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Burning Daylight

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 2548    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

erturbation at Burning Daylight striding into the room. The free, swinging movements of the trail-traveler were u

from one to another and gripping their hands so heartily that Nathaniel Letton could not forbear to wince. Daylight flung himself into a massive ch

ul. It was real slick. And the beauty of the play never dawned on me till the very end.

r all. Despite the act that he had effected an entrance in the face of Letton's instru

you-all got a good word for your pardner? Or has

wsett sat quietly and waited, while Leon

ainly raised C

k eyes flashed

"And didn't we fool'em! I was totally surpri

that blamed Twentieth Century." He tugged at his grip, got it open, and dipped into it with both his hands. "But don't forget, boys, when yo

e deposited in a heap on the big table, and dipping again, he fished out the stragglers and add

in' on my expenses. Of course that-all's taken from the winnings before we-all get to figu

. The man was a bigger fool than they had imagined, or

moistened his l

on it now. We-ah-as you say, it has been a gratifying clean-up. Suppose we have lunch together and talk it o

e room with this heavy-muscled, Indian-like man whom they had robbed. They remembered unpleasantly the many stories of his strength and recklessness. If Letton could

ing me in on this deal. I just do appreciate it without being able to express my feelings. But I am sure almighty curiou

appeal pass out from him. Dowsett, of sterner mould than the others, began to divine that the Klon

on Guggenhammer began. "You see, W

ssibly be made in advanc

oximate it," Daylight

e or the other. The figures'll straighten that up. But I'

coldly. "Let us have the explanation here and now. Mr. Harnish is labori

r unappreciative of the psychological factor, and he headed Dowsett of

tin-horns that sat in. But they was a tenderfoot-short-horns they-all are called out there. He stands behind the dealer and sees that same dealer g

'I seen the dealer de

hat of it?" s

you-all ought to know,' says the tenderfoot. 'I

d better get outa here. You-all don't unde

y was hollow and perfunctory, but

meaning, I suppose,"

tly and did not reply. He turn

one way or the other won't matter, it's bound to be such an almighty big winning." By this tim

re are no winnings to be divided with you. Now don't get

for a match, lighted it, and discovered that he had no cigarette. The three men watched him with the

" Daylight said. "Seems to me I ain't go

expectancy on Nathani

You have been stock gambling, and you have been hard hit. But neither

he heap of receipts a

ousand and forty-two dollars and sixty-eight cen

and shrugged

ed at Dowsett

ll right, and you-all dole them right, too. Well, I ain't kicking. I'm like the player in that poker game. It

on the table with a

nce. Oh, no, I ain't a-kicking. It was your deal, and you-all certainly done me, and a man ain't half a man that sque

is inside breast pocket, appeare

shed. Now it's MY deal, and I'm a-goi

, you whited sepulch

ing toward the push-button on

ther was a water hydrant and your mother a sprinkling-cart. You-all move your chair alongside, Guggenhammer; and you-all Dowsett, sit right there, while I ju

ces, and they sure copper your bets. Look at that there living skeleton. Letton, you're sure afraid to die. Your bones is all rattling together you're that scared. And look at that fat Jew there. This little weapon's sure put the fear of God in his heart. He's yellow as a sick persimmon. Dowsett, you're a cool one. You-all ain't batted an eye no

hanged," was D

it. You-all die here and now while I'll die subject to the law's delay-savvee? Being dead, with grass growing out of yo

ght p

ill us?" Letton asked

shook h

d sooner have my chips back. And I guess you-all'd s

ilence f

you-all a warning: if that door opens and any one of you cusses lets on there's anything unusual,

t was not an easy matter, on the spur of the moment, to raise ten millions in paper currency, and there were vexatious delays. A dozen times Mr. Howison and the head clerk were summoned into the room. On these occasions the pistol lay on Daylight's lap, covered carelessly by a newspaper, while he

bbed you of it. If it gets out how you gave me the double-cross and how I done you back again, the laugh'll be on you, and it'll sure be an almighty big laugh. You-all can't afford that laugh. Besides, having got back my stake that you-all robbed me of, if

avvee I mean business. Them stubs and rece

aniel Letton sprang for the telep

oing to do?" Do

robbery. I won't stand it. I

same time bore the slender finan

id; and in Leon Guggenhamme

ew York remained forever puzzled over the affair; nor could it hit upon a rational explanation. By all rights, Burning Daylight should have gone broke, yet it was known that he immediately reappeared in San Francisco possessing an apparently unimpaired capital. This w

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