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Fated to the Alpha

Fated to the Alpha



Luna never wanted to get involved with a pack, especially not Black Moon Pack's ruthless Alpha, Darius. But when she accidentally crosses into his territory, the pull between them is undeniable-they're mates. Darius is torn between his duty to marry Selene, the she-wolf chosen by the pack elders, and his growing feelings for Luna. Things take a wild turn when Luna is unknowingly fertilized with Darius' sperm during a hospital mix-up, sparking chaos in the pack. With a child tied to a dangerous prophecy, enemies lurking, and a bitter rivalry threatening their love, Darius and Luna must fight for their future and their pack. Will their bond be enough to survive the coming storm?

Chapter 1 The Rogue's Life

Luna moved silently through the dense forest, her senses alert to every sound and scent. The moon cast a silver glow on the landscape, providing just enough light to navigate without being seen. Her fur, a dark blend of midnight and shadow, helped her blend into the night. To the casual observer, she was just another shadow among many, but for those who knew what to look for, she was a lone rogue, living on the edge of werewolf society.

Her life was a solitary one, filled with routines of survival. Luna was skilled in the art of hunting, using her keen senses to track prey through the underbrush. Tonight, she was focused on a deer grazing in a small clearing. Her muscles tensed as she prepared to pounce, every step calculated to avoid detection. The deer was unaware of the predator closing in, its instincts not sharp enough to sense the danger lurking in the shadows.

She had run out of supplies and needed to get more, but to do that she had to enter a territory that she was forbidden to, being a rogue wolf she was not allowed into the Black moon pack's city but she had to as that was the only way she could get what she needed.

Luna's heart pounded as she slipped through the thick underbrush, her steps silent but quick. The wild was her refuge, a place where she felt safe from the dangers of wolf civilization. But today, she had to brave the heart of the city, a place where rogue wolves like her weren't welcome.

The wolf city was unlike anything she had seen before-a sprawling marketplace where wolves lived and worked. It was a world of its own, with houses built into the side of cliffs, streets lined with stalls selling everything from rare herbs to finely crafted jewelry. Despite its vibrancy, the city was a place of strict rules, where the presence of rogues was forbidden.

Luna had to be careful. Disguised in simple clothes and a wide-brimmed hat, she blended with the crowd. Her disguise was crucial; soldier wolves patrolled the area, always on the lookout for those who didn't belong. She had to get in, get what she needed, and get out without drawing attention.

She navigated through the market, her eyes darting around as she picked up the items on her list. The hustle and bustle of the city contrasted sharply with the quiet of the forest. Vendors called out their wares, and the air was filled with the smell of fresh bread and roasted meats. But Luna's focus was on her mission. Every item she collected was carefully chosen, ensuring she wouldn't have to return soon.

She approached a small stall selling herbs. The elderly woman at the stall looked up, her eyes sharp but wary. Luna handed over a few coins and took the bundle of herbs wrapped in brown paper. She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact. Her heart raced; the city was full of hidden dangers.

With her herbs secured, Luna headed for a café she knew was safe. It was a quiet spot where she could take a breather. She ordered a coffee and sat by the window, watching the street outside. Even here, she couldn't relax completely. There was always the chance that someone might recognize her or that trouble could find her.

As she sipped her coffee, her thoughts wandered. She remembered her old pack, the one she had left behind. Once, she had been part of a community, a place where she was supposed to belong. But that had all changed when betrayal and fighting tore her pack apart. Her family had died in the chaos, and Luna had fled to escape the violence. Since then, she had lived in the forest, away from the pack politics she had grown to despise.

Her moment of reflection was interrupted by a disturbance outside. A group of wolves in expensive suits walked past the café. They were unmistakably from the Black Moon Pack, the most powerful pack in the city. Luna's pulse quickened. She had heard of their leader, Darius, a wolf known for his strength and charisma. Though she had never met him, his reputation had a way of reaching even the most isolated corners of the world.

A sudden sense of unease washed over her, a feeling that something was off. She glanced around and spotted a group of soldier wolves patrolling the street. Their sharp eyes and tense demeanor made her nerves fray. Luna picked up her pace, her mind racing. She needed to leave before they spotted her.

Just as she was about to head for the exit, a commotion erupted nearby. A vendor had dropped a tray of fruits, causing a chaotic scramble among the shoppers. Luna used the distraction to slip into an alleyway, hoping to avoid the soldiers. She ducked behind a stack of crates, her breathing quick and shallow.

But luck wasn't on her side. As she tried to make her escape, she heard the telltale footsteps of soldiers drawing closer. Her heart raced. She had to move, and fast. Luna darted out of the alley, only to collide with someone.

The impact knocked her off balance, and she stumbled back. The person she had bumped into was tall and solid, his presence commanding and powerful. For a brief moment, their faces were close, and Luna caught a glimpse of striking features-dark, intense eyes and a strong jawline. His clothes were finely tailored, hinting at his high status.

Before she could react, Luna dropped something from her bag. It was a small, ornate locket, a keepsake from her mother. It clattered to the ground and rolled a short distance away. The man bent down to pick it up, his eyes widening as he examined the intricate design. The locket was clearly valuable, and in the world of wolves, such items were often associated with theft.

"Hey!" the man's voice was deep and authoritative, cutting through the noise of the market. "Where did you get this?"

Luna's eyes widened in panic. She grabbed for the locket, but the man pulled it away, his gaze narrowing with suspicion. "I-I didn't mean to drop it," she stammered. "It's mine."

The man's eyes remained fixed on the locket, his expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The soldier wolves were closing in, their footsteps growing louder. Luna felt a surge of desperation. She had to get out of there before things got worse.

"Wait here," the man said abruptly, his voice leaving no room for argument. He started to move toward the approaching soldiers, holding the locket in his hand.

Luna took advantage of his distraction. She turned and fled, her heart pounding as she ran through the winding streets. She didn't look back, knowing that even a moment's hesitation could cost her dearly. The city was a maze, and she had to rely on her instincts to find the quickest route back to the forest.

As she sprinted through the alleys, Luna's thoughts raced. Who was the man she had bumped into? His presence and the way he held the locket suggested that he was someone important, but she had no time to think about it. The soldier wolves were still pursuing her, and she had to stay one step ahead.

She burst out of an alley and onto a quieter street, the sounds of the market fading behind her. The soldiers' voices were now distant, but Luna didn't slow down. She had to reach the edge of the city and disappear into the forest before she was caught.

Finally, she reached the city limits, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The forest loomed ahead, its dark silhouette a welcome sight. Luna pushed through the trees, the familiar sounds of the wild comforting her. She slowed her pace, her senses alert for any signs of pursuit.

As she moved deeper into the forest, she couldn't shake the image of the tall man from her mind. The way he had looked at the locket, the authority in his voice-everything about him had made her uneasy. She had dropped something precious, and now it was in the hands of someone who might not understand its significance.

Luna glanced back at the city, its lights twinkling in the distance. She knew she had narrowly escaped capture, but the encounter with the man had left her worried as with him was something precious, a gift from her mother. The locket was a link to her past, a reminder of what she had lost. Now, it was in the hands of someone who might view it as something stolen.

The moon rose high in the sky, casting its silver light over the forest. Luna felt a mix of relief and anxiety. With a final look back at the city, Luna disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The night was still and quiet, but the sense of unease lingered.

Her journey was just beginning, and the road ahead was filled with uncertainty. The rogue's life was never simple, and Luna knew that the challenges she faced were only the beginning.

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