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The Go Ahead Boys and Simon's Mine


Word Count: 1839    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

boys were preparing breakfast, they w

irst to discover the approach of the strangers. "Are t

earnestly at the men who could be seen coming down th

eorge who was instantly

ied Zeke after a

ppose they want

Zeke, his affection for the redmen being not very strong.

some breakfast,"

st," spoke up Zeke. "I said the breakfas

us to do," laughed Fred,

ttering bacon on sharpened sticks which they held in their right hands while with their

were the first to speak and to the surprise of the Go Ahead Boys they addressed them in excellent English

d the spokesman, who was a young In

any one else could respond to the req

least, and both Navajos, seating themselves upon a projec

ence rested over the camp. Zeke was particularly gruff in his

man said, "We have come to ask if two white

to know for?" as

been for inquiring the Navajo

en here but they have

cross his cheek that reached a


r man larger

t both his companions were as deeply

did t

n't invite them to come here and they di

know the

ed Zeke. "Was there anything sp

who plainly understood the question and the

en that you'll have

he river or did the

they were headed for th

ey have

e left them up yonder, but they

carried on a conversation in a low voice, a

suggested Zeke, "we might take it and tell t

ay nothing. Do you know whether they

not," sa

ason to think th

ou," responded Zeke gruffly. "As I said, the only

ther they started to

emanded Fr

n's G

ey were headed for Thorn

aid the Indian solemnly.

there about Thorn's Gulch that makes y

other conversation with him in still lower tones than before. Then abruptly rising, the Indian

," said Fred. "Wh

d approached the camp. Halting abruptly at the question, before either could speak Fred continued, "You tal

ing on his face as he spoke, "My name is Tho

ed Grant. "Where in the wo

e man's school they gave

re you in


rant, who was especially

sionaries to be educated. As I told you they gave me a wh

rned to speak such good E


helps you a good deal out here

the question, once more turned to his companion and after a brief conversation he again fa

spoke up Zeke, "that Thomas Jefferson and

the namesake of the great statesm

would like to know if t

for them," ret

you'll find them. Maybe you'll find them too befor

guide's suggestion for he stopped abrup

es have been buri


from wher

did he

I can'

he stake

e did? Did y

said the Indian. "He came to To

great old prospector. He kept it up all his life bu

ot stake


s at the boys who were greatly enjoying the conversation. He did not say any mor

dden from sight by one of the numerous projecting cliffs. Then the tension was somewh

ehow that those two men are looking for the c

the Navajos begin to look for the claim

party can draw his gun fi

s bad as that?" dema

ose white men, and when it comes to a Navajo-why you have

," answer Gran

about the Navajo squaw that some of the women up here,

boys together. "

squaw was wearing one of the dresses that the white women had given her, but they found out that when one dress had become so old and torn that the squaw couldn't wear it much longer she would j

story, Zeke,"

good enough

o good to be true

d Zeke sturdily. "I'm telling you what

f you really think those Indians are after those two white men and that something may

en to one that if you interfered with them in their little game you would have all four o' 'em turn against you.

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