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Phebby Johnson


After her family's business went into shambles, losing her only parent to it, Olivia Bennett is left with only one mission: to save her only remaining family, her sister, whose life hangs by a thread. Desperate and out of options, she strikes a dangerous deal with her vengeful ex-lover to steal a priceless heirloom from his sworn enemy, Adrian Hawke, a pitiless billionaire. But when she's caught in the act by Adrian himself, she finds herself forced into a contract marriage with the very man she attempted to rob a man she barely knows. What happens when Olivia is entrapped between a man with whom her future lies in his hands and another who could destroy everything she's fighting for within the blink of an eye?


Dressed in a straight, black gown that hugged her curves, Olivia wore a mask that covered most of her face and strolled through the Hawke mansion hall, occupied by guests dressed in flashy costumes and various designs of masks. The properly lit hall was adorned with gold and lush velvet deco, and every detail of the interior screamed luxury.

After leaving Sebastian's office earlier that day, she had managed to secure herself an invitation card to the ball through some means, knowing fully well the card was the only ticket for her to gain entrance into such an event. Her grip tightened on her purse, and her heart raced as she was constantly reminded of the near-impossible task she had to accomplish tonight as Sebastian's cold words resounded in her head.

Her eyes scanned the room, and suddenly she sighted a tall figure near the bar, his presence unmistakable in the midst of some of the guests he was in a conversation with. He was the only person among them not wearing a mask, and her guesses were confirmed as soon as he turned around. It was indeed him-the man in the pictures she was shown that morning.

Adrian Hawke.

A shiver ran down Olivia's spine as their eyes briefly met across the room. His gaze was intense as if he could see right through her mask. She quickly looked away, her heart hammering in her chest, as she disappeared into the crowd.

Almost immediately, classical music began to play in the hall, and everyone began to pick themselves up in twos as they approached the dance floor. Olivia kept on walking away, not knowing exactly where she was headed. Seeing one of the catering staff with a tray of drinks, she stopped to take one for herself.

"Thank you," she mumbled to the staff before turning away, but just as she turned, she was met with the one person she didn't want to have an encounter with.

Adrian Hawke himself.

"Have we met before?" Adrian said to her, his face void of emotion.

"Uhm," Olivia said, clearing her throat. "Everyone has their first time, and maybe this is ours, don't you think?" She managed to say that, then sipped her wine as her heart raced.

"Hmm," he simply responded, slightly nodding his head.

"May I have this dance?" She blurted it out suddenly, much to his surprise. A server passed by them, and she dropped her cup on his tray.

Ladies have always admired him, even if he acts like he doesn't notice them. But none has ever taken the step to approach him first, especially not with a dance, unless he did first.

Although hesitant, the audacity of the lady before him alone made him want to know who she really was.

Without a word, he took her hand, and they headed to the dance floor amidst others. As they danced, she subtly tried to force out any information that might help her.

Adrian was charming, his words smooth and short, only speaking when he was asked a question, but she sensed a guardedness in him, a man used to keeping his affairs close. Still, she pressed on, avoiding any suspicions.

"You've organized such a beautiful event, I must admit. This might just be the most stunning ball I've attended since I returned from my travels," she tried to initiate another discussion with him as they danced.

A small smile tugged on the side of his lips. "What else is expected from the best? Isn't it the best?"

"This best must have come with a huge price," she muttered, looking up into his eyes, and their eyes remained glued to each other once more. He watched her closely, trying to figure out the new face behind the mask.

Adrian's gaze did not waver. "Everything does. It all comes down to whether you're willing to pay it." His voice was low, almost a whisper, and it sent a shiver through her.

"And what if I am?" She asked, her voice steady, trying her best to maintain the conversation, though the flutter of her heartbeat betrayed her nerves. She silently prayed he wouldn't notice.

Not sure the discussion was still about the event, Adrian raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips, and then replied. "Then you're a braver woman than most."

Olivia could feel the warmth of Adrian's hand on her back. His nearness to her was choking, as his touch sent electrifying tingles down her spine, but she did her best to not act like it.

"I've heard so much about your estate. Do you mind showing me around?"

He studied her for a moment, intrigued by her audacity once more, then simply nodded.

