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Adrift in the Unknown

Adrift in the Unknown



Word Count: 1899    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

is most amazing narrative from the pen of James P

bly received by the reviewers-"Forty Ways of Cracking Safes" and "The Sandbagger's Manual"-Mr. Munn developed small skill with the pen, so that the breathless int

e story was what newsp

he first edition



what happened to the strange steel structure know

ock and midnight. Patrolman Casey, who travels a beat in that part of Harlem, avers that he passed the c

ntry for a dozen blocks in all directions, he failed to find it. And what is more, Patrolman Casey

e professor's weird dwelling yesterday evening; its windows were aglow and it appeared evident that the profes

Or is it a plain case of larceny undertaken on a gigantic scale? A golden opportunity offers itself to

measured some twenty feet in diameter, tapering to a point thirty feet above ground

if the castle had been blown down and rolled from the ridge it stood on in

mes that. Nothing short of a cyclone could have budged it, and

into it, has been regarded as mildly insane. Like Abou-ben-Adhem, he des

d was laughed out of that honorable body for his inconsistencies. Although adverted to as "The Harlem Sage

? Until some Vidocq appears and solves t

ung man who stood sponsor for the "scoop" had meanwhile been very busy wi

resident of the railroad combine, was a guest of Professor Quinn last night,

ince been heard from. His relatives are distracted an

he traction interests of the entire country, and may prove a

city, the country, and the civilized world. Appalling as the informat

r discoveries, which were printed in the third

opham, the coal baron; J. Archibald Meigs, of Wall Street, late manipulator of the corner in wheat and now engineering a co

inance? They have gone with Quinn and his castle, disappearin

hem. Foul play was suspected, and the financial world stood aghast and dumbly wondered what was to happen to the business of the country

and drive his manufacturing engines, or travel from place to place and ship the product of his mills without paying tribute to Gilhooly, Popham, Meigs, and Markham. Should those schemes, titanic in conception, be worked out to their man

ave vanished as utterly as though they had been engulfed by a tidal wave and swept into the broad regions of the Atlantic. A few facts were brou

discovery or other which, he declared, would make coal a useless commodity so far as human needs were concerned. Popham, while laughing at Quinn's pretensions, was nevertheless secr

, the probing minds at work on the case developed the extraordinary fact that these men, no less than Popham, had visited Quinn at the latter's request. A spirit of scoffing investigation animated them, but they were prepared

sappearance of the millionaires with the comprehensive plans they were for

r, in Wall Street, were already shifting affairs to lay a course that would give them the best headway against the projected new o

e conjuring, and had been taught to look calmly into the eyes of what they had come to believe was the inevitable. If their annual outing to the seashore or the mountains cost too much, they could stay at home; if the butcher, the baker, and the grocer ran prices too high, some of the

t the influence of Gilhooly, Popham, Meigs, and Markham had been blotted out than they lifted their voices in praise of the blessed event. Thei

questration and that presently a ransom in seven or eight figures would be called for. However, a delving into Quinn's past failed to reveal any lawless actions that would poi

do with the disappearance? That was a positive reality. And, although it was surmi

ce department of New York City was called upon to deal. But the keenes

til this day, had it not been for the narrative of Jame

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