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The Go Ahead Boys and Simon's Mine

Chapter 10 A RATTLER

Word Count: 1739    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

ts own experiences no less thrilling than the mishap which had befallen John. Z

ntly for rest, for their breathing was somewhat more difficult in the high altitude

of the great canyon. The Canyon of Arizona extends for hundreds of miles, becoming vast and wide in what is commonly known as th

elter of a small cleft in the rim where they were able to sta

oon before the journey was resumed. Although neither George nor Grant acknowledged that he

de, but soon afterward the boys once more were following Zeke as he led the way in the moonlight. The

hed for the night and soon after they had cast themsel

with some difficulty that both young prospectors responded. As soon, however, as breakfast had been prepared an

y, walking in single file and in the same wa

e suddenly jumped to one side shouting

ew his revolver and fired several shots at an object

As he spoke he seized his long knife and hurled it savagely. "How do you

by the strange calls and actions of their guide that in spite of

feet before them was a huge rattlesnake sti

skin was glossy and the dark folds had a certain beauty of their own. Both boys, however, were unaware of the colors of the great snake.

t the rattle

ch the thing," said

of the body to which the rattles were attached and held it up to view. It was still sq

id Grant, "but I think if you don't want the

Zeke, who now approached the sp

lied Grant. "I

when Grant held them up and shook them George was

d, turning to the guide, "d

s the rock. He's a big fellow. He must

m?" inquired George, shud

hey give you warning before they strik

. "I don't see why nature should have provided a snake with a me

said Zeke. "It can't

on certain animals. A canary bird sings and a rattler rattles. Per

ic!" snor

and prairie dogs are great friends," suggested

dog does most of the work any way you fix it. He's the one that digs the hole, then along c

would eat one anoth

"Now if you've had enough to satisfy you

ersisted Grant, "why

. They have to get a little purchase before they can do anything, then they do a good deal too

hat?" ask

h whisky all the time. That's the best antidote for the snake bite and th

ef time all three were moving

far in the distance, "Yonder is right near Thorn's Gulch,"

med George. "Why how


distant. The air was so clear that the place appeared to be much nearer than it really was and if they had b

now which we can t

them both, or either o

plained that they could go down into the canyon a short distance in advance o

John and Fred will come in

it will be better for us to go down the slo

the valley below, the boys prepared to follow the lower course and meet their

he descent was consequently hampered somewhat by the weight which rested upon their shoulders. Much of

ly dropped behind his companions until he wa

re the walking was increasingly difficult. The broken stone crumbled ben

steadily falling behind, George increased his pace, h

ly the broken stone gave way beneath his feet and in spite of his efforts Geor

ep as in certain other places, but the de

had slipped over the border. After that all his streng

ecame more insecure and suddenly as the ground benea

covering the ground he had lost. Rolling, slipping, sliding, th

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