess. In a daring plan, Arabella is brought to the palace to impersonate Eleanor while the real princess plans to flee. Now, Arabella, a humble commoner, must learn to live with a cold and calculating prince to ensure her family's safety. With the fate of two kingdoms at stake, secrets will be revealed, loyalties will be tested, and a young peasant girl will discover that her true strength lies far beyond her appearance.

Chapter 1 The Weight of Destiny

Eleanor hurried through the palace corridors, the heels of her boots echoing on the cold marble. The news that her father, King Hector, had summoned her for an important meeting brought no relief. Her lady-in-waiting, Mary, had expressed the urgency of the summons, which only heightened her apprehension.

As she passed through corridors adorned with tapestries and chandeliers, Eleanor couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. King Hector rarely had pleasant matters to discuss, and meetings in his presence usually indicated problems.

Reaching the door to her parents' private wing, where a guard stood at attention, Eleanor waited anxiously until she was permitted to enter. Upon entering the king and queen's private sitting room, she felt a chill at the seriousness of the atmosphere. The spacious room, with its heavy curtains and luxurious furniture, exuded an aura of power and authority.

Seated on the sofas were her parents, King Hector and Queen Dorothy. Also present were the royal advisors, George Baker, and Harry Duck, Baron of Dirmank and a trusted confidant of the king. The presence of these trusted men meant that the matter was of extreme importance and confidentiality.

Eleanor was invited to sit in a nearby armchair, her heart pounding in her chest. She observed her father, whose stern expression made her even more nervous. With a nod, King Hector began the meeting.

"Eleanor, we have called you here to discuss a matter of utmost importance to the kingdom," the king began, his grave voice echoing through the room. "As you know, we are on the brink of war with Rosburny."

Eleanor felt a chill run down her spine. The tension between the two kingdoms had been escalating for months, but hearing her father mention war so directly was a shock.

"We need a solution to avoid this conflict and ensure peace in our kingdom," Hector continued. "After much deliberation, we have decided that the best way to secure this peace is through a matrimonial alliance."

Eleanor's heart sank. She knew what was coming but had hoped she was wrong. Her eyes sought her mother's, who looked away, unable to face her daughter.

"You will marry Prince Richard Turner, the first in line to the throne and future King of Rosburny," the king declared bluntly.

Eleanor felt the ground disappear beneath her feet.

"Father, I... I can't do this. I'm not in love with him. I don't even know him!"

King Hector narrowed his eyes, his expression growing even harder.

"This is not a request, Eleanor. It is an order. If you do not fulfill your duty, not only you but our entire kingdom will suffer the consequences. I will not hesitate to lock you in this palace until you accept your destiny."

Eleanor looked desperately at Queen Dorothy for support. Her mother, visibly distressed, took a deep breath before speaking.

"Eleanor, I know this is difficult, but it is necessary. Think of the greater good, of our people."

Eleanor abruptly stood up, pain and anger boiling inside her.

"How can you ask this of me? How can you sacrifice my happiness for a political alliance?"

Before anyone could respond, Eleanor ran out of the room, her emotions overflowing. She knew her father was relentless and that her fate seemed sealed. However, deep in her heart, Eleanor was not ready to give up her freedom.

As she ran through the corridors, her mind buzzed with thoughts of rebellion and despair. She needed to find a way out, a way to escape the cruel fate they were trying to impose on her. Eleanor returned to her quarters, her eyes still brimming with tears and her heart heavy. As she entered, she found Mary, her lady-in-waiting, who was alarmed at the sight of the princess.

"Your Highness, is everything alright? Can I help with anything?" Mary asked, her voice laden with concern.

Eleanor, always inclined to rudeness in moments of frustration, responded harshly, "Shut up, Mary. I don't want to hear anyone."

Mary hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. "Should I leave, Your Highness?"

"Yes, go away," Eleanor ordered, gesturing impatiently.

As soon as the door closed behind Mary, Eleanor threw herself onto the bed, allowing the tears to flow freely. The anguish of her future tormented her. She did not want to marry Richard, whose reputation as a tyrant and libertine was widely known. Prince Richard, with his disrespectful and hedonistic behavior, was everything Eleanor despised in a man. Unlike her father, the kind and beloved King Patrick Turner, Richard seemed incapable of ruling with justice and compassion.

Eleanor knew that King Patrick was gravely ill, and Richard's imminent ascension to the throne of Rasburny only heightened her revulsion for the marriage. She could not imagine living alongside a man who did not respect her and who saw marriage merely as a means of political convenience.

Desperate, Eleanor locked herself in her room for hours, letting time pass unnoticed. She felt like a prisoner of her destiny, unable to find a way out.

Finally, she heard a soft knock on the door. It was her mother, Queen Dorothy, who entered silently and sat beside her daughter on the bed.

"Eleanor, dear, we need to talk," Dorothy said, her voice gentle and understanding.

Eleanor, her eyes still red from crying, looked at her mother and let out all her frustration.

"Mother, I can't do this. I won't accept this fate. I'd rather run away and start a new life somewhere else, where no one knows me."

Dorothy sighed, understanding her daughter's anguish. "Run away? Eleanor, would you have the courage to live alone, far from all of us, abandoning your people to their fate?"

"My happiness is above everything else," Eleanor replied firmly. "Justin Wilson, the Duke of Asburq, will help me, I'm sure of it. He is in love with me. I know I can find happiness far from here."

Dorothy held her daughter's hand, squeezing it lightly. "I understand your desire for freedom, Eleanor. But running away isn't the only solution. We need to find a way to resolve this without sacrificing your happiness or the well-being of the kingdom."

Eleanor looked at her mother with a mix of hope and doubt. "How, mother? How can we find a solution that satisfies everyone?"

Dorothy thought for a moment, her gaze becoming determined. "I don't know yet, dear. But we will think of something."

"I will not marry Richard, mother," Eleanor repeated, showing all her determination. "I will do anything, but I will not marry that grotesque and rude man."

"Prince Richard has not taken the throne yet," Dorothy tried to bring some calm to the situation. "We still have time. King Heitor will only formalize this agreement when Richard ascends to the throne because he is no fool. King Patrick does not accept any agreement with Heitor."

Given her mother's words, Eleanor agreed to wait for another solution, but her escape plans were already taking shape in her mind.

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