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Betty Lee, Senior


Word Count: 1973    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ty Lee in the few weeks that lay before her in Maine. But she never could get satisfactory photographs of the old sea that stirred her so. Clouds and surf never did come out as they really l

ng of the sea, aside from the joking about

ites had come on by train and arrived before the Gwynne party. She invited them at once to a beach party, "by moonlight," said she

He may bring his chum with him. We don't know. If I weren't so busy, I'd tell you more about everybod

. "Why I invited her with

Peggy that if she still wanted to come East, she could. Peggy was in a great quandary, but crazy to come. I found it out through one of the girls; and so Peggy's dea

urprised. If you don't mind, Marcella, we'll have Peggy here. Anot

together, Caroly

you say,

other swim and a walk up the shore for some distance pretty well filled the day until it was best to "rest up" for the beach party, which began at eight o'clock. "It may be a little 'spuzzy,' girls," suggested Carolyn,

, "thin things? I thought at beach parties you wore

. Yours are all right, and take

rcella is going to spring u

n acknowledged. "That

erself, she thought, as she looked from the elevation and the shadows of the group of trees about the Gwynne house toward where

ved and hurried toward where they saw Marcella by the light of a fire already started on t

d Kathryn. "That's the o

. "And now don't faint or anyt

ecially as it was only the other day that she had seen him receive his high school diploma. Betty, usually very sweet abou

d a couple of cousins of his room-mate. Come over and meet them, or it would be more proper to bring them to you, wouldn't it? But they're with those girls. We didn't know anything about the other fellows' coming till Larry telegraphed us about me

met some boys by that name on

before, was lit up by the fire as he stooped. A crowd of girls and boys were around the fire and Betty, gr

did you?" grinned Arthur Penrose. "Neither did I; but

y hostess and you'll have to f

we'll have a picnic of some sort a

came a telegram from their cousin, Judd Penrose, and an invitation for Gwen from Marcella in another urgent teleg

at we hadn't the slightest idea of it when we met before! I did not even remember the name of Judd's room-mate! I was crazy to come wit

Betty. "And now Art can make me a sk

er. "He thinks you're just about the sw

"We like scen

sently he came quickly over to where she stood talking with one and another, and cordially took

ly replied Betty. "But they might be afrai

go, in a gloomy cave, by the light of one flickering candle

d Betty. "She thoug

Pirate of Penzance," but Judd Penrose joi

continuing in the "home town" university. Two of her visitors were girls from this school. Other girls and boys were from this summer colony. Peggy Pollard was the only girl of Marcia's high

l. Chet did not try to monopolize her. Everybody was "jolly" with everybody else and great plans were made for coming days. "Carpe diem," folks, said Judson Penrose, "or in other words, 'Gather ye roses while ye may'"-and his eyes were upon "de

tty's little experience with candle and mirror still remained unmentioned to the other girls. She sometimes wondered if Larry had ever spoke

long trips were planned. Inland they went by car and for water trips the boys secured a motor boat of moderate size which would accommodate all of Marcella's and Carolyn's visitors and the boys of t

rs with their classmate, Marcella, and the two younger girls, Peggy Pollard and Gwendoly

t to explore the coast, with its bays and inlets or to go out upon the bounding billows

gic occurrence which might have entirely spoiled the summer's

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