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The Three Midshipmen

Chapter 10 SADIE PAGE

Word Count: 2616    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

he was to stay with her another week the look in his eyes brought the tears into hers. For the first time she dared to put her arms about him and hold him close, and

a bit of a celebration to-night. Father is dining out, so we'll have

say Jo Barton, but in

e that she will come, but I'll ask her. I'll write a

y that often Laura too almost forgot it. "I guess she'll come," he

home when the note reached

30. I shall be very glad if you will, for, aside from the pleasure of having you with u


a E.

n Elizabeth for some time, and did not know whether she was sick or well. She did not want to go to supper with Miss Laura and Jim. Jim was well enough-her face softened a l

indow and ran to open the door be

ashing a smile up into her sombre

o sure, Jim?" sh

n you want things hard they come-sometimes," Jim said,

ite at ease with her, taking it for granted that she liked to be there and was interested in what interested him; and although Olga was so silent and grave, there was a friendly light in her eyes when she look

, what abou

you thought Sadie had something to do wi

little cat-that Sadie. I'm sure she is determined tha

s so eager to come," Miss

he other toggery, and she likes to be with older girls. She's just set her heart on being a Camp Fire G

s we'd bette

ement and wrath. "I

aura n

ss like that!" the girl flung out angrily. "If you knew t

shows what she i

a girl like that i

nd gentle, "yes, I want any kind of

won't want her,

you think they cannot have

e fire, her black brows

Camp Fire for?" Lau

sed, a new thought da

useful, and lonely girls to find friends and social opportunities-it is for all these things, but for more-much more besides. It is to show selfish, narrow-minded girls-like that poor little Sadie-the beau

away full ten minutes before Laura spoke again

he has in the world-comin

as you do," Miss Laura said, "but I think y


npleasant one for you. It will call for a large

Laura's face, cried o

r to find health. But she still needs you, and she needs what the Camp Fire can give her. She cannot have either, it seems, unless we take Sadie too, and Sadie needs what the Camp Fire can give quite as mu

girls-this one of the three must not be hurried. But she studied the dark face, reading there some of the

te it, but

keen-sharp. If you hate her she will know

hing. It wouldn't be any use. I shall tell her plainly that I'll help her get into our Camp Fire on condition that she treats Elizabeth as she ought and get

a-glad for Elizabeth and for Sadie both," and in her h

he door which Sadie had slammed in her face, a

," she began with a flir

see you t

e it," Sadie fl

Olga persisted. "Can you

t curiosity got the better of suspicion after a minute and saying, "Well, wait till I ge

demanded as the two w

be a Camp Fire G

" Sadie return

be if y

Fire-the Bus


ou said I cou

f our girls has gone to Baltimore, so the

d sharpness had dropped out of her voice as she a


manded, the sharpnes

to put it to you straight, for if you join,

're just letting me in so's to get 'Liz

listen to me, Sadie. I wouldn't have let you join only, as you s

o?" Sadie dem

fool. I wonder if you've grit enough to listen to some very plain facts-things that you won't like to hear. Because you've g

ed. Finally Sadie said sulkily, "Yes, I'm game. Of cours

ing to do the best I can for you. Of course, if you come in, Elizabeth, too, must come to all the meetings; but I'll help you, Sadie, just as I hel

Fire dress and the bead headbands and

all t

leeful skip. "I know I can learn-

ded hastily, "But 'Lizabeth can lea

" Olga said. "She works so hard at home that s

rt to hold back the sharp words she plainly longed to fling out. She was silent a

extremely disagreeable without hal

die's face darkened, and her

ey're only habits-you can break yourself of them, and quick and bright as you are, you'll find that the girls-our Camp Fire Girls-will like you and take you

ort. Sadie's eyes saw the change in her face, and Sadie

younger girl, "Sadie, it just came to me that you and I are in the same

was going to tell you tha

e something to do in ourselves. Maybe we can help each other? What do you say? Sha

glower," Sadie retorted in impish g

Sadie's thin nervous fingers clasped it promptly. The child

ilver bracelet like Miss Laura's and a pin; and I'll have lovely embroi

n everything-appreciate it, create it, for yourself and for others." Sadie was seeking beauty, even though for her it meant as yet merely personal adornment, and she-Olga-deep down in her

will!" Sadie answ

to ask your mo

I want. We'll be there." And then, with a burst of generosity, she

l her I'll stop for her and you Sat

as clutching eagerly at Olga's sleeve. "Say-tell Miss Laura to be sure and have m

rget," Olga

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