He led her out of the ballroom through the extravagant halls, past rooms filled with art and history, to the richly furnished study, until they reached the end of a corridor.

"You know, miss..."

"Lily. Lily Evans," she lied.

"Miss Evans, not many people get to see this part of the estate," he said softly.

Olivia glanced at the door, then back at him with a teasing smile. "Then I must be someone special."

"You've certainly made this evening more interesting," Adrian murmured, tone casual, while his gaze was piercing. "And you're full of surprises."

"Oh, please. You're full of charm yourself," she countered.

For a moment, their eyes became locked on each other's, the air thickening with tension.

Olivia, not knowing what to do next, leaned in without thinking, her lips brushing against his in a restrained kiss. It was soft at first, but the moment their lips touched, Adrian responded immediately by closing both eyes, his arms wrapping around her waist as he deepened the kiss.

The intensity grew with each passing second as Adrian's hands slid down her back, pulling her closer. He smoothly slipped his tongue in her mouth, and she responded with hers, becoming more demanding like they were both satisfying a need they had long desired.

Suddenly, Adrian broke this kiss, both of them breathing heavily. Their eyes locked in a heated gaze. He removed her mask slowly, making Olivia's heart race in fear, and let his left-hand cup her right cheek, his thumb caressing it gently.

"Let's continue this elsewhere," he said, his voice husky with desire.

Olivia nodded, not knowing what to say. He took her hand and let her out of the study. They moved quickly, almost like the moment would fade away if they weren't fast enough. He led her through a series of hallways until they reached a large, ornate door.

Adrian removed a card from his pocket and placed it on the door. The door made a beep sound, then opened immediately, revealing a lavish bedroom dominated by a king-sized bed draped in luxurious fabrics and dimly lit.

Almost immediately, the door closed behind them. Adrian pulled her closer for another kiss, this one more heated than the last. Olivia responded to it, her hands tangling in his hair as she pressed herself against him as he pulled her to him.

Adrian's lips trailed from her mouth to her jawline, then down to her neck, where he suddenly paused. His breath lingered there for a moment before pressing soft kisses against her neck.

Olivia could not help the low moan that escaped her lips as her hands found their way to his chest, her fingers curling into his shirt.

His mouth moved even lower, trailing kisses along her collarbone and further down to her cleavage. She moaned even louder this time, with his mouth on her body.

"Adrian," she whispered breathlessly. Whether it was for him to stop or continue, even she wasn't sure.

He pulled back a little at the whisper of his name, just enough to look at her, his eyes flickering with desire. "You want me to stop?"

Just when she opened her mouth to speak, a soft vibration cut through their intimate session.

A glint of annoyance could be seen in his eyes as he retrieved his phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen.

Letting out a sigh, he slid the phone back into his pocket and let go of her. "I've got to attend to something," he said. He then leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered, "But don't leave this room until I return. I won't be long, so stay here."

Olivia simply nodded. As he walked out, the warmth of his presence cleared, and Olivia returned to her right mind. Her chance was finally here to find anything that would satisfy Sebastian enough to help her. Her eyes glanced around the room, trying to figure out where to start her search.

Taking a deep breath, she sprang into action quickly and began her search, from the luxurious furnishings to personal items, opening each drawer after the other.

She moved swiftly, yet carefully, returning everything to its place so as not to leave any trace behind.

She opened the last drawer and found a small, flashy box in it, making her heart race. The box was locked, so she assumed it held something important in it, perhaps the ruby pendant.

"I'm certain this must be it," she muttered, fumbling with the lock, her hands trembling as she tried to force it open.

Suddenly, the door swung open.

Olivia's heart stopped. With the box still in her hands. She had no idea what to do, whether to throw the box down or just stand still. But she knew she had already been caught, so there was no point in throwing it.

Her heart pounded in her ears as she slowly turned around, dread gathering on her face as she saw the look in Adrian's eyes.

Adrian stood there, his eyelids lowering in a penetrating look as they settled on her and what was in her hand.

His gaze was no longer warm like what she had witnessed a few minutes ago as they made out, nor curious- it was cold, sharp, and filled with disgust.

"What do you think you're doing?" His voice, dangerously low, sent a chill down her spine.

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