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Joicey Renn


Trapped in a living nightmare of her own making, Lena's world is consumed by darkness. With each step, the shadows close in, and the lines between reality and hellish delusion blur. Will she confront the evil that has taken hold of her, or will she succumb to its crushing embrace?


I felt woozy, the ceiling spinning above me or so I guessed if I had light to see it. Hurled into this dark dimension, once again being back to this death hole with no opening for air, no window for nice scenery revealing itself, I once again felt lost.

This dark Harlem filled with only the stench emanating from my body, it was the only air I breathed. Thirst consumed me as I started sweating feeling caged. "Aaahhhhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed, frantically looking for a way out. It had to be it, el demonio. It came for me again, did I get caught again?????

Am I locked up waiting to be devoured ?? I scratch the tiny steel door, with my dry pale fingers till they're numb. My nails crooked and yet not giving up. " get me out of here..... please!!!!!!" I screamed amidst tears. " get me out of here, somebody please help me!!!!!!!" I screamed again silently wishing for help, if there was anyone existing In This universe, they were my last hope.

I jerked awake, gasping for air " oh thank God it was just a dream" I whispered to myself, still breathing heavily.

* * * *

I stepped into Dr. Lee's cozy office, the scent of lavender and fresh coffee enveloping me like a warm hug. "Hey, Lena Grant," she said with a gentle smile, "how are you doing today?"

I sank into the plush couch, feeling the familiar comfort of our weekly sessions. "Honestly, Doc? I'm exhausted. I had the dream again last night."

Dr. Lee's expression turned sympathetic. "The same one?"

I nodded, running my hands through my tangled hair. "Fifth time this month. I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Tell me about it," she encouraged, her pen poised over her notebook.

I closed my eyes, letting the memories wash over me. "It's always the same. I'm locked up in some harlem, like it's some kind of maze that I can't seem to find a way out. I don't know what it is, but it's gaining on me. I can feel its breath on my neck, making my skin crawl. I try to scream, imagine a full maze cramped up in some tiny room, in there........ I feel lost, that eerie feeling that something bad is about to happen. And then...then I wake up, drenched in sweat, with this suffocating sense of dread lingering long after I open my eyes."

Dr. Lee scribbled some notes, her brow furrowed in concern. "Have you noticed any triggers or patterns leading up to these nightmares?"

I hesitated, unsure how to articulate the strange, unsettling feeling that had been building inside me. "It's just...I feel like something's watching me, even when I'm awake. Like, I'll be walking down the street, and suddenly I'll feel this presence behind me. But when I turn around, there's no one there."

Dr. Lee leaned forward, her eyes locked on mine. "Lena, we need to explore this further. Can you tell me more about what you mean by 'presence'?"

I took a deep breath, trying to put into words the eerie, unshakeable sensation that had taken up residence in my mind. "It's like...have you ever felt like you're being slowly consumed by darkness, but you can't see it? That's what it feels like. And I don't know how to make it stop."

Dr. Lee nodded thoughtfully, her expression empathetic. "I think we're making progress, Lena. This presence you feel, can you describe it to me? Is it a person, a thing, or just a feeling?" I hesitated, searching for the right words. "It's...it's like a shadow. A dark, living shadow that's always lurking just out of sight. But it's not just a feeling, Doc. I've seen it. Out of the corner of my eye, I've glimpsed something dark and twisted, watching me." Dr. Lee's eyes narrowed slightly. "And when did you first start noticing this...shadow?" I rubbed my temples, trying to ward off the growing headache. "It started a few weeks ago, around the same time the nightmares began. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but...I don't know, it feels so real." Dr. Lee leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers together. "Lena, I want to try something. I want you to keep a dream journal, and I want you to write down every detail you can remember about these nightmares and the presence you feel. Can you do that for me?" I nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, we could uncover the root of this darkness and banish it from my life. "Yeah, I can do that." Dr. Lee smiled, her eyes warm with encouragement. "Good. And Lena?" "Yeah?" "We'll get through this together. You're not alone in this fight."

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