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BJ Bridget Jones's Diary

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 8333    |    Released on: 03/11/2017

lories 700 (v.g.)4 p.m. Office. State of emergency. Jude just rang up from her portable phone in flood of tears, and eventually man?aged to explain, in a sheep's voice, that she had just had to

ng down into our coats. After all, there is nothing so unattractive to a man as strident feminism.'How dare he say you were getting too serious by asking to go on holiday with him?' yelled Sharon. 'What is he talking about?'Thinking moonily about Daniel Cleaver, I ventured that not all men are like Richard. At which point Sharon started on a long illustrative list of emotional fuckwittage in progress amongst our friends: one whose boyfriend of thirteen years refuses even to discuss living together; another who went out with a man four times who then chucked her because it was getting too serious; another who was pursued by a bloke for three months with impas?sioned proposals of marriage, only to find him ducking out three weeks after she succumbed and repeating the whole process with her best friend.'We women are only vulnerable because we are a pioneer generation daring to refuse to compromise in love and relying on our own economic power. In twenty years' time men won't even dare start with fuckwitt?age because we will just laugh in their faces,' bellowed Sharon.At this point Alex Walker, who works in Sharon's company, strolled in with a stunning blonde who was about eight times as attractive as him. He ambled over to us to say hi.'Is this your new girlfriend?' asked Sharon.'Well. Huh. You know, she thinks she is, but we're not going out, we're just sleeping together. I ought to stop it really, but, well . . .' he said, smugly.'Oh, th

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