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Adrift in the Unknown


Word Count: 2114    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

proved as startling as I had anticip

cingly with the revolver and surveyed the plutocr

the sophistry to which I have already a

r Quinn's theory and witnessed its demonstration. I am but an humble philosopher, ye

u, sir?" de

e more direct if less extensive. My name is James Peter Munn; my specialty is robbery of the out

will aid me"-I indicated the amiable gentlemen with my revolver point-"I will take my departure quietly from the castle.

nd the usual sunny smile ret

inger, the kohinoor in his tie, and the wallet in the breast of his coat. It is my theory that one thief has the right to take

e above speech. The éclat with which I made

ne of mine I would give much to consign to the limbo of things un

y command. His hands trembled a little as he placed his belongings on the

n and watched proceedings with twinkling eyes. His mann

ried Gilhooly, in anger, his s

wered Quinn. "I am profoundly amused. It is al

e, gentlemen," and he turned to the other three. "Our folly in allowing ourselves to be lured to this place was stupendous. I make no do

cheme!" sna

y clever," p

t the plunder on the table. "But there will be a reckoning. Whe

took this talk. He continued to

ile, and I let myself in, just before you came, hoping to make a haul and get clear. You interrupted me, and I stowed myself away upstairs. From what

"how long have you been

ars now, sir

re hone

me to do but beg-and I'm above that. This came handiest, and I went into it. I like the business. Matching one's wits against the law keeps one constantly in the midst of alarms, so to speak, and I

man!" mutte

e is a thief who is actually proud of his prof

in horror. "I feel sorry for my

e verge of chaos!" added M

l this, for I e

ntlemen," said I. "Look to home, and you will pro

ed to take pleasure out

nnot. His loot comes from those who are able to lose it, while you are vampires, and sapping the very lifeblood of the nation. You are all criminally deluded, although, perhaps, doing what you conscientiously believe to be exactly right. Would to

a fool or a madm

ned zealot!" c

ferently," said Markham. "You preach a doc

terposed. "My situation is precarious

r at me, "I shall see you properly jailed f

ersons. One of you has called me a dangerous man. I am all of that, and desperate. Mr. Popham, you saw how Mr. Gilhooly carrie

, and I allowed my forefinger to flex

t he considers his importance; therefore, the esteem in which the

rty with the same readiness that had characterized his friend. Hann

bundles, strung them on the fingers of my left hand and

and let myself out, "he places as many obstacles in the path of the pursuing fo

phical silence; by the professor, with a g

of the poor, as I had discovered. And I had

," said

the professor. "Look

h a laugh. The laugh fade

oot falling through the door, and I only barely

a man but once in a lifetime. My brain sickened and chilled,

n accustomed to, but the ebony dark of Erebus-I saw a wild greenish star be

floor, my ears echoing with the professor's merriment and the st

up, rubbing fo

the open door, gloati

vities. You were plutocrats there, more powerful than kings! Here you are no more than shoulder high with me, and yon muddled thief on the floor! You have been snatched from the s

by the opposite wall and crept on all fours to the thr

by what he had seen, he leaped erect a

Would you become a satellite of this twenty-by-thirty planet? We are beyond the at

and my six-shooter were abreast of us, hanging in space, t

vent to a maniacal laugh, th

mbled, "bid to the limit! I mus

d putting the key in his pocket. "Take care of Gilhooly, man! His mind falters! Heavens, are you all mad? Are your keen minds, unsh

, advanced upon the professor. He tried to speak, but with

what have

m ranged themselves at his side; "much better. You were engaged in plots back there on the earth, and t

as risen from the e

you and I and the others happen

ouched downward, his eyes ablaze a

d launched himself at the pr

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