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Love , lies and fire

Love , lies and fire

Ivory smart


Aubrey ,watched as the man she'd come to love ,turned his back on her and threw her into the asylum. " You killed my child " you don't deserve to live" he said , his cold eyes rept the last bit of warmth in her heart. " I hate you Austin hunt.!" She yelled, her tears fell, her heart bleeding because she had loved this man for so long yet he believed the lies of other woman . " I regret it Justin" she smiled , shallow between her listless eyes . I regret I feel in love with you, if I had a chance I will choose to rewrite my story" ha! She laughed and fell into the depth of hell. And just then he realised he messed up . Can he win back her love ? Can she forgive him and can they get back together Read on to find out Story by Ivory smart Aka: white pheonix

Chapter 1 Prologue

He adjusted his suits and gradually glance down at me leaning against the wall for support. My eyes was swollen from crying and face red.

"am sorry miss Aubrey.... He said and furrowed his blue eyes coldly at me. "it shouldn't has happened ...I have a fiancee and it shouldn't have happened it was a mistake and I want the both of us to forget that this ever happened."

My eyes burrowed to him,my tears fell nonstop. "a mistake you say" I asked bemused and he ran his hands On his messy black hair. He was looking kinda stunned with my comeback.

Concurrently my thoughts is running wild as my tears.

"this is your compensation fee Aubrey it was a night stand though you didn't consented to it i....." he said after what seems like eternity silence and forced a check into my hand.

I widened my eyes in shock. Did he think I was a prostitute or. A gold digger?

"i am no gold digger Mr hunt nor am I a slut." I gritted out the words. reaching for the check I tore it into shreds.

"suits you them miss Aubrey" he said coldly in rage and walked out of room 404 and my life while I broke down.

He left but he left something behind ,my beginning of misery

Love,lies and fire.


Ivory smart

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