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Adrift in the Unknown


Word Count: 3300    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

the world owed him a living, and I went o

trong box and removes a few paltry bills or coins, and the nabob who

life, and that I escaped a suit of stripes and measurement on the Ber

be there. Quinn was a queer one. I do not mean to say that he was unhinged, as some thought, but he

rth a burglar's while? I reconnoitered the place for a week before I considered myself possessed of sufficient knowledge for my undertaking.

y feet in diameter through its largest part. It was divided into two stories

, and two gave light to the room above; these six openings

es riveted together-hinged heavily and provided with a strong lock. As I had yet to find a lo

essor's. Unless business kept him abroad I knew that he was usually in bed long befo

th the lock on the steel door. It yielded with much less resistance than I had

unlighted oil lamp stood in the centre of the floor. I had barely completed a has

om above. It is needless to say that I was very much put out because of the interruption. I w

fairly good view of the circular chamber below. The professor had b

tant bearing, followed the owner of the castle, and

is an odd place

eye was a four-carat spark in his scarf, a massive seal on his f

. Gilhooly, as I hope to show you before many minutes have passed. Be seated,

t the man who was scheming to make railroad travel too expensive for ordinary mortals. He was a mil

room below, my mind busied itself with details of a more

divan. After my eyes had finished with Gilhooly they turned on t

utted the part. Fine birds, indeed, and I hugged mysel

l a readjustment of values between them and myself, then ba

ock and had failed to discover that the bolt was already thrown; therefore

ghted, "and here we are. You say you have discovered something whose value to science and the industrial world is beyond compute,

d bead-like black eyes. "I thank you for coming here. Emmet Gilhooly, Augustus Popham, J. Archibald Meigs, and Hannibal Mar

the world of finance, fell glibly from the professor's tongue

smooth white hand. J. Archibald Meigs leaned over to whisper something to Hannibal Markham, who was

beady eyes and the bee in his bonnet. I chuckled grimly as I thought of how the tables would presently be turned. I d

which I am about to bring to your august attention. Perhaps some of y

that they had not. Professo

ing of my theory and the demonstration of it which I am about to give. Let me ask you this:

her. J. Archibald Meigs went so far as to t

which chains our feet to this planet and keeps us from falling through interstellar space; it is even that which keeps our little world fro

low him, and

s possible to insulate a body against the force of gravitation. In other words, to make it so immune from Newton

ew force in the industrial world-a power that feeds on nothing save a law that transc

eels of every railroad train on the globe! With its own inherent energy it can g

ot up hurriedly a

exclaimed. "I have no mind to rem

ousand and one places. The idea that human industry c

or, Professor Quinn was in f

e away your mines I should yet give you something in their pl

pham, as he again seated himself. "An ou

"and the ounce of proo

aling an iron chain some three feet in length, attached at its

igidly upright, its upper end wound about

thence to the cube, poising himself for a momen

teel, and has been treated with my insulating compound. To all appearance it is falling upward

muttered th

" exclaim

silent. They were bewil

entlemen, and lay hold of the chain. There is no danger in the little experime

ame forward, got down with some diffic

the professor, and drew

n with it. They hung in mid-air until Quinn drew the table under them

es of the quartet, their credulity strugg

erred Popham, brushing the damp fr

ortune as an entertain

d cigar, while Hannibal Markham kept his eyes on

to be classed among disciples in black art," observed Q

ailway pool consu

urteen," h

I was going,"

ents more," sai

ed it over as far as it would go. The castle vibrated slightly,

" cried Markh

my friends," cried Q

eyes gleamed like coals. Then, wonder of w

ti-gravity compound is not ver

m, I, Kenward Quinn, arraign you, and Emmet Gilhooly, and J. Archibald Meigs, and Hannibal Markham a

lutocrats as he called his name. Markham was already on hi

what's this?"

t!" mutte

untable for what he says or doe

l trap of his while there is

ould go hungry; you, Meigs, would so manipulate the cost of clothing that they would not have the wherewithal to cover their nakedness; Popham would make fuel a luxury of the

onfronted the four men and lashed t

ee!" excla

it was the height of folly for us

am, "to air your own particular ideas on socio

ed those plutocrats, and my nerves tingled with admiration. I was sorry I had come to the castle with designs o

but I love the plain people, the bone and sinew of this glorious republic, and it arouses my

es!" snee

ude is witless argument,"

ere for a debate but to witness a demonstration of what

her force in the world. The 'pull' of an insulated block the size of that one"-and here he waved his hand toward the cube-"is equal to the strength of a hundred horses. Develop that 'pull' horizontally

able thoughts; Meigs wore a startled look, and Markham seemed

suggested Markham. His half convictions appea

me opinion," s

harlatans work greater wonders than what you are pleased to call your 'demonstration.' But it is a business principle of mine to buy up these promising theories if they happen to run counter to any pet scheme

r Quinn

though to himself, "He would have me sell the welfare

id your discoveries will upset the transportation interests of the country, but simply to cle

en if it is all you claim for it, could affect me or my interests one way or the ot

fessor Quinn signs over to the four of us all his right, title and interest in his

parent at a glance that he had no intention of acceptin

housand dollars is no more to you than twenty cents is to me, it is not your habit to give your money away. I repeat th

hat you decline our o


e said. Come on, gentlemen," and

you please," requ

wn; and, if your so-called discoveries amount to anything

d me to forget my purpose. The plutocrats were about to leave the castle

revolver and ran hastil

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