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Betty Lee, Senior


Word Count: 3874    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eep." Although the girls were on the beach more or less the next morning, not a sign did they see of any one from "Welcome Inn" or "Nobody At Home." Everybody mus

e rollers came in as usual. The surf was just as beautiful and she experienced the delights of cutting the waves as she and Carolyn swam out as far as they dared. But the ro

captain, Gwen said, stood at the Gwynne door, cap in hand. "Oh, come in, Larry," welcomed

"What!" said he teasingly, "is this the sewing circle

're past going for awhile. Besides, Gwen is showing us a new

ed Larry, "and I'll not mention wh

cried Gwen

to deliver an invitation from the crowd. Ted and Art are routing out some provisions

nd!" cr

gratitude, resigning her circle of embroidery with an a

I'm going down now to see that the tug's in shape and if you will be down at the dock in half an hour or so, it will give us time to do anything necessary an

tion, Larry," said Kathryn. "You forget that we a

s. "I'm glad you want to go, girls, and if you want to bring any fishing tackle of your own, we may

mes were quickly changed, for with Larry looking as he did, they must dress the part. Be

d it's big enough to go to sea in, though I'd hate to be ca

m, in littler boats than

orrance, Arthur and Archie Penrose. Judd Penrose had motored up to join Marcella and her friends, but as Ted told Betty privately, he and Larry "escaped." "You see, Betty, there's a gir

Ted. "Thanks for the compliment to us, Ted," she answered. "I'm gl

he boat approached them. And just as young appetites began to be ready for the good picnic supper, there in sight was the island of which Larry had spoken. The course had been changed after they were well away from the shore, toward the north first, then toward the coast again, as Larry executed a curve, as it were, to approach this island from the proper angle. Carefully he took t

ngland cook and had taken bodily a fresh veal loaf, but with her mother's permission. This bit of homemade cookery a

land a little and then take to the boat again. While this more or less important decision was being made, they were suddenly quite surprised by the arrival of a stranger, who came over a little rise of the roc

is fortunate for me that you came here for your picnic," said he. "I thought I heard voices! I

e had risen and was taking in the stranger a

did you lose your

r too hastily, Larry thought. "I'm not hurt very muc

irls, and then we'll be ready to go. You must be hungry, if you've been here with noth

re's nothing but rocks here! Let's go at once! Besides, if I can get some one to

s feet, but winking at Archie, as he turned. Afterwards he sa

ep Ted back. "Take me away at once!" he cried, and as if to prove his

fellow!" exc

ight away! He's all used up,

ffee, Carolyn. We'll get something hot inside of him. Larry, I'd suggest

His hat had fallen off and he reached for it himself, pulling it down over his forehead a

doughnut was the best thing for a starving man. "I can wait to eat more until you all come," suggested the

e you want to go." Larry was not to carry out that

rchie, who had said something Betty did not hear, said, "All right, Archie-you

eaking now in a low tone. "I'm suspicious of that chap," said Ted. "I think Larry is, too. Don't hurry too much and go down

when the man appeared, now put his paper in his pocket and to

"Didn't you hear Ted tell us no

ing," returned Arthur, "an

shortly, then Peggy. Kathryn and Betty were beginning to gather up the rest of the equipment, except the heavier articles, which they had been "ordered" to leave for the boys, when there came a hail and Chet came leaping over the rocks in the bac

he thermos bottle and the coffee to the boat,

left their baskets to run in the direction of the rocks. They had hoped to see something of this pretty island as it was. Through and over the rocks they speedily went

wly approaching and half carrying some one between them. "You'll be all r

own for a moment or

g at the reply! Betty and Kathryn were horrified; but all in a moment they saw who it was that was being carried as more than

a little worse than athletics, Betty, but h

ee and then tell him to see to it th

him once, and then not any too well-but she should have known the voice, though

this had happened. She turned back with Kathryn, but Chet in a gr

d hurried to the boat. There Larry and Archie had secured the "villain," who was angry and dangero

with my friends for him,

ne with him then? Yes, you'

really disabled as the man had said, and as they investigated they heard a low moan. Ramon could not call to them for the man had gagged him, presumably when he knew that the picnickers had landed there. There had evidently been a struggle against the gagging process, though Ramon had been securely tied before, he had given them to understand

The sunset colors were just as glorious as ever and the sky was mirrored upon the water. "Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile," she quoted to Larry, at the wheel, to his amusement. To him she related all the s

haps we'd better find out what Ramon wants first.

are righ

r Betty, drawn by his beckoning hand had joined him. "Don't yo

You like the water, too, don't you?

sea, though I'm no goldfish," and Larry laughed, looking

cried Betty. "I wish the gir

Hallowe'en, you know." Larry looked at Betty meaningly, and Betty smiled, but dropped her eyes before Larry's. Fortu

atching me, and it's

nty, Ramon said, theft, practical kidnapping and the cruel treatment that might have resulted in death. But Ramon was too exhausted to talk much. The man gave his name as Peter Melinoff,

n who had done so much to injure Ramon broke jail and fled. It was very likely that he had gotten word in some way to his friends, Ramon said. And worst of all, Ramon would

und them. He was trying to get me to sign a paper finally putting it out of our power to get the property that he has and that is ours. I must f

rself," said Betty, who was having

ill see that they get to your father for my mother. Now that I have all of you back of me I will not be afraid of being arrested for having 'stolen jewels,' as that fell

ions with the ring of rum-runners, and took charge of Ramon. That was how in one of the trucks he had been brought to the coast where he had at first thought that escape might be easy. He had made no objection to the proposed trip for that reason and was inveigled into the boat, where he found "Peter Melinoff" and had to endure his unholy joy and a species of torture while the man made

erview, "that any mother and sister I know would rather have

r their sakes-not to take such risks again. I have a little money sewed in my clothing. They did not find that. In fact, for some time I have been in the habit of always having somet

ities would now get after the ring. Ramon would not be alone in his search, after all;

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